"I…no. I don't want to, but I will if you want me to." He said, looking at her, his golden eyes careful and hesitant. "It's up to you. This is more dangerous for you than it is for me."
"I…no. I don't want to, but I will if you want me to." He said, looking at her, his golden eyes careful and hesitant. "It's up to you. This is more dangerous for you than it is for me."
Allie felt a rush of happiness that he didn’t want to leave, followed by a rush of anxiety. “I…I mean, you haven’t killed me yet,” she said with a shaky laugh. She bit her lip. A sudden thought came unbidden to her mind: kiss him. No, she would not do that right now. It was hard enough to make this decision without her stupid hormones getting in the way.
He gave a soft chuckle. "Yeah, that's… that's true." He agreed softly, looking at her. She's adorable…and it's so dangerous for me to stay…but…I want to. He sighed softly.
For several moments Allie stood there, thinking. “I don’t think—“ she stopped mid-sentence with a heaving cough, unexpectedly doubling over. She wasn’t sick…was she? She’d heard rumors of coughing fits like hers, but she was only coughing with no other symptoms so it was probably fine.
Logan's eyes widened, and he stepped forward, putting a hand on her back lightly. He too had heard of the coughing fits. "Are you alright?" He asked worriedly, looking at her.
“I’m…fine…” she responded between coughs, taking a deep breath when she finally finished. “Totally fine.” She smiled, but it was weak.
Logan frowned slightly, and nodded. "Alright." He said slowly, his hand still on her back.
Allie sighed, her already pale complexion practically white. She looked a bit drained from the coughing, but she would never actually admit that. “So…what were we talking about?”
Logan frowned. "Me and…if I should stay or go." he replied slowly. "Are you sure you're alright? You look a little pale…"
“I told you, I’m fine Logan,” she said, but it was herself she was really trying to convince. Being pale was a symptom…but the way people got the coughing sickness was a mystery and it hadn’t struck around here, so how could she have gotten it? But she didn’t have it. Right? Black spots swam in her vision. Shit! she thought.
"I don't believe you." he said bluntly. "Come on, we're going home and you're going to lay down." he started walking, gently tugging her along.
She pursed her lips. “I told you I’m fine,” she snapped, managing to be quite sassy for someone who looked like she was about to pass out. Her vision swam, and she tripped, falling to the ground gracelessly.
Logan sighed, and picked her up, starting to carry her. "Nope, you're not." he replied, walking towards the house quickly. "Now come on. You're going to bed."
“Logaaaan,” she complained, drawing his name out. But she didn’t protest anymore after that. She was too tired. What had happened to her? Minutes ago she had been completely fine and now she was so weak she could hardly walk.
Logan kept carrying her, shaking his head a little. "Are you sick?" he asked, looking down at her for a moment, then returning his attention to the path ahead.
“I…don’t know,” she mumbled. She put her arms around his neck with a sigh. “I wasn’t ten minutes ago.”
He nodded. "I know. I'm…a little worried." he replied slowly as he carried her into the house and up the stairs to her room.
“I don’t know what happened,” she admitted, her voice trembling. “I—I’ve heard rumors about similar things happening elsewhere…but that’s not what this is, right?”
"I…I don't know." he admitted, setting her down on her bed gently, frowning a little.
“But it’ll get better,” she added, almost to herself. In the stories she’d heard, people had ending up dying from what had begun as just a cough. Now that the aliens had invaded and most of the population was dead or in hiding, doctors were in short supply.
(I gtg to bed in like ten minutes)
Logan watched her worriedly. "I hope so." he replied, sitting down and tucking the blankets around her. "Do you know the locations of any doctors?"
“Not at the moment,” she replied. “I helped one out a while ago, though.” She had no idea where the doctor she knew currently was, though.
Logan nodded. "Alright. Do you have any idea what I can do to help you?" he asked, looking down at her worriedly.
“I don’t,” she sighed. “Unless you know how serious whatever just happened is or what causes it or how to fix it, by any chance?”
He frowned, and shook his head. "No, I don't." he replied softly, looking down at her worriedly.
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