forum Private rp with @Fenris-has-wolfish-tendencies
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Nick crawled on top of Jas under the sheets, "It's never to early in the morning for you," he kissed his lips holding Jas down tot he bed.

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He continued to kiss him moving the blanket back so they could breathe. His hands trailed down to Jass waist and under his shirt. "I won't go any farther then this okay?" Nick whispered then licked Jas's ear.


He moaned softly and arched his back in pleasure "lovely, beautiful creature, I trust you to know when too far is too far"

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"I'm glad you trust me because trust you just as much," Nick softly kissed Jas's neck moving up and down slowly while his hands were tracing lines on his stomach.


He happily sighed and freed one of his hands from Nick's grasp. He ran his hand through the others hair and along his back. He tilted his head so that Nick's could reach it easier

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Kissed his collar bone leaving a spot on his neck. He moved his head down to Jas's stomach and kissed him and down. "Hey Jas what time is it? I might have to go to work soon."

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"Because of the time, but I need to get dressed to make it there by 9:30. I am going to go take a shower and then get dressed and go," Nick got up and walked into the bathroom after giving Jas a kiss on the forehead.


Jas nodded and watched him leave before grabbing his bag and pulling out his laptop. He pulled up a few pages on missing persons and started taking notes

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Nick took a shower and put on some clothes that he could wear to work. “I’ll be leaving now, be safe okay? I don’t want you hurt or going missing by the time I get back okay?” he kissed him on the cheek and walk towards the door.


He smiled innocently "me? Getting into trouble? Never. Don't worry, anyone who kidnaps me will return me within an hour." He winked and waved "the same goes for you!" He called as he focused back on the computer

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"I got you, by love," Nick smiled and walked out the door closing it behind him. He stepped outside and walked to his job which wasn't that far. He immediately started to go to work once he got there.


Jas found a few more articles on the missing people's cases along with an eye witness testimony that was sent in a few days ago. He jotted down a few notes and grabbed his backpack. He went to the police station and showed the man up front his ID
"Detective Fare, what can i do for you?" the man asked
Jas has to hold down a laugh, surprised that the ID actually worked
"I was just wondering about the recent activity on the missing persons case?"

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“This is classified information but I guess I’ll give it to you because you are of higher status. We have narrowed it down to three people but it hasn’t been carried out yet. The director said there are more important things. You can talk to her, she’ll give you more information,” the man said.


He nodded his thanks and headed to the back of the station to talk with the director "exscuze me madame director? Detective fare," he held up his ID, "I just have a few questions about the suspected people responsible for the missing people's case."

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“Sure thing, we haven’t really been on the cases but here are all the files on it if you would like to look,” she placed a pile of files on her desk for him to take. “If you want to start the investigation again be my guest. Another case solved is another villain brought to justice. Good luck on your investigation.”


He nodded "thank you." Jas took the files and left the station, hoping to get home before they realized he wasn't a detective, or worse, that he used to be "phantom" before Nick, and before he chose the institute over some shady vigilante job

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Nick was on a 30 minutes brake from his job and was board so he called his beloved. Hey punched in Jas's number and waited.


Jas jumped t the sound of his phone going off. Glancing down at the caller ID he smiled in relief and answered "hey love, what's up?"

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"Nothing just have a 30 minute brake and wanted to hear your voice. Cheesy right? How's you detective work going?" he asked.


"it's not cheesy, it's cute. I found three possible suspects on that missing persons file, had to go down to the police station for them. Fun right? Anyways, I'm heading back to the apartment now to look them.over." he said, glancing around before heading up the stairs to their apartment

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“Hey Jas I just realized something. I haven’t changed personalities. I’m stable when I’m with you. Have you realized?” He asked with a smile on his face.


He blushed and smiled "I'm glad I keep you calm. You have the same effect on me it seems," in fact, when he first saw that Nick was calling, his heart rate went back to normal and the nervousness in his breath went away

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"'Do I now? That's so wonderful to hear. I'm glad I make you feel like that," Nick chuckled wearing a big grin on his face. He just can't stop smiling when he's with Jas. "I have a surprise for you when I get home. Don't go anywhere okay?"