forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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4 years later
Loki paced in his cell, his coat swishing around him as he turned. His magic bouncing off the walls in loud static waves. "You're wasting your time with me." He growled at the guards standing outside.


The guard didn’t answer, their hands tightening around their weapons as they stood stationed around his cell. The cell was a decent size, though it wasn’t terrible big, with only the necessarily furnishings inside.


Loki bared his teeth and slammed his arm against the glass wall. "I swear to you on my mother's name, I will get out of here. You and anyone else who dares stands in the way of me finding my wife will die." He promised, a malicious grin spreading over his features


“Chill Sparky,” One of the guards said gruffly, rolling his eyes and aiming his gun towards the prince before swinging it back to how it was before, “There’s no way you’re getting out of that cell, not unless you’re let out. Your brother is the only one who knows how to open the cell anyway.”


Loki went back to pacing "ah my dear brother, Changes a lot, doesn't he? One minute he's supportive and according, the next he throws you in a cell." He chuckled darkly and shrugged, his magic flaring as his temper rose.


The guard rolled his eyes, though it wasn’t directly visible to Loki. For the next few minutes everything was silent besides the crackle of static from his magic, the guards stiffening when they heard the sound of footsteps heading towards them. Thor appeared and barely glanced at his brother, hammer in hand and a slight flash of a guilty look crossing his face for having to imprison Loki once again. He was a threat though, and he couldn’t have his brother destroying anything more than he already had looking for his wife.


The static grew deafening until it sizzled out and remained a slight him. "Speak of the devil," Loki mused with a grin. "What brings you here? Come to say hello?"


“I came by to tell you that we still have no information on the location of Avalin actually,” He said, still not meeting his brothers eyes, “Figured you’d want to know.” Turning, he started talking with one of the guards in a hushed tone, twirling his hammer in his hand to keep himself busy.


Loki stood in the middle of his room and focused on one spot on the wall, hands clenched at his side. He tilted his head up, unleashing his magic across the room, scattering broken bits of furniture across the room. “You came all the way here to tell me you havnt found her? How conciderate. Come back when you’ve found her safe and in asgard.” He deadpanned, turning away from everyone and sitting in a corner of his room


“I came back to tell you that we’re still looking for her, even if that means we haven’t found her yet. At this point, I think she’s the only one that can make you stop killing or destroying.” He replied, looking towards his brother once he had finished talking to the guard. Stiffing, he turned to his cell and placed a hand one of the walls, “Spot is still doing good, and I promise I’ll tell you if we find her. Until then though, I have to keep you here brother so you don’t cause as much of a mess as you did a few months ago. It pains me to imprison you, you have to know that, I don’t want you to stay like this -in your destruction and anger fueled state.”


"only two things will get me to stop. He safely back in my arms or death." He muttered. "You know that." He glanced over his shoulder "Thank for taking care of Spot." He said, trying to put emotion into his words but failing


Thor nodded knowingly, “No problem, I think your dog is getting attached to me though. He follows me around with a wagging tail, I don’t know how well he’ll adjust when he goes back with you.” The destruction Loki causes was one of the only reasons he was in the cell. A few months prior, he had broke and caused several deaths along with multiple injuries, he couldn’t be trusted anymore after that. “I hate to tell you this brother..but if we don’t find her, I want to ask you to try to start going back to normal. Spending all of the rest of your life in prison is not what she would’ve wanted, especially if it was just because she is gone.”


Loki flinched at the words, we won't find her, she's gone. He stood slowly "don't talk as if she's truely gone. Please don't." He leaned against the wall near thor, magic still humming but for now dormant "if she truely is…gone. the send me to Valhala so I may be with her in the afterlife."


He sighed and went silent, choosing his next words carefully, “Loki…it’s been four years since she disappeared…I don’t want to give up hope…but it’s unlikely she’ll be found. We haven’t had any news on Thanos in a while.” Thor shook his head and fiddled with the handle of his hammer, “And I’m sorry brother, but I won’t purposely send you to the afterlife, live the rest of your life here first, when you pass away of natural causes then you can meet her if she’s truly gone. She’d want you to live a happy life here before meeting her.”


He sighed and shook his head, pressing himself agaitnst he glass "I can't live a happy life without her. I won't. And I would rather die than live a worthless life without her by my side." His magic flared once more as his temper rose "if you've stopped looking for her then let me out so I can continue," he pleaded "wouldnt you do the same for someone you loved? "


“We’re still looking for her, brother,” He said with a sigh, resting his head against the wall of the cell. The kingly demeanor was dropping and how tired and stressed he was showed, making him look like he had aged ten years with stress and worry lines, “And I can’t let you out, I’m truly sorry, you’re too much of a threat like this. And yes, I would do the same for someone I loved, which is why I’m still doing this, it’s your wife for goodness sake. Avalin was like a sister to me when we met officially and still is.” He shook his head and pushed away from the wall walking around for a moment before leaning against the glass again, “Brother, you could live a happy life without her physically by you, I know she’d never leave your side mentally and you could live an amazing life. Plus you’d have plenty of stories to entertain her with when you met her again.”


Loki laughed and shook his head "the thought of her alone is the only thing keeping me from destroying anything and everything in sight. You dont seem to grasp the fact that i need her. Not just mentally but physically and symbolically. I don’t want to wait to live out my life without her. I don’t to be anywhere thays not with her,”


Thor sighed and shook his head, “All I can tell you then is that we’re still looking for her.” He shook his head once again and looked at his brother, who had changed so much in the four years Avalin had been gone. “How about we make a deal? I can see how much you’re falling apart without her, so we’ll search for one more year. After that, I’m sorry, but if she comes back she’ll have to find a way to Asgard herself.


"or you can let me out of here so I can continue searching for her for as long as it takes to find her." Loki countered, clearly losing what little patience he had. "You may have lost faith In finding her but I will not. You'd let her fend for herself out in that world? Not that I do that have faith in her but she doesn't know how to live in that world without some guidance."


“You’re a threat brother,” He replied, pacing and waving the guards away in case things got worse, “I cannot let you out. I’m sorry, and I refuse to let you waste away the rest of your life running from planet to planet with no end causing destruction or death while you look for her. Avalin is strong, she could make it easily on earth without guidance.” Thor was nearing the end of his patience as well, flipping his hammer in his hand to keep himself from doing anything stupid.


"I'd rather live a life lnowing I've done everything in my power to find her then Rot in a cell waiting for her to come home doing nothing." He growled


Thor shook his head, resting against the wall of the cell, “I can’t trust you, if you crack again and do something terrible, I don’t want to watch you be taken away forever. I promise I’ll look for her for one more year, after that, I’m sorry brother, but I can’t keep it up. If she is alive, she’ll have to find her own way back to Asgard.”


"then you not only lost a sister in law, but a brother as well." He turned away from Thor and glanced at the remains of his room. "Would you have stopped if it were me?"


Going silent, he sighed and shook his head, “No, I wouldn’t. But you’re family, I have memories with you, good or bad, I’ve only known Avalin for as long as you two have been together. I’m obligated to look for you and protect you and I would even if it wasn’t something I had to do, but with Avalin it’s different. She’s definitely the best thing that has ever happened to you, but the risks it puts my men through looking for hear and listening for any information in her…the risk outweighs the reward, and I would rather spare the lives of soldiers than send them on a meaningless exploration.” Thor pushed himself away from the wall and started pacing again, hand tightening around his hammer, “I know it’s hard to come to term with the facts, but that’s what it is.”


Loki spun on his heal and got as close to the barrier as it would allow without it hurting him "I don't care how much paril it puts your men in. She's my family. The woman I want to spend the rest of my life with! The one I want to have children with! The one I want to have good memories with! She's the best thing that's happened to me ever. Yes we've mended out ways brother, but you will never see me in the same light, not after the countless times I've tried to kill you. The risk will never outweigh the reward because there is no reward high enough for her return. Not money and not a kingdom." His magic flared around him, needing an escape without anything to destroy. "You can do what you like with me, cage me like an animal, chain me up to die, deplete me of my power's until I'm as powerless as a midgardien, until I'm nothing but a husk, but you'll have to deal with the guilt. There's no worse of a punishment as that."