forum Angsty Gay Romance Anyone? (O/O)?
Started by @Toxic_Persephone group

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@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn gently grabbed Ollie’s sleeve. “I’m ok staying here, right? As soon as I get my money out of the bank I’ll leave and find my own place to live.”


Ollie didn't like the idea of Quinn leaving, but he knew if he stayed he's have to deal with his dad and he didn't want that so he nodded, "Y-Yeah. Y-You can stay for as long as you need."


Ollie rubbed at his eyes with the back of his hand, yawning softly, "I have no idea what you're talking about…" He mumbled, "Goodnight Quinn." He smiled sleepily before walking out the room.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn’s heart did backflips. “G-goodnight Ollie…” he replied softly, flopping onto his back when Ollie left the room. He screamed into his hands as quietly as he could. “D-Do I have a boyfriend now…?” He questioned the ceiling, his eyes wide and happy.


Ollie, though still sleepy and dazed, managed to giggle and process what was happening. If his dad found out he was dead but he didn't care, not right now. He wrapped himself in his blankets and fell asleep happy for the first time in nearly five years.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn didn’t sleep for a long time. But when he finally managed to drift off he was smiling and happier than he could have imagined.

That night he dreamed about his parents. About the abuse he had suffered. And about Ollie, his newest love interest. It was a confusing, horrid dream filled with screaming and hitting and hatred.


The dawn broke and the sun rose, streaming light into the second story of the building. Ollie felt better rested then he normally did with fewer nightmares then normal. He couldn't be bothered dressing properly since he wasn't going out till later so he pulled on a jumper that fell to his knees and some booty shorts which one couldn't see because of the jumper.

Luckily, Ollie's dad seemed to be already out doing who knows what and Ollie didn't care. He walked into the kitchen and started to make breakfast.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn yawned as the morning light hit his face. He groaned softly and pushed his face into the pillow, depressed this morning. He didn’t feel like getting up ever again.

That was, until he remembered Ollie. He lifted his head and looked around, yawning before he slipped from the room in fearful of the smaller male.

Once he found him in the kitchen he slipped his arms around him in a hug from behind. He didn’t speak, only buried his face in Ollie’s hair.


Ollie bit his lip, placing one hand on top of Quinn's while the other made the omelets he was cooking for the both of them. He rubbed his thumb over the back of his hand, leaning into the taller male and humming a soft tune. If only it was this relaxing every morning, that would be wonderful.

@Toxic_Persephone group

He found comfort in Ollie’s actions, sighing audibly. “What are you making…?” He asked softly, gently pulling away from Ollie, unsure of how to act around him. We’re they in a relationship? Or were they just going to try for a first date? He didn’t quite know how to act yet.


Ollie found himself pouting a little when Quinn pulled away, but he didn't protest or make a comment on it, "Omelets. I-I didn't know what you liked so I went with something basic. I-I hope it;s okay because if it's not I can make something else…" He rambled a little.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn smiled sweetly and leaned against his shoulder. “I love omelets, you did good.” He praised, his hand gently seeking out Ollie’s to hold. “Hey, uhm… Ollie? What are you comfortable with? And uhm… what do you want us to be?”


The questions caught Ollie a little off guard. He blinked, pouting in thought and interlacing their hands at the same time, "I-I mean… I'm comfortable with most things. I… I'm not good with anything too forceful o-or aggressive unless I-I say it's okay but other then that… a-and I want us to be… m-more then friends," He mumbled, blushing at the admission, "B-But I don't want to force you into anything so quickly."

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn pressed their heads together and closed his eyes. “I’m not aggressive or forceful… I promise you that. And I want to be more than friends too… c-can we d-date?” He asked, blushing a bright red.. “A-Are we boyfriends?” He asked softly, nervously.


Ollie smiled softly and leaned up a little to kiss the end of Quinn's nose, "I-If you wanna be boyfriends then I'm good with that." He replied quietly, smiling up at him before turning slightly, placing both the omelets on plates.

@Toxic_Persephone group

He blushed furiously. Was it really that easy? Ollie and him were dating? “I do want to be…” he kissed the side of Ollie’s head and hugged him once again.


Ollie giggled softly, blushing himself at the kiss, "Th-Then I guess it's settled, boyfriend," He grinned, dimples showing as he did so, "Breakfast is ready."

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn flushed and hid his face in the crook of Ollie’s neck. “Boyfriend… I love it.” He murmured, pulling away and smiling at Ollie. “It smells wonderful. You’re very good at cooking.” He purred.


Again, that tone sent shivers down his spine and made him blush madly, "Th-Thank-you. I-If I didn't learn years ago I would be even skinnier then I am now!"

@Toxic_Persephone group

He laughed softly and kissed the side of Ollie’s head. He was more confident now that he knew Ollie wanted to be his boyfriend. “Why don’t we work together to get an apartment?”


Ollie’s eyes widened and he turned around in Quinn’s arms, blushing madly, “Y-You want to g-get an apartment… w-with me?” He smiled shyly. Even though he wanted to, desperately, he just hoped it was what Quinn wanted wholly.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn nodded softly, cupping Ollie’s face and blushing. “I do. I can get you out and away from this bar.” He mumbled, bringing him close. “And I have no where else to go.”