Ollie giggled softly and nodded, "Y-Yeah, I am," Even though Quinn hadn't said 'I'm gay' it was still enough to make Ollie smile proudly up at him, "You might not be able to say the actual words, 'I'm gay' yet, but it's a step in the right direction," He nudged the taller male playfully, "I prefer guys too, girls are weird."
He laughed softly and nodded, nudging Ollie back. “Girls are too… annoying? I don’t know. I just don’t like them. They’re too clingy and weird.” He replied simply, looking a little confused at his own words. “I tried dating some but they just… didn’t work for me.” He leaned against Ollie unconsciously, giggling at himself. “I’ve never had a boyfriend so I can’t say much about it but I bet it’d be wonderful.”
Ollie shrugged, looking down at his lap and fiddling with his sleeves, "D-Depends on the guy." He mumbled. Clearly there was something deeper behind those words that he wasn't saying and didn't want to talk about but he put on a small smile, anyway, "And some guys are clingy too, by the way."
He tilted his head, curious but knowing better than to ask. “Aww man. Clingy guys are worse than clingy girls.” He said with a pout. But deep down Quinn worried that he was clingy.
Ollie giggled softly, "No way. Girls are way worse," He protested, "I-I can deal with guys being clingy but with girls…" His nose crinkled up in distaste, managing to somehow, look even cuter, "Nuh uh."
Quinn’s heart skipped a beat. He turned his face away and blushed a dark red. Ollie was so damn cute. “As a clingy guy I can assure you, no one likes clingy.” He joked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “But I do agree that guys are much cuter than girls.”
"I-I don't mind clingy," Ollie said quietly, "I-It's cute… a-and makes me feel loved and wanted." Two things he hadn't experienced in a while and two things he wanted to feel again. Not that he would admit that part out loud.
He blushed furiously, setting his forehead on Ollie’s shoulder. He didn’t know what to say to that. “I- uh… oh…” He squeaked out, biting his lip. “Would you… uhm… would you want to try? Me and you?”
Ollie's eyes widened a little and he looked down at Quinn, linking rapidly, "Y-You want to t-try u-us?" He asked in disbelief. He wasn't anything special. He wasn't tall or strong like Quinn, or even remotely as good looking as the other. He supposed his personality was okay but still…
He nodded softly, blushing in embarrassment. “It’s fine if- if you don’t want to! I know we just met and I’m rather boring and confused and new to this whole thing but I want to try… and you’re cute and charming and perfect.” He mumbled. “Even if it doesn’t work out it would still be good to try, right…?”
Ollie's eyes widened even further if that was possible. One, at how he'd described himself, two, because of how he'd described him and three, because he really did want to try, "Q-Quinn of course I want to try. A-And you're not boring… not in the slightest."
He blushed furiously and hid his face in his hands. “I-I don’t know what to say or do.” He whined, laughing softly.
Ollie giggled, nudging him gently, "You'll figure it out pretty boy, everyone does." He bit his lip and looked to the clock on the wall, noticing it was getting really late.
Quinn looked up at Ollie and smiled dorkily. “Pretty boy? You think I’m pretty?” He teased, only managing to make himself flustered again.
“Oh gosh sorry I’m just nervous. I haven’t been around a guy I had a crush on in a long time.
Ollie blushed even further, tucking his cheek against his shoulder to hide it a little, "You're pretty, hot as hell, handsome, whichever works best for you," He bit his lip to stifle yet another giggle, "I-It's fine to be nervous, it happens to everyone."
Ollie’s words brought a beaming smile to his face along with a heavy blush. He leaned against Ollie and sheepishly kissed his cheek. “I think you’re all the same things. You’re so handsome and attractive and cute.” Quinn stole a glance at the clock and his eyes widened. “You also need to go to bed.”
Ollie blushed so hard at the kiss you'd think someone had smeared bright red face paint all over his cheeks. Though he did whine softly when Quinn mentioned 'bed,' "But I wanna stay up and talk to youuu…" He pouted.
Quinn hummed happily, leaning more of his weight onto Ollie. “No, you’ve got to sleep. I don’t want your father getting upset with you.” He murmured, still smiling goofily. He felt so happy he could scream.
Ollie huffed and crossed his arms, pouting more and looking a little like an upset kid, "That's not fair… I'm basically eighteen so I should be able allowed to pull an all nighter…" He muttered, swinging his legs back and forth.
Quinn hesitated before wrapping his arms around Ollie and pulling him into his chest with a small laugh. “Well, I’m eighteen and I say you need to sleep.” He purred. Was this really happening?
Ollie snuggled into Quinn's chest, not before he stuck his tongue out at him, though. His voice sent shivers down his spin, good ones, though, that just made him want to give in and do whatever he said, "No fun…" He mumbled.
Quinn closed his eyes and set his head on top of Ollie’s. “What would you even talk about with me anyways?” He asked, curious as to why Ollie would want to talk with him all night.
Ollie hummed softly, "You… me… I want to get to know you better. Your likes, dislikes, passions…" He stifled a yawn, sleep clearly catching up to the small boy, "Just… anything…" He mumbled.
He laughed softly and shook his head. “We can do that tomorrow when we go out shopping, ok?” He promised, unsure of what to do with the sleepy boy in his arms.
Ollie nodded a little, "O-Okay." He whispered. He still had enough sense in him that Quinn probably didn't want him to fall asleep in his arms so he slowly stood, ready to go back to his own room.