@Toxic_Persephone group
I am bored.
I need angst
I need cliche angst XD
I am bored.
I need angst
I need cliche angst XD
I’d join but I already have a rp with you
Dude same here, don't wanna take your opportunity to meet other great rpers
Ooof I honestly wouldn’t mind
Damn, okay then…
Would you both like one?
I'm good with that, Apathetic?
Alright if Apathetic responds to this I’ll make another for them.
Cool cool, so… any plot ideas?
Not many in full honesty. I put this up at like midnight but I do know I want angst and action.
My fav um… okay… modern setting or no?
I’m gunna say modern. Unless you have a favorite setting to work with. I do like a good futuristic or fantasy type
I honestly don't mind what setting so since this is your rp you can choose :)
New to. I’m going to say modern then!
Sorry I can be a pain to work with
Mkay! don't worry me too
Is there a temp or we going in blind?
Let’s hop in blind for this one, sound alright?
Yea, sounds good!
Alrighty I’ll start I guess.
Quinn sulked down the street, his eyes downcast and heart heavy. He had nowhere to go and nowhere to stay. He waited three years to come out as gay to his family and was disowned, thrown out onto the street. That wasn’t what was supposed to happen. He was supposed to be accepted and loved. Isn’t that how all the other stories went? Why wasn’t his a perfect ending?
He was so caught up in his depressive state that he didn’t notice the low concrete divider in front of him. Next thing Quinn knew, he was face first on the ground, blood spurting from his clearly broken nose. “Dammit…” he mumbled under his breath, sitting up and watching the blood pool in his hand.
Ollie hated his dad with a passion which was strange because generally he wasn't a hateful person. But when you have to deal with an abusive father and general bullying, it didn't stack up well for the small boy. His dad owned a popular bar, one he was forced to work in most evenings and he despised the place. He wanted out. He wanted to go anywhere else.
He brought a bag of trash out the side door, throwing it into the large dumpster with as much strength as he could muster. The silence of the street made it easy for Ollie to hear someone fall. He turned towards where he heard the noise, "H-Hello?"
The voice nearly gave Quinn a heart attack. He blinked his wide eyes a few times, noticing the open door and the male standing in it. “Heblo…” he called back, his broken nose making his voice sound weird. “Do youb hab tissues?” He asked as he stood, wandering over to the door. He hoped not to scare this person with his semi-tall frame and bloody nose.
Ollie has to actually look up, cursing himself silently for being so short. His blue eyes widened a little at the state of the other, "Stars! How'd you… n-never mind, I think I have some tissues inside," He looked back into the bar then to him, "Want to come in? It'll be warmer.."
Quinn shifted nervously. His eyes scanned the alleyway. It was a quick decision on his part as he walked through the door, shivering at the warmth that hit his freezing skin.
In this new light, one could catch bruises and scratches along his arms and face. There were many more that ran up his back. All from his parents abuse as he ran out the door. “Tank youb.” He murmured, hugging himself.
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