forum Angsty Gay Romance Anyone? (O/O)?
Started by @Toxic_Persephone group

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Ollie’s features softened at the cuts and bruises, knowing he had many of his own on his own body, along with a load of scars pretty much everywhere. He manoeuvred though the sea of people, avoiding his dad as he led the other up to the second story of the building.

It wasn’t fancy, in fact it was pretty broken and run down. And once again Ollie felt ashamed of where he lived. He pushed those thoughts away and pushed pen the door to his room, knowing they’d get some peace and quiet.

@Toxic_Persephone group

He looked around, hiding his nose and bloody clothes from the many people in the bar. He bit his lip and looked to the ground, not daring to glance back up until they were safely in Ollie’s room. Well, he hoped safely. Who knows, maybe this ‘kind’ male was planning on killing him? It would put him out of his misery at least.

He shook that thought from his head and sat down on the floor, growing dizzy. “Towel?” He asked quietly, almost too afraid to speak more than one word at a time. “Don’t wanna ruin your floor.”


Ollie nodded, wordlessly walking out of the room to grab a towel and some supplies to help fix his nose up. He came back shortly, sitting down in front of him, “What’s your name?” He asked quietly, holding out the towel for him.

He had a good amount of knowledge on how to fix up wounds so he wasn’t too worried about them, he was more worried about how the other received them.

@Toxic_Persephone group

“Quinn” he murmured as he took the towel and placed it underneath the trail of blood spewing from his nose. “You’re not gunna kill me right?” His green eyes flickered across the other’s face.


Ollie immediately shook his head no, “No! No… I would never,” He reassured, “I-I just want to help.” His blue eyes flickered over Quinn, then to the medical bag at his side.

@Toxic_Persephone group

(Tru tru, thanks fam)

Quinn’s eyes immediately flickered down to his feet when he felt Ollie’s eyes upon him. “Thanks… Do you live here?” He asked, hugging himself.


Ollie sighed softly and nodded, "Sadly… yeah… my dad owns the bar downstairs," He explained, shrugging a shoulder, "Not that he does anything… I basically run the place…" he mumbled.

@Toxic_Persephone group

He lifted his face and bit his lip. “Is he bad?” He asked softly, drawing in on himself. “ he forces you to work though?”

Quinn’s nose had stopped bleeding, but he still felt a little dizzy. He looked up at the other male and blushed a little. He seemed to be opening up but something still kept him distant


Ollie chewed on his lower lip, "It's better then being on the street," He sighed a little, looking down at his lap, "He feeds me, let's me stay here… beatings could be worse I guess…"

@Toxic_Persephone group

“What’s your name?” He asked, dabbing at his face once the bleeding stopped. He groaned and felt around his nose, which was swelling rather fast. He closed his eyes and snapped it back into place. “Ow…”

Quinn held his face for a long time, cursing softly.


Ollie winced slightly when Quinn but his nose back, brows creasing in worry for a moment. Once he’d calmed down just a little, he answered, “Oliver… but I go by Ollie.” He explained quietly.

@Toxic_Persephone group

“Ollie? It’s nice to come across you…” the tall male blushed lightly when he got a good full look at the one in front of him. He was cute. Damn him and his gayness.

He shoved his feelings deep down, fearing the consequences of showing even just a little bit of the fact that he was into guys. After all, it had gotten him beat and kicked out on the streets. “I don’t want to be in your way any longer, Thank you for warming me up.”


Ollie was small and thin, an oversized jumper covering most of his body. His blue eyes stood out against his pale, freckled skin and blonde hair. His cheeks were slightly red from running around the bar and completing his jobs.

“It’s nice to meet you, too,” He replied, offering a small smile, “You’re not in my way, don’t worry. Do you… do you have a place to stay for the night?”

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn felt strange with his auburn hair and piercing green eyes. He was tall and rough, wearing a gray hoodie that fit him just right and tattered skinny jeans that showed off more bruises along his legs. He wasn’t as pale as Ollie, but he still looked sickly.

He shook his head at Ollie’s words and rubbed at his bruised face. “I-I really don’t want to intrude…”


“You’re not, I promise, Quinn,” Ollie reassured. It had honestly been a while since had talked someone of similar age to him that didn’t want to beat him up, “I have a spare room you can take, dads drunk so he won’t care.” He shrugged a shoulder.

@Toxic_Persephone group

He hugged his knees to his chest and winced, nodding softly. “Th-Thank you… I’ll be gone before anyone notices…” he promised, staring at the floor. Words filled his head, and they weren’t good ones either….

Disappointment, failure, bastard, disgusting, awful, horrid, unholy, unwanted, disaster, shameful, weak, unmanly….

They swirled around, bringing his mood down.


Ollie knew that look, he wore it himself when no one was really around to see, “Hey… you’ll be okay,” He said softly, trying to at least reassure him a little, “Come on, you should rest.” He grabbed the bag and placed it on an old wooden cabinet, avoiding looking himself in the mirror.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn glanced at Ollie and frowned. “Can I help you in any way?” He asked softly, standing and wincing slightly. He walked over to Ollie and blushed once again, unable to contain his crush on the male.

“I have a weird question for you… are you… do you…” he sighed and shook his head. “Never mind forget I said anything.”


Ollie looked up and over his shoulder at Quinn, pouting just a little in confusion, “Di I… what?” He asked, tilting his head to the side and making him look a lot like a confused puppy.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn shook from head to his toes before blurring a: “Whats your opinion on gays?!” He asked quickly, blushing and looking extremely nervous, preparing himself for the hits and the words to start flying at him. They never came.


Ollie blinked once, then let out a soft giggle, blushing himself, "Considering I'm gay myself I think they're pretty cool." He replied, giggling again. He turned around to face Quinn properly, biting his lip.


Ollie looked him over and frowned, "I take it it didn't go well, then?" He asked quietly. He felt so bad. He;d gone through the same experience but at least he hadn't been kicked out…

@Toxic_Persephone group

He shook his head. “It went horribly…” he said softly, wincing as he lifted his head to study the pretty male in front of him. “You didn’t get kicked out?” He asked softly, knowing the answer already. He just wanted to have at least a little bit of hope in him. Hope that it wasn’t just him who was broken and awful.