forum Angsty Gay Romance Anyone? (O/O)?
Started by @Toxic_Persephone group

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Ollie shook his head, fiddling with the sleeves on his sweater, "N-No… but if I don't carry my weight in the bar then I will be…" He said quietly, rubbing his face with one hand. his sleeve rolled down just a little, showing just the top of the scars on his wrist.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn grew a little more confident and gently took Ollie’s wrist, studying the scars. “Did you do this?” He asked carefully, slowly, his eyes worried. He didn’t know why he cared so much. Maybe it was because Ollie had taken him in, or maybe it was because they shared sexuality’s?


Ollie's eyes widened a little and he looked down in shame and embarrassment. He should have been more careful, "I-I…" He swallowed, "Y-Yeah…" He whispered.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn gently pulled Ollie into an awkward hug. “Don’t hurt yourself, alright? It’s not healthy. It won’t help in the long run.” He mumbled, pulling away and curling in on himself as of afraid Ollie would hit him.


Ollie simply shrugged a shoulder, balling his hands up in his sweater, "I-I know. But it helps in the present." He sighed softly. He looked towards the door, the muffled sounds from the bar slowly drifting up and into the room.


Ollie looked back with a small smile, "It's okay, you need rest, I can tell," He inclined his head for Quinn to follow as he walked out of his room and down the hall. He pushed open a door, the spare room. It was honestly the neatest, cleanest room of the entire house.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn followed willingly, hugging himself. He was still cold despite the warmth the room and building provided. He wasn’t allowed to grab anything of his as he was kicked out. He didn’t even grab a jacket and was missing his left shoe. “Thank you Ollie.”


Ollie smiled softly up at him, "Anytime. If you need anything you know where my room is and if I'm not there then I'll be downstairs in the bar." He said, walking over to the nearby wardrobe, standing on his toes to reach some extra blankets.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn’s eyes followed him across the room. Ollie had a good form. Not now Gay… stay down. He bit his lip hard enough to draw blood, taking off his one shoe and setting it by the bed.


Ollie stumbled a little when he lowered himself but recovered quickly, blushing slightly from embarrassment. He brought them over to the bed and set them down, "Hey um… t-tomorrow would you want to come into town with me? I-I need to get a few things and it looks like you do, to."

@Toxic_Persephone group

He blushed a light pink and nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. “That would be wonderful.” He took his card from his pocket and sighed. “I hope this still works….”


Ollie bit his lower lip, "I-If it doesn't I can pay," He shrugged a shoulder, "I-I've been saving so I have money to spare." Well, he had a little, most was going towards getting an apartment and moving but he didn't care who or what else it went to if it meant someone else was benefiting.

@Toxic_Persephone group

He shook his head. “No, I won’t make you pay. I should have quite a bit of money left. I’ll take it all out and start a new account if this works.” He said softly. If not, he could always report his parents for fraud and abuse. He still loved them very much but he just couldn’t get over how they had betrayed him.


Ollie nodded a little, "Okay. But still, the offer still stands if not," There was a shout and a crash from downstairs and Ollie winced, worry creasing his features, "I need to see what that was. Gimme a few."

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn nodded ever so softly, watching the shorter male walk off. He took the blankets and wrapped them around himself, moving around the room to explore. The place was cozy and warm, not much unlike Quinn’s old room.

He mourned for his items, for all of the things he loved being tossed out just like him. He hugged himself under the blanket and sat down, pulling his knees into his chest.

“I don’t understand dad… I thought you loved me… you too mom…? Why?” He questioned the voices in his head as they screamed at him. Hot tears began to run down his face. “Why…?”


Luckily at this point, Ollie's dad had closed the bar. The patrons were gone and it was just Ollie and him his dad. His dad and dropped multiple glasses on the floor, screaming for Ollie to clean them up and be quick doing it. The shouting was something Ollie was used to, and so were the homophobic and harsh insults that were thrown his way, too.

In the fifteen minutes it took for Ollie to clean up the insults were none stop and could easily be heard from upstairs. He was pushed once, causing him to land in the glass and cut his hands but he didn't care. His dad headed upstairs and went straight to his room, slamming the door. Ollie came up not long after him.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn buried his head in his arms, curling up in a ball and whimpering. The phrases were all too familiar and he didn’t want to hear them. He didn’t want to hear any of it.

He barely heard Ollie returning up the stairs, too busy locked up in his ball of despair and terror to really pay attention to anything else.


Ollie had a towel between his hands, soaking up the blood that was coming from them. He sighed a little, used to the injuries and insults but that didn't mean he was still deeply hurt by them, especially because it was his dad.

He slowly pushed open the door to check on Quinn, worried, "Q-Quinn?" He sat on the end of the bed.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn didn’t respond, still curled up in on himself and squeezing his eyes shut. He shook his head, rocking himself back and forth.

It took him a long time to realize someone else was in the room with him. At first he flinched, thinking it to be some apparition of his father, but relaxed as he was met with the gentle expression of Ollie.

Slowly he unrolled himself, looking at the other male’s face with trembling bones. “Ollie…?”


Ollie's features softened slightly, "Hey, yeah it's me," He didn't move closer, knowing the other was afraid and scared and he didn't want to make it worse, "You okay? D-Do you need a hug or…?"

@Toxic_Persephone group

He stared blankly at the other for a long time. He almost scared himself when he nearly barreled into Ollie, hugging him tightly. “How do you go about your day listening to that all the time?! I can’t even function properly when I hear those words. I can’t do it… I just… I break every time.” He poured his emotions out, tears cascading down his face.


Ollie was a little surprised at the sudden hug but quickly hugged Quinn back, ignoring the throbbing and stinging in his hands, "I-I know it sounds bad but I'm used to it. It's been this way since I came out and that was… I-I can't even remember… I-It still hurts, a lot a-and if he knows how much i-it'll be even worse…"

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn’s grip tightened around the other. He rocked them both, touch-starved and needing someone to care. “He will never find out. Don’t let him.” He murmured into his ear, slowly letting the other go when his own mood picked up a little. He wiped his face, embarrassed by the tears. “Sorry… I’m a wreck.”


Ollie shook his head just a little, grabbing the cloth and placing it on his hands again when they started bleeding once more, "No need to apologise, crying is normal." He reassured, offering a small, genuine smile.