@Toxic_Persephone group
Quinn let his cheek rest against Ollie’s head, closing his eyes as he did so. He hummed a happy little tune, glad to feel loved and adored by such a cute, amazing boy. “Ollie? Can we stay with each other?”
Quinn let his cheek rest against Ollie’s head, closing his eyes as he did so. He hummed a happy little tune, glad to feel loved and adored by such a cute, amazing boy. “Ollie? Can we stay with each other?”
Ollie traced patterns on Quinn's arm, shoulder and chest lightly, humming softly before he answered, "Like… physically? I-I mean would be quite impossible unless we're stitched together," He giggled, "But if you means as boyfriends… I'd love to s-stay with you. So… which way did you mean or did I-I miss the mark completely?"
He laughed softly and kissed Ollie’s cheek. “As boyfriends. I want you to stay with me for as long as you can stand me.” He chuckled and brought Ollie more into his chest.
Ollie giggled, wrapping his arms around Quinn's neck as snuggled into him. His smaller frame easily fitting into his bigger one, "I-I don't think I could ever leave you now I a-actually have you…" He mumbled.
Quinn beamed, resting his forehead on Ollie’s shoulder. “Good, because I don’t think I can either.” He chuckled, kissing the spot his lips met skin. “Why don’t we go and get you changed so we can go to the bank?”
Ollie nodded a little, "Probably a good idea." Even though he didn't want to get up and out of Quinn's embrace, he reluctantly started to pull away.
Quinn pulled him in for a sudden kiss on the lips, blushing as he pulled away and allowed Ollie to leave. “Yeah… l-lets go.”
Ollie blinked once, blushing deeply. He returned Quinn's kiss with a soft one of his own before he stood, smiling and giggling as he walked to his room, swaying his hips a little.
Quinn watched him leave with a smile and a blush. Ollie was such a tease even if he didn’t mean to be. The sway of his hips caught Quinn off guard. He didn’t even know he liked it when guys swayed their hips. It was attractive. He blushed and hid his face, standing to make his way to his own room and sliding on the one shoe he had. He didn’t know if the other one was still inside his house or if it was kicked off somewhere around town.
Ollie hummed softly. Normally it would take him a whole five minutes to get ready as he didn't care what other people thought of how he dressed but now… now a part of him panted to dress well for Quinn. Eventually he just decided on some black skinny jeans that complimented his figure well and a cropped, black and yellow hoodie. He pulled his sneakers on and quickly sprayed some deodorant and such before deciding he was good to go.
Quinn sighed at his missing shoe, deciding one was good enough for now. He made his way back to the kitchen, bumping into Ollie on his way there. He glanced over his form and blushed. “You look really good…” he murmured, running his fingers through his hair.
Ollie giggled softly, blushing himself and lightly kissing him, having to stand on his toes to do so, "Thank-you. Need me to find you a pair of shoes you could borrow for the time being?" He asked, already heading towards his dads room to do so, not even realising he was still moving his hips.
Quinn smiled as he let his fingers brush against Ollie’s skin. “I’d love a pair to borrow.” He murmured, following Ollie and blushing a bright red at the sway of his hips once again.
Ollie hummed softly and nodded a response. He walked into his dads room, nose crinkling up as the small of body odor and alcohol hit him. He quickly headed to the closet, bending over and rummaging around for a pair of shoes.
Quinn waited in the doorway, afraid to intrude into the space. He bit his lip as he waited patiently, shifting so he could remove his shoe. He felt relieved that he didn’t have to go out with only one shoe. He didn’t want to look like an idiot.
Ollie quickly found a suitable pair. He walked back over to Quinn, kissing his cheek and handing him the shoes, “Here you are.”
Quinn took them gratefully, his eyes shining as he kissed Ollie’s cheek back. He hummed happily and slipped the shoes on. They were a little bit but they would work. “Thank you…”
Ollie blushed lightly, "N-No problem." He replied quietly. He grabbed his keys and phone, making sure everything was off and they wouldn't come back to a fire of any sorts.
Quinn stretches out his sore body, hurting all over from yesterday’s abuse. He sighed softly and leaned against Ollie as they they left.
Ollie leaning into Quinn's side, sighing softly, He locked the door to the apartment and led them down the stairs, out onto the street.
He smiled as the sun hit his face, looking down at Ollie and humming softly. “Thank you for coming with me.” He purred, kissing Ollie’s nose.
Ollie blushed, nose crinkling up a little at the kiss, "I-It's okay," He replied, looking up at Quinn through his lashes, "No need to thank me."
He beamed and giggled, pulling the smaller male into his side. He couldn’t help himself, Ollie was adorable. “But I want to.” He purred, leaning down to kiss his nose.
Again at the kiss, his nose crinkled up, those tingles going down his spine once more, "B-But um…" He lost his train of thought and blinked a few times.
“I love it when you do that. I’m going to kiss your nose more often.” He said with a giggle, leading Ollie to an ATM he knew well. He let go of Ollie’s hand and sighed when he saw the account still had everything in it. “Oh good…” he murmured, pulling as much as he could out. He pulled his phone from his pocket and popped the case off, sliding as many of the bills as he could in there. He had a good amount of money saved up from birthdays, special events, and side jobs he picked up every now and then.
“Ok we can go now. Lead the way, cutie.” He murmured quietly, almost as if afraid someone would over hear. Quinn looped their fingers together, standing a little farther apart as he looked around. It was obvious he was afraid he’d get judged again for being who he was.
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