Ollie sighed softly, “Quinn, it’s about what you like, not me.”
Ollie sighed softly, “Quinn, it’s about what you like, not me.”
Quinn stuck his tongue out. “I do like it! I just wanna make sure I look good to you so I can She them off.”
Ollie day down on one of the benches, knowing he wasn’t going to win, “Okay… if you say so.”
He beamed and hurried back in to change once more. Ollie got a whole fashion show from Quinn, who showed him every single item of clothing with a smile and a giggle.
Ollie didn't know how much fun he could actually have. He was constantly blushing and giggling and giving his opinions on the clothes, enjoying the time he was spending with Quinn.
Quinn greatly enjoyed the reactions hegot from his love. It was extremely comforting to have someone support him, to have someone love him after everything that had happened to him.
Once he had finished he offered his hand to Ollie and beamed in a joy unmatched by any other past experience of his. “I like you Ollie. You’ve given me such confidence.”
Ollie rolled his eyes a little but giggled and smiled, slipping his smaller hand into Quinn's, "You're always had that confidence, you're just finally comfortable enough to show it."
He smiled and chuckled. “I guess that’s true too…” he murmured, smiling sweetly and kissing his cheek. “Thank you Ollie.”
He blushed and smiled, giving his hand a squeeze, "You're welcome, Quinn." He sighed softly, "Come on, we need to keep moving."
Quinn blushed lightly and nodded, smiling happily as he brought Ollie closer and stepped forwards.
Ollie pushes the cart with all the chosen clothes and items towards the front of the store, leaning against Quinn.
Quinn kissed his cheek, feeling a little more comfortable but still looking like he was terrified. His head turned this way and that, eyes flickering to random people, almost daring them to say something.
Ollie chewed his low lip, looking down at the cart. They made it to the self checkout and started scanning the items, humming quietly to himself.
Ollie seemed to tense up as they waited, watching the items ring up as he pulled out his cash.
(Hey, sorry I disappeared for a moment, went though a bad break up…)
He started packing the bags while he waited for Quinn to pay, chewing on his lower lip. There were quiet a few items and knew some of them were pretty heavy.
(Oh no! Are you doing ok?)
He paid for it all quickly, giving the cashier a smile. He thanked them before collecting his things, taking the heavier stuff so Ollie didn’t have to.
(Eh, not really, it's been a week and I still feel like my entire world has just broken)
Ollie offered him a small smile, taking a few of the lighter bags himself. He figured they should probably get a cart or something do they didn't have to carry the bags.
(Oh I’m so sorry. Just know that it will get better. Breakups are hard. Soon you’ll be happy and your world will be right again. If you ever need to vent come to me and I’ll Listen.)
Quinn glanced at Ollie and flashed him a bright smile. He had also bought a suitcase to keep his stuff in and that was beeping wheeled behind him. “Let’s head back now and I’ll get my stuff in here…”
(Thank you)
Ollie looked up at Quinn and nodded, offering a small, shy smile back, "O-Okay, sounds good."
(Np np)
He grinned and kissed Ollie’s cheek, unable to hold in how much he freaking loved the kid. He was so cute…
Ollie flushed deeply, scrunching his nose up and looking down at his feet as they walked. stars he felt so happy, and in love.
He turned to look at Ollie again, cold eyes calculating. His eyes wandered around his face, then along his chin and hair. Perfect. Every inch of him was perfect.
The small boy noticed the staring and elbowed Quinn in the side, “S-Stop staring,” He whined softly, still blushing a deep red.
“Wh-What? I’m not staring I’m admiring!” He defended, grinning from ear to ear and nudging him gently. “Cutie.”
Ollie whined a little more, hiding his face in one hand, “Quiiiiin….”
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