"Just any brand will do, like boxes. I need a couple for the bar and some for the apartment." He explained, walking over to the soaps.
"Just any brand will do, like boxes. I need a couple for the bar and some for the apartment." He explained, walking over to the soaps.
“Alright, how many for the bar?” He asked gently, pulling a few boxes of the tissues down and setting them in his arms.
"Two? Three? And then two for the apartment." He said, grabbing some bar soap and also some hand soap.
“Sounds good!” He repeated, humming happily and pulling down the requested amount. “Sooooo say I do take you out on a date? What would be your perfect date?”
Ollie shrugged a shoulder before his eyes lit up, "The beach. I.. I haven't been since I was a kid and I love the ocean and the sand and the animals and the sun and and… yeah…" He blushed.
Quinn watched as Ollie lit up like the most beautiful sun he had ever seen; the golden rays of Ollie’s personality were blinding. “When are you free next!”
Ollie blushed even deeper, "U-Um, tomorrow, I think, unless d-dad makes me work again."
“Then, if you’re free, would you join me for a date on the beach? We could walk around and find seashells and enjoy the water on our skin together.” Quinn smiled at the thought of making such memories, giggling happily. He
Ollie beamed and nodded, "I'd love to!" He hadn't been to the beach in so long and he missed it. The sand, the water, everything. He was so excited.
Quinn hadn’t been in a couple of months. He used to stop by the beach every week on Tuesday and soak up the sun. It felt good to him. But as school got more stressful and life started to hit him, Quinn had fallen away from his weekly visits to the beach.
“It’ll be fun. And I promise that I’ll plan us an actual big date after tomorrow’s. I just thought The beach would be fun.”
"I'd hug you but my hands are full," Ollie replied, grinning even more if that was possible, "I'm so excited. I get to to go to the beach and I get to go with you, best day ever."
Another laugh left Quinn. He smiled back at Ollie, wondering how the other male ever even came to like him. “You’re very cute. I like you Ollie.”
He blushed lightly, "I like you too Quinn," He looked down at the stuff in his arms, "I think that's everything we need."
“Shall we head to checkout?” He asked dramatically, smiling happily as he shifted the items in his arms so he could offer a hand to Ollie.
Ollie nodded, smiling back to Quinn, "Yeah, let's go," He looked down at Quinn's hand before pouting. He couldn't actually move anything he was holding to grab it.
Noticing the other’s full hands, Quinn retracted his hand and sighed softly. “It’s alright. Your hands are full.”
Ollie pouted a little more, "But I wanna hold your hand though…"
Quinn laughed a little, drawing close to kiss Ollie’s cheek. “I’ll hold your hand once we checkout, how is that?” He hummed, smiling sweetly.
Ollie perked up a little and nodded, smiling a little, "Okay, come on then." He headed towards the counter.
Quinn laughed softly but followed after Ollie with a slight skip in his step. “Is there anything I can help with back at the bar? I know you said you’ve got it covered but I want to help you.”
Ollie shook his head, "No no, I've got everything," He bit his bottom lip, "I believe I do… if I need… if I need any help I'll call you."
“Alright, thank you Ollie. I’m always here for you.” He murmured, leaning over to press a kiss to the side of his head.
Ollie smiled a little, "I know. I'm here for you too." He walked into the self check-out, starting to scan the items in his hand.
The male waited patiently, humming happily until he got a notification on his phone. He stared at it for awhile in disbelief, groaning. “I forgot to change my network! They cut me out of their phone plan…”
Ollie looked over his shoulder with a look of disbelief, sadness for Quinn filling him, "Oh… I'm so sorry Quinn."
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