"Definitely," Cicada replied before curling up against him. She finished up her roll and an apple as she let her focus be taken bu the mystical world of Dr. Strange. She enjoyed the silence now over them.
"Definitely," Cicada replied before curling up against him. She finished up her roll and an apple as she let her focus be taken bu the mystical world of Dr. Strange. She enjoyed the silence now over them.
Phoenix smiled softly, resting his head against hers. This was really nice… just cuddling together here on the couch. He honestly didn't want to get up.
Cicada nuzzled up against him as she relaxed again. She didn't want to get up being so comfortable, and she didn't have to either. After a minute or two she did end up saying, "You should probably ask your sister to come get us soon."
"Mm… right… forgot about that." Phoenix mumbled, glancing to his phone that sat on the table next to her. He sighed softly, giving her a pouty look. "Can you hand me my phone?"
"Yep," Cicada laughed a l ittle seeing his pouty look. he reached over and grabbed his phone before handing it over to him with a kiss on the cheek, "You only need to text her right?"
"Mhmm. Unless she tries calling me, I should be fine." Phoenix chirped, picking his smile back up when she handed his phone over. "I shouldn't ignore her, if she tries calling. But I shouldn't have to worry too much." He shrugged a little, knowing he was rambling.
"Of course," Cicada replied humming a little. She nuzzled up against him as she silently hoped his sister didn't ask many questions about why he needed to get picked up, "And if she does, I'll just pause the movie okay?"
"You don't have to," Phoenix told her softly, occasionally glancing up from his phone as he typed. He was trying to multitask, flicking his gaze over to her. "I can get up, and go in the other room."
"No, no it's fine," Cicada insited as she watched him. She glanced up at him with a little smile, "Unless you don't feel comfortable with doing it while I'm here, than it's okay for you to go."
"I dunno. We'll see what happens." Phoenix shrugged, setting his phone aside. He left it face up, just so he could see if his phone showed Savanna had texted him. "I don't want to bug you, while I'm on the phone."
"Yeah, and I really wouldn't care," Cicada replied with a smile before nuzzling up against him. She gave him a smile before shrugging slightly, "Honestly, as long as it isn't super sensitive stuff, I'll be fine. And I doubt it would be that anyway."
"Mhmm, I wouldn't answer those kinds of questions. Not without your permission, that is." Phoenix hummed, wrapping his arm around her. He grew quiet, happy to cuddle up and watch the movie.
"Mmm I'm happy about that," Cicada replied with a big grin on. She couldn't help but like Phoenix even more almost every passing day.
Phoenix chuckled softly, kissing the top of her head. "Mm, I think I want another cinnamon roll…" He mumbled mindlessly, sitting forward to grab one.
Cicada laughed a little as she waited before leaning back into Phoenix once he sat back. She gave him a little grin, "I think you're going to be sticker than I am."
"Mm, is there a problem with that?" Phoenix joked, biting into the roll. His smile stayed as he ate, glancing over to her, his smile turning into a smirk. "Because I can always wash my face."
"Mmm nope," Cicada replied giving him a grin. She pecked his cheek while he wasn't eating before her grin turned to a smirk to a look of false innocence, "I was just making sure you knew."
"Alright…" Phoenix hummed, giving her a little smile. "Mm, we haven't paid much attention to the movie… oh well. You're more interesting anyways." He mumbled as he finished off the sweet thing.
Cicada blushed a little as she nuzzled up into him. She had a little smile on as she glanced back up at him, "Noooo, I'm not more interesting. I'm just distracting, you're more interesting anyway."
"Mmm, I think you are…" Phoenix mumbled, reaching forward for a napkin. After wiping his face and hands down, he pulled her close. "Maybe you're both. Distracting, because you're interesting?"
Cicada's cheeks were still dusted pink. She was glancing away from him, but not at the TV as she pouted ever so slightly, "That's not it. I'm not that interesting once you really get to know me. Just a little crazy."
"Crazy can be interesting," Phoenix continued to insist, giving her a little smile. He leaned over to peck her cheek, nosing into the crook of her neck. "It means you have a somewhat interesting life."
"Mmmmm if you say so," Cicada finally relented. She lightly kissed his forehead while he was nuzzled up into her neck before letting out a little sigh, "I don't really think so, but if I don't relent we're just going to keep going aren't we?"
"Mhmm~" Phoenix mumbled, kissing her softly before sitting up. His smile was bright, glad she finally caved on him. For something as silly as that, he was happy he had 'won' their 'argument'. "You know I can be stubborn."
"Yeah, I can be stubborn to," Cicada reminded him with a little pout before leaning heavily against him. Even with the pout she couldn't help but smile a little with him near, "I'm just choosing not to be for the sake of ending this."
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