@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
"So I technically win the argument?" Phoenix asked in a little hum, kissing the top of her head. He gave her a sweet smile, nuzzling into her hair. "Or is there some unknown fine-print?"
"So I technically win the argument?" Phoenix asked in a little hum, kissing the top of her head. He gave her a sweet smile, nuzzling into her hair. "Or is there some unknown fine-print?"
“Mmmmm there might be,” Cicada hummed with a light smirk on. She really hadn’t thought of any fine print, but he didn’t need to know that.
"And what could that possibly be?" Phoenix asked softly, pulling her closer to himself. He was growing even more cuddly as the time went by. "Because I normally read that."
"Mmmm," Cicada hummed in thought as she leaned into him. She could tell he was getting even more cuddly, but she wasn't resisting his advances, "That you have to give me lots of kisses."
"I think I can comply to that~" Phoenix snickered, nuzzling into the crook of her neck. He placed a couple of soft kisses on her, picking his head up to peck her lips. "Anything else?"
"Mmmnope," Cicada replied contently before pecking his lips back. She had a light smile on as she nuzzled up into his neck, "Just the kisses. Has your sister texted you back yet?"
Phoenix went to reply, but was interrupted as he heard his phone buzz. "Looks like it." He hummed, picking his phone up. Glancing at the message, he nodded a little before quickly typing up a response. "She's on her way— but it'll be a couple hours."
"Okay, good," Cicada replied as she lightly kissed his cheek. She let out a little sigh knowing they were holed up in this hotel room for the remainder of the day, "Looks like we'll be able to just hang out for the rest of the day then."
"Mhmm~" Phoenix hummed a little, starting to play with her hair. He kept quiet as he did so, seeming distracted by it. But slowly he realized the silence had increased between the two. "Well… um, what do we wanna do? After the movie, I mean…"
"No clue," Cicada shrugged a little leaning into his touch her focus mainly on him. She had honestly forgotten about the movie playing in the background, "I'm assuming you would still want to cuddle?"
"Maybe… but that's a lot of cuddling. Even I might need a break after awhile." Phoenix admitted, starting to braid her hair. He kept quiet as he thought. "But if you want to, I don't mind."
"I'm fine either way, though I might get cuddled out soon," Cicada admitted humming a little as she felt him do the thing with her hair again. She had a light smile on, "Maybe we could go out into town? Not very far, but there's a nice restaruant nearby."
"You sure you wanna go out?" Phoenix asked softly, seeming to grow more intent on playing with her hair. He was using both hands to do a french braid across her head. "Because it sounds nice. But I don't wanna make you."
"I think I'll be fine," Cicada replied her eyes closing as she felt him move her hair. Maybe he was braiding it? It kind of felt like it now that she was focusing on it, "Besides it'll be fun and we won't be getting close to any place where people might recognize me. Well, no more than me."
"Mmm… alright…" Phoenix mumbled, slowing down to take more care on it. "Do you have anything you wanna do before we go? Shower, or just continuing cuddling? And no, I don't think you need it, but you might want to just 'cause."
"I should probably shower, but I don't have anything to change into," Cicada let out a little sigh as she thought about it, "And wearing clothes you jsut wore after you shower feels a little disgusting."
"Mm, I have to agree with that…" Phoenix mumbled, starting to come to the end of her braid. "Maybe you could just wash your hair? It's silly, but Savanna always says she feels better after doing that. If she doesn't have time to shower, or something."
"I could do that," Cicada shrugged as she let her eyes open slowly before glancing at Phoenix. She had a little pout on asshe looked at him, "But then I'll have to undo your nice braid."
Phoenix laughed softly, kissing the top of her head with a smile. "I can always re-do it. I like playing with your hair, anyways." He shrugged a little, before pulling her closer. "But I don't have to, and you don't have to get up."
"Mmmmm," Cicada looked up at him resting her head against his chest with a smile on her face. She found her head much lighter with her hair in a braid, "It depends, do I stink Phe?"
"Well, I don't think so." Phoenix told her, truly seeming to believe that. He gave her a soft smile, gently tipping her head up to kiss her. "But I can't say anything but what I think."
"Well if you don't think I stink, then I probably am in the clear," Cicada replied kissing him back lightly. She had a soft smile in return as her eyes almost melted seeing him, "So no shower today."
"M'kay, that's fine with me." Phoenix mumbled a little, wrapping his arms around her. He smiled brightly, burying his face into her shoulder momentarily. "Can I just say… I love this… and you."
Cicada blushed lightly as she buried her head up against him and kept it there for a good moment before she pulled away with a big smile, "I do too. Its, nice. Really nice. And I really enjoy it."
Phoenix gave her a soft smile, before stretching out on the couch. As much as he could without kicking her, that was. "Mm, are we going out for lunch? Or are we waiting until dinner time?"
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