forum "You're The Only Ten-I-See" (Closed)
Started by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group

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"Not really, I picked the hotel because it was close to the auto shop," Cicada replied honestly letting her pace slow slightly. She hesitated a moment before continuing on, "And an old friend of mine works here. One that I kind of wouldn't mind 'accidentally' running into again."


"Possibly another ex? But we're still really good friends, promise," Cicada replied her voice peaking a little bit. She didn't exactly realize how many exes she really had (not including the one night stands she tried to use as escapism), "Listen, I was a bit of a serial dater in high school okay?"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"I'm not judging you, I'm just wondering how the heck you managed to do it." Phoenix laughed weakly, holding onto her hand a little tighter. He gave a soft smile as they continued to walk down the path. "Literally nobody seemed interested in me as a teenager. I was the weirdo with social problems. I always find it amazing how easily certain people can make friends. And, for your sake, lovers."


"Heh, I've always somehow managed to become one of the popular kids," Cicada replied with a slight laugh. She neglected to mention the fact that she partially engineered her rise to the top of the soical change, "And that's basically how I floated through high school and middle school."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Phoenix nodded as she talked, reaching over and gently elbowing her. "You need to teach me your ways. I don't have a social life, so I need tips." He joked a bit, leaning down and kissing the top of her head.


"Best bit of advice, don't be yourself," Cicada replied with a laugh before bumping up against him. She hummed a little before letting out a sigh, "And I wish I was joking or lying about that."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Am I too dorky? Or is this something else?" Phoenix laughed softly, gently tipping her chin up. He was still smiling as he leaned in to peck her lips. "Because if it's the dorky thing, I've tried to hide that before."


"No, I mean you quite literally have to not be yourself," Cicada replied after kissing him back and pulling away slightly, "You have to become the person people want you to be no matter how far from the truth it might be."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Mmm, I don't think that's gonna happen. I'm not actor, and have a hard time keeping a secret." Phoenix hummed softly, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "But if it bugs you the way I am… I-I mean I guess I can try..?"


“No!” Cicada exclaimed a little shocked Phoenix would go to that conclusion. She looked up at him and used her hand to make sure he was looking at her, “Please never change who you are. I’ve done it before so many fucking times and it sucks. I love you because you’re you. Dorky, cute, chivalrous. I could go on, so please don’t try to change.”

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"I- um…" Phoenix stammered a little, letting out a weak sigh of relief. He nodded at her request, having stopped walking when she held his face in her hands. "I won't… I just- you're saying this- and… yeah…"


“I know, and, and I’m sorry,” Cicada said letting go of his face slowly. She let out a long sigh before adding on softly, “You asked how to be social and popular, and, well, that was my answer.”

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"I know… my brain just decided to turn on me…" Phoenix mumbled, taking her hand once more and started walking. He glanced down at her, giving an apologetic look. "I just… I was worried you thought I wasn't good enough."


"You're more than good enough for me," Cicada replied softly as she pulled his hand up to kiss it softly before continuing to walk, "If anything you're too good for me."


"Nooo," Cicada insisted leaning up against him with a slight smile. She was being serious, but she also wanted to lift the mood up, "You're way to good for fucked up little old me."


"Hmmm I suppose I must have," Cicada agreed after a moment of those. She had a soft smile on her face as she kept walking with him leading him outside the hotel, "Though what I did I have no idea."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"I can't help you there, but I can tell you that you've done something." Phoenix chirped, tightening his hold on her hand. He smiled a little brighter as they made it outside. "And it's plenty for me."


"Well, if you say so," Cicada laughed as she tugged him in the direction of the restaurant. She glanced around ever so often since they were outside now, but it wasn't that noticable.


"Not far," Cicada responded almost seeing the building from where they were. She gave his hand a little squeeze before looking up at him, "In fact, I can almost see it from here."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Really?" Phoenix piped, looking around to try and find the building she was talking about. But realizing he couldn't, considering he didn't know where they were going, he looked back at her. "Where is it?"