forum You'll See Just How Crazy I Can Be (rp with Icefire, feel free to stalk!)
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Nik snorted before he could stop himself. "Maybe you should have thought of that before you kidnapped me." He snapped. Smoke mewed quietly.


Nik's jaw clenched so hard he was afraid that he would crack a tooth. He didn't speak, closing his eyes and trying not to throw a punch. Because he knew that wouldn't lead to anything good, but god it would be satisfying.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The punch connected, and Derlik's head snapped back. He pulled back, hand going up to his nose. Blood was already coming from it, but it wasn't red. It was like oil, black as it oozed out. Twili grabbed ahold of Nik, pulling him back with a terrified look in her eyes.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik looked up, slowly moving Smoke off his lap.
"You shouldn't have done that," he growled. Twili was shaking. Derlik stood slowly, towering over Nik. For a moment, it didn't look like he was doing anything. Then, he swiftly kicked Nik in the head, barely holding back enough to not kill him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Twili knelt with Nik, looking up at Derlik pleadingly. Derlik ignored her, kicking Nik's stomach.
"He's going to learn," he aid, voice cold and sharp.

(Okay, but what if Smoke sees the punishment for hurting Derlik, and later Derlik is playing with Smoke in human form and Smoke accidently scratches his cheek and freaks out, but Derlik isn't mad and trying to calm him down?)


Smoke paced anxiously, tail twitching and ears flattened against his skull. Nik whined faintly, curling in on himself in an attempt to protect himself.

(OOOh perfect)