forum You'll See Just How Crazy I Can Be (rp with Icefire, feel free to stalk!)
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Oh, I'm sorry," Derlik said softly to Smoke. He wiped his hand off, making sure it was dry this time. "Better?" He cooed. He gently got the wetness off of Smoke. Twili gently put one hand on Nik's, shaking her head a little. This wasn't the battle to fight.


Smoke rolled onto his back, batting at Derlik's fingers happily. Nik rested his forehead on the heels of his hands, letting out a shaky little breath.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Twili gently put her hand on Nik's shoulder. Derlik smiled a bit as he played with Smoke, cooing lightly. He didn't mind if he got scratched or bit, really. He knew Smoke was just playing.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Twili looked up, taking Nik's hand gently. Not now. There would be bigger things he would need to convince Derlik not to do.
"Hm? What was that?" Derlik asked, voice taking on a harsh tone. Twili flinched.