forum Werewolves and Chew Toys
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Larkin was still passed out in the morning when Samul awoke, but had shifted back into a human in his sleep. He didn't generally remember shifting back, which was definitely good considering how painful it was.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Samul looked down when he woke up, holding Larkin close. He moved to sit up and carry the sleeping man to the bedroom, tucking his head into his lover's shoulder. He shivered some in the cool of the morning, ready to wrap them up in some blankets.


Larkin huddled up against Samul in his sleep, looking completely exhausted. It didn't look he was going to wake up for a few more hours at least.


After several hours, Larkin finally started to stir and looked up at Samul blearily when his eyes were open. He was very sore from the previous night, and he still looked pretty drained.


"Mmmmm…" Larkin buried his face in Samul's chest, whining softly. "Soreeee… m'head hurts…" He mumbled.


Larkin nodded weakly. "Mm… do I have to do anything today…?" He asked, closing his eyes to try and help his head.


"Mmkay…" Larkin watched Samul from the bed, turning his ears back and curling in on himself in Samul's absence.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Samul took the lid off of the pills and pulled one out for Larkin, carrying it and the water back over.
"Here, I'll help you sit up some," he said softly, offering to help Larkin up to lean onto his chest.


Larkin sat up with Samul's help and accepted the pain medication, swallowing it once he was able to. "Mm… did I do anything especially stupid last night?"


Larkin shrugged a bit. "Dunno. Maybe I was particularly alert or something. I don't really remember much…"


Larkin nodded and huddled closer, nuzzling into the crook of Samul's neck. "I'm exhausted… and my memory's all over the place. Brain's all… screwy…"


Larkin hummed in agreement, tangling himself up with Samul. "Mmmmm… I'm starving…" He mumbled tiredly.


"Mmmm… sounds fine to me." Larkin yawned and held tighter to Samul, humming weakly. "I haven't eaten anything since… like… last night."