forum Werewolves and Chew Toys
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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"Thanks!" Larkin accepted the lemonade and started sipping at it, watching closely as food was made in the kitchen.


Larkin's tail started wagging a bit when he smelled meat, and he moved a bit closer to Samul. "What're they making?"


Larkin happily accepted the bits of food, but he was more excited when the actual meal was finished.


Larkin accepted the plate with an enthusiastic thanks and sat down at the table to begin eating. He hummed happily as he ate, obviously pleased.


Larkin happily ate the rest of Samul's sandwich and nodded at the question. "Mhmm! Great as always, ma'am!"


"Sure! If everyone else wants to do that, I guess." Larkin shrugged and huddled closer to Samul, humming happily.


"Mhmm!" Larkin headed into their room and fetched the swim trunks, changing into his own before bringing Samul's to him.