forum Werewolves and Chew Toys
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Larkin grinned and perked up, seeming excited. "Alrighty! Let's get going, then!" He took Samul's hand and started heading out the door.


"Of course, of course." Larkin seemed pretty excited, slipping into the pool once they made it inside. "C'mon, love!"


Larkin stuck his tongue out at Samul's sister when she splashed them, huddling closer to Samul in the pool. It didn't seem to put him in a bad mood, though, and he happily returned the kiss.


Larkin watched everyone from where he was, resting his head against Samul's chest. "Mmm… this is nice." He murmured softly.


"We should probably get going soon, unfortunately… you know what tonight is." Larkin sighed softly.


"Maybe." Larkin shrugged and moved closer to Samul, closing his eyes for the moment. "It's a long drive, though."


Larkin nodded a bit. "Yeah, guess so… I wish we could stay longer, but it's not exactly… you know… safe."


"Yes, we need to get back before sundown, and the journey is a few hours…" Larkin smiled sadly. "It was lovely to see you, though."


Larkin nodded a bit and followed Samul back to the house so that they could change back into proper clothes. "I'm gonna miss this place…"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I am too… hopefully, though, we'll be able to move a lot closer after we're done with school." Samul offered a small smile at the thought, moving to their room, to get changed with Larkin.