forum Werewolves and Chew Toys
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Down, Larkin down!" Samul said, laughing some. "The tray is still hot, you'll burn yourself!" Samul sat the tray down on a high shelf, wrapping his arms around Larkin and pressing a few kisses to his head.
"Ya big goofball."


Larkin whined loudly in protest and kept close to Samul, hopping around his legs. He got up on his hind legs to try and reach the treats from where he was.


Larkin whined again, howling to express his frustration. He put his paws on Samul's chest, his tail wagging as he licked the man's face.


Larkin jumped around a bit, his claws clicking on the tiles of the kitchen. He bounded around Samul's feet, tail wagging as he barked loudly at him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Samul laughed some as he watched Larkin, looking up. Checking to make sure it was cool enough, he grabbed a biscuit, tossing it at Larkin to distract the wolf as he gathered up the rest.


Larkin swallowed the treat, seemingly without even chewing it, and hopped around at Samul's feet to whine for more. He had a lot of energy and really just wanted to run around, but it wasn't a good idea to let a wolf run around in the streets.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

No, but Samul had a solution for that. He scratched Larkin's head, moving out to the living room. He started pushing the furniture to the walls, leaving a large open space in the living room. Samul… wasn't going to be taking Larkin outside any time soon.


Larkin bounded after Samul while he pushed the furniture, howling at him. When the space was open, he ran around in circles, chasing his tail and rolling over himself.


Larkin caught the treat midair and grabbed the rope toy, tugging on it once he had it in his jaws. He pulled as hard as he could, trying to wrench it from Samul.


Larkin pulled harder until he fell over, rolling on the floor and hopping right back to his feet a moment later. He barked at Samul, his tail wagging hard.


Larkin caught the rope and rolled over onto his back with it, shaking it aggressively while he growled in a playful way. Thankfully, he didn't do any damage to the furniture since it was pushed out of his way. After a while, he brought the rope toy back to Samul.


Larkin happily ate the treat and flopped down at Samul's feet, clearly liking the attention and wanting more of it. He howled loudly at Samul, his tail still wagging.


Larkin whined contentedly and threw himself into Samul's lap, seeming pretty pleased with himself. He yawned and licked Samul's cheeks, still bright and energetic.