forum Werewolves and Chew Toys
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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"Sounds good to me!" Larkin grinned brightly up at Samul, his sharp teeth shining. "What kinda meat?"


Larkin nodded eagerly, sprawling out on Samul's lap. "Sounds great! Are we heading out now?"


Larkin nodded again and hopped up from Samul's lap, hurrying over to the door to wait for him.


Larkin trotted over to the car ahead of Samul, getting into the passenger side with a happy hum.


"Love you too!" Larkin happily returned the kiss and buckled himself in. "Now c'mon! Let's go!"


Larkin watched out the window excitedly as they drove along, humming happily. "Are we almost there?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Yes, dear, we're almost there." Samul glanced over, making sure Larkin had his ears and tail tucked away as he pulled into the parking lot of a small, locally-owned meat shop.


Larkin grinned brightly and hopped out of the car, running up to the door with Samul in tow. "Let's go, Samul! C'mon!"


Larkin headed inside and put his hands on the glass, grinning as he examined all the meat in the case.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The man behind the counter, Jebadiah, nodded, smiling back with a laugh.
"And what meat would you two like today?" He was already reaching for the bacon, seeing as they ordered it every time they came.


"Mmm… what all did you say we were getting, Samul?" Larkin asked, tearing his eyes away from the meat for a moment to look up at his boyfriend.


Larkin nodded eagerly, grinning up at the butcher. "How much are we getting, Samul?" He asked.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Five pounds of the chicken and six of the pork chops," Samul said, already reaching for his card. As usual, this was going to be a large chunk of money out of their savings, but it would last them for a week or two.


Larkin hummed happily and headed over to take Samul's hand, trying his best to keep still so his tail wagging wouldn't be visible.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Samul gave Larkin's hand a gentle squeeze as Jeb got their order, weighing it out.
"That'll be… one hundred and ten dollars," he said. He took Samul's credit card as it was offered, packing up the meat for them.


Larkin held a bit tighter to Samul's hand, humming nervously. He always hated that they had to spend so much money on him every month, but there wasn't much that could be done about it, and Samul always insisted.