Ava reaches her hand around to the back of her shirt and tries in vain to wipe some of the flour off. Turning, she laughs when she sees his hair. "I love the new hairstyle," She teases, childishly sticking her tongue out at him.
Ava reaches her hand around to the back of her shirt and tries in vain to wipe some of the flour off. Turning, she laughs when she sees his hair. "I love the new hairstyle," She teases, childishly sticking her tongue out at him.
Cameron huffed and wiped off his hands, running his hands through his hair, dislodging some flour. "I like your new shirt, smart one," He said with a dry laugh, stretching out again. "Come on, help me clean up."
Ava grins and brushes the flour off of her clothes before walking over to him. "Do you have any cloths or should we use paper towels to get this up?" She asks, studying the mess that they've created with the flour.
"Yep, in the cabinet right here," He pointed to his direct left, where he pulled out a washcloth for the dusty cabinets. He wet it a little before wiping it down.
After grabbing a cloth from the cabinet and wetting it, she starts to wipe down counters. She reaches up to wipe the flour off of her cheek but only succeeds in smearing it further along her face.
Cameron snickered at her as she failed to clean off her face, squeezing the water from the washcloth to make sure he didn't leave anything else over. He bent over the sink and ruffled his hair out, the flour floating out.
Ava glares when she hears him snicker. Leaning over him, she turns the water on in the sink and puts her hand under it for a moment before turning the water back off. She then proceeds to wipe the flour off of her face.
Cameron paused when she bent over him, deciding not to look up at her. He straightened up when she pulled away, still running his hands through his thick, dark hair.
"Anywho, what now?"
Ava dries her hands and her face with a paper towel before tossing it into the trash. "I dunno. Any suggestions?" She asks, looking over to him. Taking ahold of the end of her braid, she manages to get out the flour that had got in her hair.
Cameron shook his head, looking around the kitchen with a yawn. "Nope, not really. I guess we could wait around for the cake to finish," He suggested, pulling out a carton of icing.
"Yeah, okay," Ava agrees with a small shrug and a nod. "Why don't you tell me about yourself while we wait?" She asks, figuring that it would be wise to at least know a little about the person who's spare room she'll be living in.
"Well, there's not much to tell. You can figure out more about Lily, she's much more interesting," He joked with a soft laugh. Though he did kind of think that. He wasn't too interesting.
"There's no doubt in my mind that Lily is more interesting," She teases him lightly, grinning. "Come one, there has to be as least one interesting thing about you."
Cameron grinned at her teasing, chuckling good-naturedly. "Well, you already know everything interesting about me. I own a restaurant and I can cook. That's about it, really."
"Okay, what got you into cooking?" Ava asks, trying to just get one fact out of him. This is just like trying to pull teeth, a long, painful, and frustrating process.
"I had to cook for my sisters," Cameron said vaugley, wondering why she wanted to know all of this about him.
"How many sisters do you have?" Ava asks, hoping to just get a little more information. Once he answers this question, she'll just drop this.
"I have two," Cameron said with a small grin. "Did you any siblings?" He cringed involuntarily when he realized he put the question in past tense.
Ava's entire body tenses up when she catches the way that he phrased his question. "Did?" She asks him, her tone turning cold and suspicious.
Cameron stuck out his tongue and looked off to the side suspiciously. "I… er… sorry about that. I guess I should be asking if you have any siblings," He said with a somewhat quiet laugh.
Ava narrows her eyes before taking a step back. "It's getting late, I should probably get going," She tells him. If he's found out that she's supposed to be dead, she needs to cut all ties with him and move to another city.
"Um… but what about the dogs?" He said suddenly, trying to push against the sudden cold air that was omitted from her. That could air was quite familiar to him…
"They're not playing together right now and Kreja needs his dinner so the timing works out perfectly," She tells him before turning and looking around for her dog.
Cameron sighed and drooped against the stove, crossing his arms as he leaned on the warm surface. "Alright, I guess." He looked down at his feet with a faint sigh. Honestly, he couldn't understand why she felt she was going to be hidden forever. She must have expected something like this to happen.
"Kreja! It's time to go, baby!" Ava calls out, breathing a sigh of relief when the dog comes scrambling into the room. "Thank again for dinner and the movie," She tells Cameron before grabbing her jacket off of the chair and putting it back on. "Let's go," She murmurs to the dog.
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