"Thanks." Ava accepts the bowl of popcorn with a smile. She returns to the couch and curls back up, making sure to situate the popcorn and the beer so she doesn't spill anything. Tossing a piece of the popcorn into her mouth, her smile grows a bit wider.
Cameron nodded and finally scooped out some popcorn for himself, grabbing out some extra butter and melting it on from the bottom of the machine. He absolutely loved extra butter on his popcorn, no matter what it did to his broad form.
"Want some extra butter?" He asked over to her, smiling as he scooped in more for himself.
Ava twists around to face him and nods her head. "Extra butter would be great, thanks," She agrees, offering him a smile. "I really appreciate you having me over and offering me the spare room." She turns serious for a moment just to show how thankful that she is.
Cameron scooped out some butter for her and carefully walked it over, lathering it on evenly with a smile down at her.
"Hey, you're welcome. It's the most I could do." He shrugged and meandered back over to the popcorn maker. There was a lot more warm butter. But he shouldn't…
Ava tosses a few more pieces of popcorn into her mouth and happily crunches on them. "Are you to start the movie?" She asks him with a small smile. Seeing 'Shawshank Redemption' again is going to be a lot of fun and she's really looking forward to it.
Cameron jumped out of his butter-wanting coma and shuffled over to a leather seat, sinking down in it with a deep sigh. He picked up the remote with a bright smile.
"Yep! I hope you're ready." He clicked a few things on the main screen, humming gently.
"Yep, I'm ready!" Ava chirps in excitement, snuggling up against one of the pillows on the couch and relaxing. This is going to be so much fun! She flashes him a smile before turning her focus to the large screen in front of her.
Cam returned her excited smile and pressed play, relaxing into the chair with a yawn, popping some popcorn into his mouth as he relaxed. The movie started to play… yet a few hours later (it didn't feel like too long) it ended.
Ava's eyes remain glued to the screen the entire time. She really gets into the movie, mouthing along some of the lines with the characters. When the movie end, she's disappointed that it's over but really happy that she got to see it again.
Cameron was finishing off his popcorn when it ended. He sighed deeply, smiling a little. "I love that movie so much. It's always such a good watch," He murmured, smiling warmly over at her.
"Yeah, it's really great," Ava hums in agreement, tearing her gaze away from the screen. She eats the last few pieces of her popcorn before turning to face Cameron.
Cameron pressed the eject button and stood with a stretch. "I'm glad we could habe watched that. It was really nice." He took the disk out after wiping off his hands. He turned over his shoulder and grinned at her as he looked around for the disk container-thing.
Ava get up off of the couch and stretches out, trying to get the feeling back in her legs. "Me too. I really enjoyed that." She smiles sincerely over to him. Spotting the disk container, she picks it up and hands it over to him. "I assume that this is what you're looking for?"
"Yep, thank you," He said gently, taking it with a smile. "I enjoyed it too. We should do it again sometime." He set the disk into the container, walking across the room to set it back into the shelf.
"We really should," She agrees with a nod of her head, surprised to find that she actual means her words. This entire day had been a lot of fun, with the exception of getting shot at, of course. She almost felt normal again.
Cameron nodded, turning back around to set down his bowl and empty bottle. "Ooh! I should make a cake. I love baking. Do you want to bake it with me, Ava?" He asked, already starting towards the basement door.
Ava brightens even more at the mention of cake. Her sweet tooth is going to be her downfall and she knows it. "I can't bake or cook worth a shit but I'll help," She nods, following after him. At home she had been banned from the kitchen since she burnt a piece of toast so badly that it started a small fire. He doesn't need to know that though.
"You don't have to be able to cook. It's baking," Cameron corrected with a laugh as he held the door for her. "I'm just gonna bake a cake, though but I can teach you how if you want."
"Trust me, I really can't bake either," Ava tells him with a nervous laugh. Several people have tried to teach her how not to be such a disaster in the kitchen but no one ever even came close to succeeding. "Are you sure that you want to try and teach me?"
"I'm sure. Trust me, it just takes patience, practice, and focus." He waved his finger and led the way over to his kitchen. "Plus I don't have much to lose. But I won't let you go hog wild."
"Alright but if I end up burning your kitchen down, you can't say that I didn't warn you," She quietly chuckles as she follows him into the kitchen. This is certainly going to be……interesting.
Cameron chuckled softly and started getting out supplies. "It'll be fine. I have a sink, and some towels, but it's very hard to set a cake on fire by yourself." He set down a large bowl and a carton of eggs and milk.
"I'm talented enough to pull it off," Ava tells him with a grin. "What do you need me to do?" She asks, just standing there. There's no way she's doing anything without being told to do it.
"Ypu can get out some bowls from that cabinet," Cameron instructed with a smile, pointing at a lower cabinet near the stove. "Can't really do or mix anything without them." He reached across the stove and turned it on, humming.
"Got it," Ava agrees, moving over to the cabinet and bending down in front of her. Opening it up, she selects a few bowls that look like they'll work for this. She sets them down on the counter and looks over to him. "Will these work?"