forum We All Get a Serial Killer (O/O)
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(Cool! So maybe they bond over a glass of wine or two? And we write through that and continue on?)

Deleted user

(Sweet, could you, please? I'm sorry I'm making you start, I'm terrible at starting.)


(Don’t feel bad, it’s really fine!)

Ava sits on one of the chairs in the living room, her legs neatly tucked under her as she curls up against the armrest. “That was really great,” She tells Cameron, referring to the meal. Taking a sip of her wine, she relaxes even further.

Deleted user

Cameron relaxed onto the couch, humming softly after he had extinguished the fire. He loved the huge fireplace, even in the summer. Soon (it would be Autumn soon) he'd be able to use it. He was excited; he loved autumn.
"Thank you," He said softly, smiling at her and swishing his wine. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."


Ava taps her fingers lightly against the glass in her hand. It’s really nice to be able to just relax with someone else. She misses the simple things in life, like enjoying a home cooked meal and a glass of wine. “Thank you for having me over,” She tells him, returning the smile. She had been a little hesitant at first but she’s glad that she stayed.

Deleted user

Cameron hummed softly and curled his legs up into a criss-cross applesauce pose. He smiled warmly, nodding. "You're very welcome. I should really thank you, though," He said with a faint sigh. "I honestly would do anything for you to pay back how kuch money you gave me."


Ava lightly shakes her head. “You don’t have to pay me back for anything. The money was an investment, remember?” She says lightly. She really doesn’t care about any investment. As much as she hates to admit it, she’s gotten kind of attached to Cameron and would hate to see him loose the restaurant. “Besides, I was the one to got your island and oven all shot up.”

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Cameron sighed softly and relaxed back into his couch. "I guess you're right, there. But still, thank you very much." He grinned sheepishly at her, sipping his wine for something to distract him from his crippling awkwardness.


Ava drinks about half of her wine, trying desperately to figure out what to say. This is a little awkward but she’s trying her best. She hums quietly to herself as she twists the rings on her fingers. “So….”

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Cameron drained about half of his glass and carefully balanced it on his knee. He watched the wine wriggle in the cup, swallowing nervously.
"So, where are you living around here? I haven't seen you around." And you're supposed to be dead…


“I don’t actually live around here, I just walk Kreja in the area sometimes. I live in the less nice part of the city so it’s not surprising that you haven’t seen me around,” Ava tells him, not wanting to admit that she’s living in an abandoned building. It’s not something that she’s proud of.

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"Really? Well… I'm sorry to hear that," He said sincerely, knowing from personal experience(s) how dangerous the other side of town could be. Without thinking, he blurted out, "You could live with me if you want. I have an extra room. You wouldn't have to pay rent or anything."


Ava blinks in surprise at his offer. She certainly hadn’t been expecting that. “You don’t have to do that. Where I’m living isn’t really all that bad.” She assures him with a small smile. Despite the high crime rates, she actually doesn’t mind the neighborhood. It keeps her alert and on her toes.

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Cameron tilted his head a little. "Are you sure? If we're working together it'd be easier if we were closer. Plus… er… think of your dog," He said with another sheepish grin. There was really no other reason for her to move in with him, but he would rather her be safe than… not.
Wait, what the hell am I thinking? She's just someone who gave me money! Not w lover!


Ava chews on her lower lip, actually considering this when he brings up Kreja. “Are you sure about this?” She asks, not wanting him to come to regret this. The offer is great but she’s just not positive that this is what she should be doing. What if someone finds out that she’s alive and comes after her? That would put him in danger and she would never forgive herself.

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"I'm certain," Cam said with a smile at her suddenly thoughtful expression. His previous thought was expelled into the trashcan of his mind as he grabbed his wine to turn towards her. "And I'll make sure you…. stay safe, here." He expressed his other quiet thoughts and knowledge about her to her.


Glancing down to her wine, she thinks this over. There are pros and cons for each option but she ultimately decides that it might be best to accept his offer. Ava looks up sharply when he makes the comment about making sure that she’s safe. How did he know exactly what she was thinking? “I really appreciate this,” She tells him with a small smile, downing the rest of her wine.

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Cameron smiled a genuine smile, nodding. "Of course. It's the most I can do to help you out. And assure your safety, you know?" He finished his glass of wine, noticing she finished hers and rising to take it. "Let me get us more wine, okay? I'll let you think about it."