Ava steps out of the office and looks around. There aren't many people roaming around the bank which is both suspicious and a good thing. She heads towards the exit at once, ready to go.
Ava steps out of the office and looks around. There aren't many people roaming around the bank which is both suspicious and a good thing. She heads towards the exit at once, ready to go.
Cam hastily followed after her, looking this way and that with a sigh. "Do you feel like that went too well?" He asked her once they were out of the bank and hurrying away.
"Yes, that went a little too smoothly," Ava mutters in agreement. Brushing past the security guards, she exits the building. "Let's just get out of here," She comments, referring to both the bank and the city.
Cameron nodded and sped up a little in his pace. He grabbed out his keys, gripping them tightly in case someone had the brain wave to steal them.
Ava hurries up to the car, glances over her shoulder. "Shit," She swears quietly when she sees the door to the bank swinging back open. "Hurry up!" She hisses over to Cameron.
"Fuck," Cameron whispered back, clicking his teeth to Lily. The pair started at an easy jog back to the car, but Cameron wanted to hare back like a dog with its tail between its legs.
Ava glances over her shoulder once before before speeding over to the car. “Son of a bitch,” She swears when the guards pull out guns and start shooting.
Lily barked loudly and started haring at the pace Cameron wanted to go, who happily chased after her. The pair had longer legs, so they covered much more ground than any average height person and their dog.
Ava gives up on jogging and starts to run, weaving back and forth to try and avoid getting shot. That expirance is never a fun one. “Is the car unlocked?” She calls out to Cameron, seriously hoping that it is.
Cameron nodded and quickly unlocked the car, lifting up Lily and shoving her insude unceremoniously before plopping in the front seat and starting the car, ready to shift the stickshift once Ava got in.
Ava throws the back door open and leaps inside after helping Kreja. Only after she slams the door shut does she climb into the front seat. “Holy shit, I don’t remember bank trips ever being this exciting.”
Cameron shifted the stick and drove off quickly, before the guards could round the corner and start shooting his wheels off. Only when he was out of sight did he slow down and take a deep breath.
"Yeah, no shit!" He said back exasperatedly.
Ava checks to make sure that they aren’t being followed and then checks on the dogs before she leans back in her seat. “Well, at least we got away with our life’s and the money,” She comments, half heartedly holding up the bag.
Lily was shaking and quivering in the back seat, pressed up against the door as if trying to hide. Cameron glanced back at her once before focusing on the road. He knew his dog hated gunshots, she had been raised at a bad place, who used guns a lot.
Ava frowns when she notices the state that Lily’s in. “I’m going back there with them,” She warns Cameron before climbing into the backseat and settling herself between the dogs. Kreja is used to the sound of gunshots and is therefore unbothered so she focuses most of her attention on the Saint Bernard. “Hey, sweetheart,” She murmurs, slowly holding out her hand to the dog so she doesn’t startle her.
Cam nodded and moved out of her way as she crawled past him. Lily whined softly and snuffled shakily at the human's hand, then tensed up against the door again, more tremors running through her body.
Ava talks quietly to the dog for a few moments before slowly reaching out and petting her. “U redu je. Dobra cura. Ništa ti se neće dogoditi, Lily. U redu je.” She knows that the dog can’t understand her so she keeps her tone calming and gentle.
Lily didn't understand her at all, which just seemed to frighten her more. She whined again, looking up to sniff her hand to make sure it was absolutely the woman that her master was associating with.
“Easy, baby girl,” Ava whispers, gently stroking her head. “I know that this is scary but you’re going to be okay,” She tells the dog. The tone and gentle manner that she’s using is only reserved for animals and young children.
Cam glanced back over his shoulder with a faint sigh. "You know you can hold her. She loves hugs, it helps calm her down a lot." He looked forward again, driving forward a bit faster.
Ava nods her head before wrapping her arms around Lily and holding her close. She continues to murmur soothing words. Kreja curls up beside her and lays his head partially on her lap, not wanting to be left out.
Lily let herself be pulled into the human, and slowly her tremors died down like Cam said they would. She moved her head and licked her chin slowly, whining softly.
Ava presses a quick kiss to the top of the dog's head, smiling a little when her chin gets licked. "Don't worry, you're going to be home soon," She says quietly as she stroke's Lily's thick fur.
Lily whined again but thumped her tail when the human said 'home'. She moved her head down to sniff her friend, her breath, once again, the noise of her breath off of his skin filling the silence.
"How much further?" Ava asks, shifting her attention from the dogs to Cameron. Kreja stretches out his neck and licks Lily's nose, his tail wagging contently.
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