forum Sick of Cliches but you’re my only exception. //Closed//
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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Val snapped out of her nervousness when Seo bounced up to her and offered her hand.Val took it and shook her hand gently, offering a warm smile. "it's nice to finally connect a face to all the stories Min has told me." she greeted, aware of Ryuu's careful attention. "Please, call me Val. i've seen you both around school but never got the chance to say hi." she said, settling her nerves as she spoke. "I love both your outfits by the way, you both look great!" she exclaimed, always having an eye for intricate and beautiful clothing design.
She found herself drawn to Seo Hyeon, her bubbly and accepting personality a comfort and a relief to val. Ryuu's quiet and cautious atmosphere also drew her in but more in a respectful way, one she admired from them both and thought that it worked well together. CC would balance off Ryuu's carefulness and intern, he would protect her from any harm. She found the relationship beautiful and was glad to see despite her accident, Seo Hyeon was able to find happiness both within herself as well as others.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Ryuu held CCs hand carefully, a bit nervous. He was usually a nervous wreck. To say the least of course. But he knew what Val was and what her kind has done to Seo Hyeon. Ryuu mustered up the courage to hold out his own hand. It was rather large, but proportionate to the rest of his body. Broad shoulders and a rather muscular build. He always took extremely good care of himself. He used to have to force Min-Hyuk to eat before he turned. Then he no longer could. Ryuu had to watch his best friend basically turn into a monster. And he did nothing to stop it.
"I'm Ryuu Wakazashi. It's nice to finally meet you too. Mins told me quite a bit about you" he says, obviously referring to the fact shes a wolf. But no hostility was shown towards her. Just wariness.
"So why do you like my brother anyway!?" She asked excitedly "I mean, not to be nosy or anything. But it's a sisters job" she laughed, trying to make conversation.
Min-Hyuk stood there, looking at his sister as she beamed up at Val. A bright smile matching her eyes. The blind eye fairly visible, as it had more of a blue tinted than the other and a white scar below her eye. Though since she was already so pale, it was almost impossible to see.
It was obvious he loved his sister more than anything and would do anything to protect her. Ryuu knows this as well. Min-Hyuk wouldn't bring Val into her life if he thought she was a threat. And it was obvious she wasnt.
Ryuus overwarriness made Min a bit nervous. Especially when Ryuu hesitated to let go of Seo Hyeons hand, which she noticed but barely. Giving it a small squeeze before he let go.
"Um. If you would excuse us. I need to have a word with Min" Ryuu says with a smile to the two girls before basically dragging him to the bathroom


Val shook Ryuu's hand as well, relieved when he didn't flinch at her touch or showed any signs of hostility or hate towards her. She held Ryuu's gaze for a moment, silently promising him he would never hurt Seo Hyeon before she turned her attention back the girl with a smile of her own.
" Don't worry about it! my bother does the same thing with him. Plus you have every right as a sibling to ask questions." she reassured, glancing up at the two boys when they started to pull away. Val nodded and let go of Min's hand with a soft smile before walking back to the small table and waving for CC to join her.
She bit her lip, trying to piece together her words.
"It's hard to explain," she said slowly, "He understands me, on a level I don't think even my own family does." She laughed softly to herself as she thought back to when they had first met "We actually hated each other at first, but it wasn't a rivalry hate, more of a misunderstanding kind of hate. Instead of leaving each other alone, we just drew closer. At first it was really weird, we didn't know what to think of each other, nor did we know how to feel, but we went through some things together and eventually we got here." She looked up at Seo Hyeon and ducked her head in embarrassment. "sorry, that probably wasn't the answer you were looking for, was it? Truth is I can't really put why I love him, I just know that without him, I'm disoriented, not completely dysfunctional but theirs that nagging feeling that somethings wrong, and with him, i feel free to be who I am. I can love him without expectation or change. And I guess in turn he can to the same around me."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Seo Hyeon listened intently to her words, a bit moved by the in all honesty. Though one of the things she was thinking was her writing and how that felt like something she would read in a book. She liked it to say the least.
CC smiled at Val reassuringly and in understanding. "I know what you mean. You phrased it well" she says, as she played attention to things like that a lot. Min-Hyuk had told Val a few times about that. Just another thing that made Seo Hyeon herself.
"I'm glad someone else other than Ryuu and I care for him. Nobody did. And he knew that" she says looking down at her small cup of fruit punch, careful not to spill it on her dress.
"Thank you for loving him. Really. It means a lot more than you think" she says, not knowing Val knows what Min is. But this was her brother. She wanted to tell her to stay away. Hes dangerous. He'll hurt you. Because she was still terrified of her brother. But she said nothing about that.

Ryuu jerked Min-Hyuk around the corner and into the bathroom, shoving him up against a stall. Letting go of him, he raked his fingers through his hair. "Why would you let her near Seo Hyeon? After what shes gone through? Min-Hyuk…are you insane???" He genuinely asked.
Min…being Min was about to correct him on the definition of insanity. But then he remembered what he meant.
So he just leaned against the wall, quiet.
"You let that other….that other dog into our lives and you thought you trusted them! And then look what happened! Look at your sisters eye! Are you really going to do this? Are we seriously going through this again??" He says, exasperated, his eyebrows creased together in worry.
"We can trust her. I promise. I was naive back then. And dont you think I regret that! I regret that even more than going to that party where I got turned in the first place!" Min-Hyuk growled, raising his voice a little. Which never ever happened.
"I was stupid and I didn't know who to trust. That wolf….he misguided me and he manipulated me….but this times different" he says in slight despair (said every teenage girl in a relationship ever)
"I do beleive we can trust Valerie. That's why I was fine leaving her alone out there with Seo Hyeon. But what about the rest of the pack? They could get a hold of her scent and…and… Finish the job? I dont know Min. But if she gets hurt again…you're to blame. Got that?" He says harshly. Ryuu never really actually got like this unless it was something to do with someone's safety or if hes arguing wi tr h his stupid rich parents.


She smiled softly, relieved that Seo Hyeon seemed happy with the answer "I'm glad I can be the one he can love." she said softly the smile spreading. "So tell me about yourself, I've heard a lot from Min about you but I think it's more interesting if I hear it from you. Plus sibling always seem to over glorify things." she laughed, thinking back to when her brother used to tease her. she nodded encouragingly and turned to face Seo Hyeon, giving her her full attention "what do you do for fun?" she asked, resting her head on her hand as she talked with the girl.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

She seemed taken aback by her question, not expecting to be asked about or anything. But it was fine. "Oh, well…I write! And I work at the skating rink down on mainstreet if that counts" she says with a small laugh. "I dont really do much. Sorry" she says running her free hand through her hair.
"What about you?" She asked sweetly.

Min-Hyuks gaze locked onto the floor of the bathroom as he leaned against the cold door of the stall. His eyes not really reflecting anything In the dark bathroom. As they hadn't yet turned on the lights. He clenched his fist hard his nails digging into his palms, the words getting to him and hitting him rather hard. He knew Ryuu was extremely overprotective over Seo Hyeon. And it was obvious Min was too. Ryuu had a point and had every right to be mad at him.
"Ryuu….I-" Min-Hyuk was cut off by Ryuu leaving, shutting the door behind him.
Min slid down to the cold tiles of the floor in the dark, looking up at the ceiling and letting his head hit the stall. His cold breath more visible in the dark as he let the air escape.


"No, no no! it's fine! it's actually really cool, I don't think I could ever write anything without delving too deep into the characters." She laughed awkwardly "as for the ice skating, that really cool too! no pun intended. I have the balance of those floppy car inflatable people."
She though for a moment before answering "Well, I like to read a lot and sing. I can swim pretty well too. Nothing really too interesting but it's fun for me either way." She shrugged and looked over and Seo Hyeon with a smile, her guilt and nervousness melting away as she continued to talk with her.
She looked up when Ryuu walked around the corner, a small frown crossed her features when she noticed that Min wasn't with him. "is everything ok?" she asked him, brow creasing in worry

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Seo Hyeon listened politely, though a bit nervous without either of the boys by her side in this mass of people. So when Ryuu came back, she let out a small sigh of relief. But when she didnt see Min, she was a bit worried but not surprised. This happened often. He would usually stay back and wait a few minutes. But when she saw Ryuus face, she knew what was up. Well…sorta.
Ryuu had put on a smile, but she could easily see past her boyfriends fake smiles. Was Min okay? Ryuu seemed on edge from the moment Min and Val approached them.
"Oh yeah! It's fine! Mins just out having a smoke" Ryuu partially lied. He figured by the time he made his way to the girls, Min had already opened the window of the bathroom and popped open a pack of cigarettes. He never went anywhere without them.
Which is exactly what Min Hyuk did. His legs dangled off the sill of the window as he leaned out of the bathroom window. It had been tinted a foggy tone so nobody could look through the bathroom window but light could still come in. The smoke warmed his lungs from the inside as he hesitated to let it escape his lips. Loving the feeling of it inside his chest. His hair was as messy as usual, but it was noticeable since his hair had been done before this. He looked classy in the suit and his black hair and pale skin. If only he weren't sulking in the bathroom window of his highschool….


“Oh. A-alright.” Val looked down with a slight frown. She swallowed hard, feeling sick suddenly, her heart raced and she felt dizzy.
“Excuse me for a moment.” She muttered to the couple, standing and walking off in the direction opposite of stage to a more secluded part of the dance that was used for a small group of tables for people to rest and hand out if they didn’t want to be near the loud music. She didn’t feel right, didn’t feel comfortable near all these people. The thought of both her mother’s death and how she imagined Seo Huron being attacked played in her mind. She ran a hand through her hair to pull it away from her face and sat down at an empty table, resting her head in her arms, trying to control her breathing.
She jumped slightly when her phone buzzed in her hand and glanced up to see a text from her brother.
“Hey, hows everything?”
good, more Or less.
“What’s wrong? You okay?”
yeah, just uncomfortable. I met Min’s sister and her boyfriend, the one that was attacked by a loner.a few years back? I don’t think they trust me. Min went to talk with her boyfriend and tension have just been high since then. Min stayed back to smoke.
“I see, want me to come over and pick you up and shove the packet down Mins throat?”
no! I mean if it helps him to stop, maybe but no. I’ll come back if things don’t get better later.
“Alright, let me know if you need anything and I’ll be there in a jiffy. Love you little sis.”
Thanks chi, love you too big brother.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Seo Hyeon looked at her worried, a bit sad too. "Well darn. I was just about to make another friend. She seemed so sweet too! Oh and shes so pretty! I'm jealous!" Seo Hyeon sighed before turnin to her boyfriend, grabbing his big hand.
"Is Min alright?" She asked, giving his hand a squeeze. Ryuu snapped out of his thoughts and turned his attention from where Val sat through the crowd to his adorable girlfriend as she looked up at him. He loved her so much, if he weren't in such a sour mood, he would have just hugged her and kissed her cheek. Though seeing her made him feel better already.
"Yeah. There's too many people. He just needs to cool down" he says patting the top of her head. "He'll be fine. I promise" he smiled
"Oh..okay. he did seem a bit nervous" she shrugged. She was pretty dense and Ryuu knew that.

Min-Hyuk got down from the sill and flushed the red tipped cigarette down the toilet before heading out. He made sure the smoke always blew away from him so he didnt smell of it.
Turning the corner, he came into the big gymnasium where they held the whole thing. It was so loud it hurt his ears and the lights made his eyes sting. He could hear every heartbeat in the room which now overwhelmed him. But he managed to find Val.
He stopped in front of her, but quickly tried to fix his hair by running his hands through it. Kind of fixing it but somehow at the same time making it worse and more messy.
"H-hey?" He says in the tone of a question, shuffling his feet


Val peeked up from holding her head in her arms and offered a brief smile "hey, you alright? Ryuu said you were feeling overwhelmed and needed to relax." She said, patting the seat next to her as she shifted in the chair to face him and rested her head on her hand. "You're sister's really nice, thanks for introducing me to her." she continued, noticing his ruffled hair and laughing softly. "Though I don't think either fo them trust me much, they seem on edge or nervous around me."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He sat down beside her, rolling his eyes at the fact Ryuu told then he was just overwhelmed but wasnt really bothered by it much.
"Well…Ryuu knows who you are. And he knows about Seo Hyeons attack. Hes extremely protective over her. But CC….she liked you. Definitely" he nodded.
"But on a more important note…are you okay? Whatre you doing over here all alone?"


Val gently nudged Min around once he sat down and Combed through his hair with her fingers. “Ah, I see. So he doesn’t trust me near her.” She nodded with a sigh and glanced over to the table before focusing back on Min. “I’m alright, just not used to this kind of setting probably just hungry but I’ll eat later.” She said, resting her head against Min’s back and wrapping her arms around his waist.
“please stop killing yourself love. I’m begging you. I know this is your way of coping and I know it won’t happen over night but their are other ways of dealing with situations than destroying yourself from the inside.” She whispered.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

When she mentioned hunger he chuckled with a nod. "I feel that. I'm starving" he sighed with a small smile, putting his hand over his belly. It was rather hard with all of these people around him. So many easy victims. But he had a few days before itd get unbearable.
When her tone got more serious and more quiet, he leaned into her a bit and listened, his cocky, mischievous smile faded. He wasnt going to listen to her. He was addicted and stopping at this point would be hard. But…he didnt want to stop. He wanted to continue to kill himself. That's why he tried so hard to push Val away. Hes killing himself and he didnt want her hurt. He wasnt going to get into this argument with her though. At least not here.
"Valerie…." he whispered, taking one of her hands and intertwining his fingers in hers.
"Can we….just stay like this? I dont want to talk about that right now" he says lifting her hand up to his lips and kissing it softly


She sighed softly, truly not wanting to ruin their night with starting up the argument over his smoking. Instead she gently squeezed his hand and buried her nose against the nape of his neck.
“Fine, not now. But we are talking about this later, whether you like it or not.” She replied stubbornly, tightening her hold on him slightly and nuzzling her neck.
“Comfortable?” She ask after a few moments of silence between them, trying to lighten the mood. She breathed his scent, relaxing at the smell of lavender and earthiness she had grown to adore so much.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Loving the feeling of her up against him, his thumb rubbing her finger softly as he held it. Her scent, the smell of her blood, her heart beating steadily. It was all so soothing. It reminded him of their first night on the motorcycle together.
"Most definitely" he says leaning his head back a bit and smiling that stupid little smile.
"You?" He asked, turning his reflective eyes to her


She chuckled lightly and pressed a kiss to his cheek “well, considering I’m the one being used a lounge chair, I’d say one of us is more comfortable than the other.” She ran her hand through his hair and rested her chin on his shoulder “other than that and being surrounded by way to many people, yeah, I’d say I’m pretty comfy.”

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He chuckled with a soft smile, leaning his head onto hers when she rested her chin on his shoulder. He never did have the best posture, but he tried to keep his shoulder in place and not slumped down so much for comfort.
"What life." He asked in a small voice


She tilted her head curiously "life? so far it's pretty good. I wouldn't say comfortable but I don't think I'd change much about it, save for the hunters who keep snooping around the territory." She nuzzled her head against his "what about you and your life? are you comfortable or do you wish something would change?" She asked, lifting her head slightly to see that most of the party goers had started to relax and sit at the tables

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He scoffed at the question, butnnot surprised she asked. "Everything but you I would change" he says softly. He hated himself and his life, so obviously he would change it if he could. He wasnt happy nor comfortable unless he was with her. He knew he wasnt mentally healthy, but he didnt care.
He turned his body fully around and faced her. "What if….." he bit his lip for a second before looking back at her with big eyes "what if I were human?" He asked, not knowing the reply he would get, nor did he expect one.
"I mean…wouldn't things be so much better" he smiled. It was like a child thinking about christmas or a lover longing for their partner to come back from a golfer away place. The look in his eyes. Oh. He wanted it so bad and it showed every single day.


She loosened her hold around him when he moved around and rested her hands in his lap. The question surprised her but she somehow knew it would come up at some point. How could she answer that? Val knew that Min wasn't happy with his life, knew that he honestly wanted to die because of what he was and his past experience. She didn't blame him for wanting death, she would too if she ever went through such a terrible changing. She didn't know what it was like to "Human." Unlike Min, she was born a wolf, she was born into a pack so her normal wasn't what the rest of the world perceived as the same. Only until recently when she started attending school did she realize how hard it was to be anything but a human in the normal world.
"I don't think I can answer that question for you, Min. You know what it's like, you've experienced being human before. Whether it would be better or not is up to how you view your life before and now." She looked up into his eyes and her heart broke, seeing how desperately he wanted to change. He saw himself as a monster, one that couldn't possibly be a part of this world where she saw him as something more than what others made him, what others had drove him to be.
She reached up and gently stroked his cheek, desperately wanting to dispel whatever harm and hurt that had happened to Min over the last years that he had changed into a vampire.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(I'm so sorry. I got a bit busy again 😓)

He listened to her words as he knew they would come, yet he denied it beforehand. Telling himself "she might have some sort of an answer"
But it was inevitable. It wasnt Vals fault though. It was his for wanting something that coukdnt ever be his again. A normal life. Or a way to.actually die easily.
He let out his cold sigh, closing his eyes and leaning into her warm and gentle touch, wanting nothing more but to be able to keep her warm. warm himself.
To be human.

Opening his now slightly mismatched eyes up at her, down at his lap where her hands were then back up at her gorgeous face. Oh how he loved her so.
"I.guess I'll take that as an answer" Min-Hyuk mumbled before closing his eyes again, wanting to simply run away with Val. Hop on his motorcycle and go to a secret place only they knew of. Which they did of a few. It was going to happen with how much time they spent together.

(They should definitely have like a super secret cute little place only they know lol. Like maybe an abandoned building on the outskirts or somewhere in the woods. Idk lol)


(always great to see you back Write! Don't stress, I'm fine with waiting, hope life is going well for you and your family)
(yeeessss they should!!! Maybe and abandoned house?)
A sad smile crossed her features and she scooted closer to his side, tugging him to her and hugging him close, gently running her hands through her hair. She knew he didn't want pity, he had had enough of that in his lifetime. "I've told you this once and I'll say it again my love. I don't care what you are, I will always love you. I only hope one day that yo can learn to do the same." she whispered softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
She looked around the gym, seeing that most of the kids had settled down into small groups at surrounding tables. She smiled softly and waved when she saw he friends off chatting in the corner. They spotted her and smiled back, making love hearts and kissing gestures while pointing at her and Min. She shook her head at them and laughed softly. Glancing back at Min, and laced her hand with his, pressing her lips to his fingertips, returning the gesture he had done a few moments ago. "want to get out of here? I don't think much is going to happen now." she said softly

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Yessssss!! Also, I feel so bad for you and like everyone else i roleplay with. I've gotten bad at replying nowadays but I'm trying TT^TT)

Min-Hyuk at first didnt notice her friends and their gestures until Val looked at them and he could only guess what they were doing.
Tingling vines of shivers ran along his body when she pressed her lips to his cold skin, absolutely loving it, his mind wandered to places he maybe shouldnt have. Which happened every now and again that he tried his best to forget. But he wasnt good at keeping any innocence.
Shaken about of his thoughts, gently though sudden, he looked up at her with a smile and got up, holding her hand still, he ran his fingers through his messy hair before he spoke.
"Honestly….I would love that" he chuckled awkwardly


(Nuu don’t feel bad! We get that you’re busy. Thank you for trying, really! it’s not a problem to wait.)
She nodded and stood up, taking a deep breath and regretting it, the smell of fresh meat all around the area. “Maybe a quick hunt too,” She whispered, grabbing her phone and mask. “Want to go say bye to CC and Ryuu or will they not mind us leaving?” She asked, waving to her friends as they passed by, rolling her eyes playfully and shaking her head as they continued with the gestures. “I know a house on the edge of the territory that we can go to, Chire said it used to belong to this family in the 30’s before they all left or died. All the stuff should be there still so it might be fun to explore.” She explained, slowly getting more excited as she talked about the house. Val, like her mother loved vintage things, loved physically holding the past and learning about it