forum Sick of Cliches but you’re my only exception. //Closed//
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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She sighed softly and pressed both her hands to his cheek. "I hope he can trust me one day." She gently stroked his features, tracing over ever curve and feature. "Now who says I still trust you hm, darling vampire?" she teased in a soft purr, tired of feeling worried and overwhelmed for the day. She took a deep breath and reached up and pressed their heads together "if you say you're fine, then i trust you but please do let me know if anything comes up."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"I will. And hey. If you dont trust me…that's your problem. Maybe I dont trust you either" he says stubbornly crossing his arms and pouting.
Before he could say anything else he heard a thud in the attic and dust fell from the ceiling followed by a few voices. Min assumed some teens were around


she looked up in slight confusion before pressing a kiss to Min's lips. "I trust you with my life, love." she smiled softly before gently pulled away from him to find the attic. "I wasn't aware of other people here." she mumbled, lowering her voice in case the other people heard them. She shifted into her wolf form and trotted around, sniffing a bit in case she caught someone's scent. The the dust was hard to get through so her nose wasn't much help but she did find the entrance to the attic.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Min tilted his head up to the boards in the ceiling to see a small light flitting through the cracks of the floorboard to the attic.
"Well, let's see. They're probably some stupid teenagers exploring the place. We're more dangerous than….well anything else in here probably." He says before pulling down the built in latter from the attic and stepping up.


She shifted back once again and followed him up. "probably, and yeah, we most likely are. They should be glad we came after we ate and not before." she laughed softly and poked her head up into the attic, scanning the area and follow Min, keeping to the shadows in case it wasn't mortals. "who would be here at this time of night besides us?" she whispered, her eyes shining in the dim light of the attic

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He chuckled at her small comment before he answered her, looking around. Hearing footsteps but he didnt see anything. The attic was quite large with boxes of old junk everywhere. It would be easy to hide.
"Hopefully not another vampire. Nor a wolf, but I cant say" he shrugged


“Great.” She muttered, hailing herself up into the attic and slowly crept around to the edge of The attic, keeping to the walls. She scanned the area, seeing what she assumed were mice. She started towards the back, where she hoped the people were. “Hello? Anyone here? Just so ya know this is private property!” She called, falling to all fours in case she needed to switch “leave now and we’ll forgive you today.”

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"Speak for yourself" he chuckled, his eyes giving off a faint glow into the dust floating up around them.
"I might give em a good chase just for fun" he thiught to himself.

Turning to her, Min-Hyuk touched her shoulder ligjtly before stepping away. "Stay here. Ill see who it is. I dont think theyre gonna talk to us" he says


She shook her head slightly and grinned. She nodded after he told her he would go off to find whoever was there with them and moved to crouch down near some boxes, trying her best not to breath in so much dust. “Please Be careful Min.” She called after him. She shifted into her wolf form to see if she’s could pick up any sound or movement from the other people. She hoped none of them were hunters hiding out at the house. Last time they had to deal with hunters on the property, a bet about had gotten shot in the leg. She sighed softly and slowly crept forward to the last set of boxes closest to the farthest wall in the attic.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

His foot lightly landed on the creaky stairs, the dust flying back up from the planks that had finally settled from when they first came up here.
Mumbling could be heard across the house through one of the drywalls.
Min-Hyuks eyes scanned the place before dropping down lightly and stepped closer to the sound, silver dagger in hand.

(Okay so like what should they actually be? Im thinkin something thats gonna cause some action or like a new character because we gotta have a plot going for this not to die lol)


(I had an idea of a slight plot including Daniel(the dude who was talking to Val before) maybe having a thing for her? Maybe he comes from a line of hunters as well?)

Despite his words, Val decided to creep forward a bit more, her annoyance and slight worry was stronger than her own safety at the moment. She fully straightened when she realized no one was around and started sniffing around at the boxes. She nudged open a box and looked inside, finding old clothing and pictures. She shifted and slowly picked a picture up, immediately recognizing the couple in the photo.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(I like it!)

Faint footsteos were heard from a few rooms back. There had to be at least 3 people there. Hopefully they were just hunters but he could never be two careful.
Stepping down the steps and into the next room, he peeked his head through the doorway to see three hunters searching the house. Yikes…
"should i tell Val to leave? After that ill take care of these hunters"


Daniel, for the last time, no one’s here.” his older brother whispered, glaring at his sibling.
Markus, I’m telling you, she went in here with that creep. She’s not safe!” Daniel whispered back, “you should have seen him back at the dance, one minute, arm in arm with Emily, the next with Val, then the next she’s alone at a table.
Markus laughed softly and shook his head sheathing away his army knife and facing his brother. “i thought you brought us here to bring down some blood sucking demon or an overgrown dog. Not to help kill someone’s boyfriend you have a problem with. If you’re jealous, why not tell this so called creep what you think. Better yet, why not tell this girl that you like your feelings towards her?
Daniel rolled his eyes, “first of all, have you seen this kid? He looks like a literal vampire, emo nightmare, walks like he owns the place, every twilight book ever written, vampire. as for telling Val, I can’t. Not when she’s with him.
aw, wittle baby Daniel is having trouble telling a gurl he wikes how he fweels.” his sister chimes in with a laugh. “Ya know I could take that vampire out of the equation for ya, I could have my own little Edward Cullen!” She squealed, practically bouncing in place

Val shifted once she saw no one around and rummaged through the boxes, pulling out a few photos of her grandmother when she was much younger as well as an old dress of hers which she assumed was for more formal events. Zizi never really spoke of her past love life, the memory of having lost her mate due to a car accident years ago was never a good thing to bring up around her. The few times she had spoken about her partner, she had described them vaguely, but still with much love and compassion as if they were still there.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Okay so are we going for like a love triangle/ like two of the guys fighting for Val or something?)

Min-Hyuks eyes narrowed when he mentioned Val. He didnt care what they thought of him, though…yeah he was a little offended.
But we dont talk about that
He pressed his back against the wall, rolling a rock in his hand before throwing it acorss the room, directing their attention away from him.
A loud thud came from near one of the broken down rooms.
Edward Cullen? Rude he thought to himself. His sister had made him was the whole twighlight saga a few times before and he despised the dude. He was more team Jacob than anything. And no, not just because Jacob was hot and Edward looked like he was holding in a fart the whole movie.
He was slightly irritated that this dude had the hots for Val. But he wasnt worried about it. As fae as Min knew Val was only interested in him and only him. But his trust issues and paranoia got the best of him. What if she didnt?
No…they were already past this stage. He trusted her…right?


(Sure, …this is turning into twilight…)
Val snapped her head up when she heard a noise coming from the farther back wall of the attic. She shifted quietly and maneuvered her way through a few more boxes and random household objects. She finally made it back to where she had heard The noise, spotting min a few feet away. Padding up to him, she gently nudged his side with her snoot and tilted her head before glancing around him, having caught a familiar scent.

Markus rolled his eyes at his younger sister and jerked his head back towards the entrance. “We’re getting outta here.” He said normally, not bothering to whisper. They all turned when they heard a thud then looked at each other.
“Val?! Is anyone else here? Answer me!” Daniel called, slightly desperate. “Fine you guys go but I’m not leaving until I’ve found her.” Daniel said to his siblings, stepping out from their hiding spot and lookin around the area, searching for anyone or anything that could have made a noise

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Min stooped low to the dusty cracked wood of the house, blinking away the tears forming in his eyes from the dust.
He let out a small whistle, wanting them to find him. Moonlight flooding into the dusty windows and glinting off of his silver blade, leater against the handle so it wouldnt hurt him.


Val crouched beside him, eyeing the silver blade and giving a low whine.

Daniel, as well as Markus and the girl turned towards the sound. They made their way slowly into their line of sight, unsheathing various weapons, including iron and silver blades. The sister stupidly pulled out an exorcism cross though it probably wouldn’t do anything.

Val’s eyes widened in slight fear when she saw the iron blade in Daniel’s hand, memories hunters entering her packs territory, the smell of burning flesh and fur stinging her nose as she ran for cover.

Daniel slowly spun in a circle, waiting for anything to jump out and attack them. Markus did the same, keeping his eyes trained on the shadows. “One last time. Who’s here?”

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Min looked over at Val, his red eyes piercing thriugh the darkness around them. Motioning for her to get back upstairs and get to safety. The last thing he wanted to happen here was for Val to get hurt.

Min stood, rustling the dirt underneath his feet as he stepped thriugh the doorway, coming behind his sister and wrapping his arm around her in a strong hold as his own blade held to her throat.
"Hunting i assume? You know, crosses wouldnt do anything against a vampire. Or any creature for that matter" he says, jerking her to the side and making the cross fall on the floor before he stomped on it with his foot, breaking it in four pieces.
"Leave or she loses her head" he hissed


“No? But I’m sure a kiss will suffice.” The gurl taunted with a grin.
“Laura stop messing around.” Daniel growled at his sister “where’s Val, we know she’s here with you, what have you done with her?” He asked, stepping closer to the pair until movement from the shadows caught his eye. He was ready to attack the thing with amber glowing eyes, blade poised in his hand and ready to stab at whatever came at him.
Val emerged from the shadows, hands raised to show that she didn’t have any weapons on her. She locked eyes with Min for a moment, before she swept them over towards Markus and Daniel. “DRop your weapons and leave, then no one gets hurt. I’m not going with any of you. I’m staying here. If I hear of any hunter in my pack’s territory, there will Be consequences.” She growled calmly, eyes trained on the iron blade In Daniel’s hand.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

When Min saw Val step out, he let out a sigh. Keeping a tight grip on the girl, making sure she wouldnt get out. If she tried, shed die in a pool of her own blood. Min-Hyuk was fine with that, but he was sure the others werent. He needed the leverage over the hunters.
"You heard her" he says, pushing the girl to the ground and letting go of her neck, making sure not to slit her throat"
He stepped aside near Val just in case something unexpected happened.


She breathed a sigh of relief when Min let the girl go. She looked at Daniel who was looking at them both as if they were aliens, and to be honest, they probably were.
“You’re a wolf….with a vampire…” he stuttered out, betrayed by this new information. He gripped the blade hard before slowly looking over at them, debating whether to attack them or drop the weapon. “You’re with him.” He glared at Min before dropping the iron blade to Thebes ground and turning away from the pair. “You deserve better than that thing” He said over his shoulder, holding her gaze for a second before leaving the attic.
Val watched as the other sibling followed quietly, finally releasing a breath she had held in when she heard them leave

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Min could only chuckle deviently at this.
"Okay well there….yeah i can agree with you on that. She deserves better than me. But-" he paused, looking the boy up and down. "I think ive got a better chance than….i mean ya know…you" he says with a passive aggressive smile.
"Youre a hunter kid. Id suggest just getting lost. Her pack would tear you up in a matter of seconds. But i mean if you still think you gotta chance, go ahead and keep tryin bud" he says stepping back when they left, gripping his blade tightly.
Letting out an annoyed sigh he turned to her before looking at the opened boxes.
"Whats this?"


she took a deep breath and shook herself from her thoughts, turning away from the dropped blade to face the boxes. “Uhm, I’m not too sure. Thought this was just a random abandoned house. Thing is, I found a bunch of pictures of Zizi and her mate.” She explained, walking back to the box she had found and pulled it down to the floor. She sat next to it, dress flared out on the floor as she rummaged through the box again. “And for the record, I choose to love you, not because I think I deserve or that I pity you or something like that.” She said over her shoulder at him, something in her eyes looked troubled but when she met his gaze, the uncertainties disappeared. “I don’t want him, Hell, I don’t even want him trying. He’s a friend..i think…that’s all. I have someone I love, I don’t need another male pinning after me.”

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He chuckled, sitting down next to her, but his small smirk dissapeared when he saw it in her eyes. The feeling he never loved and ran away from all the time. His chest twisted in what he had no idea what emotion, but he didnt like it.
But he pushed it down and decided not to talk about it at the moment.
Clearing his throat, he nodded before playfully kissing her cheek.
"Darn, i would have liked the competion" he whispered as he slowly pulled from her cheek.