forum Sick of Cliches but you’re my only exception. //Closed//
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Okay lol. Sorry it just said the kiss so I was a bit confused)

He held her tight, never wanting to let her go. She was such a precious gem. He felt such a need to protect her even though he knew she could handle herself. And he was going to.
He kissed the top of her head softly before she nuzzled in more. He was sure she could heart his heart beat. Never fast, as his heart couldn't pump that fast with his cold blood. It was always a slow beat, though it was harder at this point.
"You can stay here as long as you want then." He gave her body a tight squeeze.
He was sure that one blonde chick saw then and he hoped he got the message across. Finally maybe she would stay away from him now


(Ah it’s ok! I was referring to the kiss on the head)
She blushed softly and nudged her head against his in appreciation. “Thank you.” She whispered, enjoying the feel of him around her, holding her close. The sense of protection and safety she felt with was comforting to her.
Moving her hands from his back to his hair, she played with the strands that were close to his neck, twirling them around on her finger or just tussling them gently.

Emily was seething, her smile immediately turning sour as she saw Min with another girl, and not just any other girl. The newbie one that was meant to be crying in the corner out of embarrassment. She pulled off her jacket, revealing a very short dress that covered almost nothing and stride up to the couple, staying a few feet away, flirting around with a few of the boys close to him, hoping to catch Min’s eye

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He just melted at her touch, her fingers in his hair and her skin softly brushing against his cold skin. His eyes closed as he continued to hold her, focusing on nobody else but the beauty in his arms.
"Anytime. And thank you. I honestly dont know what I would do without you Valerie" he whispered softly. He wasn't focused on how oddly comfortable this suit was. Not the bruises and reddened scrapes on his knuckles. How his hair was probably a mess by now anyway and all of their efforts earlier had gone to waste. Though that was what he thought. His hair was still perfectly done, still curly just not as messy as usual.
Though he felt a glare burning into the back of his neck as he held her there, not wanting to let go. So, he simply ignored the fact that Emily was probably flaring at them.


“You’d probably have less wolf interference.” She joked, pressing her hand to his cheek and gently his skin. “And less teasing.” She added with a mischievous smirk. She looked over his shoulder and caught a glimpse of Emily flaunting around.
“Min, I think someone’s trying to get your attention.” She said softly, looking away from the girl and focusing on Min and the rest of the dance.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He chuckled softly at her snarky comments, loving the sound of her voice.
He turned slightly to see Emily and he let out an aggravated sigh. Removing his hand from her waist for a few seconds only to flip her off, he turned back to Val. "I dont care" he says with a shrug.
Soon the dance was over and on came a slow song (because I'm frickin cliche, yes. A thousand years lol)
When the music started, people all around smiled or groaned, but he only chuckled. "The irony" he whispered to her with a smile


She rolled her eyes and laughed “keep doing that and you’re gonna get caught.” She glanced up on stage as the song started and smirked with a shake of her head. She glanced up at him with softer smile “the irony indeed, my dear eddy.” She relaxed in his arms and slowly started to sway back and forth with him, humming along to the song as she gazed up at Min. Was she allowed this? Was a wolf really allowed to be with a vampire? At the moment, she didn’t care. She was just happy to be with him, despite the rocky start they had.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Hey, I'm so sorry I haven't been on. Things have been…..busy to say the least. I'm so sorry. I'm going to try to be on more starting today! Its nothing against you! My life just got a bit weird and hectic)

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Even though she had just called him "Eddy" the words "my dear" rang like a soft wind in his ears. He absolutely loved it no matter how much he would deny it. As he always was in love with cute nicknames. Or things like "my love". He was weak for. As she had most likely already figured out.
As his hands lay at her waist carefully and they swayed back and forth, he leaned down every so gently near the end of the song till the cold skin of his nose tickled hers and his foggy cold rainy day breath teased her lips, he closed his eyes just to enjoy the moment. Forgetting about everything around him. As he did a while ago right when he had met her.


(Hey! No worries! I’m glad you’re back!!! I hope you’re alright and doing well! If not then I Hope life gets better for you! And congrats on not being single XD)


Val’s breath hitched slightly when Min moved in closer. Her breath mixed with his as she released a soft breath and leaned in. “You’re nothing like him.” She whispered “you’re better than any fictional vampire that was ever written.” She smiled softly lightly brushed her lips against his, not quite a kiss, more of a teasing taunt.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Thank you! :P i find it funny because it's in the middle of this quarantine lol)

Letting out a soft breath as to replace a chuckle while his lips stayed steadily where they were.
"Well obviously." He says jokingly "all written vampires suck. But there's probably others out there much better than me. That aren't in a book" he smiled shortly before she moved closer.
He swore she was going to drive him crazy with her teases. Oh the warmth of her lips on his ice cold ones. Why would she ever want to kiss him…well..hell if he would know. He didnt know why this chick did anything. But he loved it as he loved her.


She shrugged slightly “maybe, but I think I’ll let some other person fall for them. I’m a hundred percent fine with loving you.” She felt the same she did when they first had hung out at the lake, like her expectations and troubles faded away when around him. “Now I do believe I owe you something for finding me, don’t I? Problem I don’t remember quite what. Care to remind me?” She smiled flicking her gaze up to his and moving her hand back up to his hair

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Thats it. He was crazy. Hes been denying it all this time hes known her. But has officially gone crazy. For her that is. She was so sweet yet harsh and snarky with all the right things to say and she always knew how to say anything she wanted. He admired that in her. Along with everything else. He was never good with words and believed he never would be. Always mean and harsh with them always showing how he cared with his actions instead.
One hand strayed from her hip, making his way up to her face until he cupped her cheek gently, hoping she wouldn't mind his ice cold touch. Oh her skin was so warm. He could stay with her forever. He was so touch deprived. Having not felt the warmth of a caring touch in so long, he loved this so.
"Well…" his low voice purred quietly "let me refresh your memory love" he says before pressing his cold lips softly against hers, his eyes fluttering shut and his heart slowing down, but still beating hard against his chest.


She pressed her cheek into his hand with a content sigh, loving how soft his touch was. Was this how things were supposed to feel? So warm and delightful despite his cold touch? She blushed slightly at the pur in his voice as well as the name and looked up to respond but was met instead by his lips. She pressed closer to his form and wrapped her arms around his neck, tugging him even closer in the kiss. She tilted her head to deepen the kiss. She hadn’t expected the kiss to be this soft or loving, hadn’t really expected herself to enjoy it this much. She shut her eyes, letting the world slip away. It was just her and Min

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He didnt quite know what he expected put of this, but he knew he was dying for the warmth of her soft lips. Tilting his head as well as his lips locked into hers only to slip from them and softly again.
His hand from her cheek to her jawline, a small strand of her hand twirled gently around his finger. The cold obsidian band of the ring on his finger gracing the skin on her neck before he pulled away, only to look in the girls eyes. Oh…that's gorgeous eyes. He didnt want anything different.
His own reflecting the colors of their surroundings hastily like a shattered glass mirror, a hint of red in one of them. A small, dorky smile rose up onto his lips as he pressed his forehead to hers.
He didnt need to say anything. His rare, dorky smile alone could tell anyone how happy he was.


When he pulled away, she lifted her gaze to his eyes, the ones that had captivated her since day one. She matched his cute smile, her own happiness uncontainable and pressed a kiss to his nose. She moved her hand from his neck to lace with his hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. Her breath wavered in a silent laugh, her other hand traced along his features.
“I still think that I would’ve lasted longer if I didn’t go up on stage.” She laughed softly and tapped at the piercing at his lip “but I’m glad you found me sooner.” She traced his lips with an adoring smile and tilted his chin down slightly so she could kiss him again. “I love you my darling vampire. No matter what you are.” She whispered softly, only for him to hear

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

The whole time his eyes were locked onto hers, the expression on his face a mix of infatuation and a longing gaze as her hand ran along his features.
Honestly….he wanted to cry at her last words. The soft whisper from those gorgeous lips of hers. Both of his hands went to the sides of her face and he quickly pressed a kiss to her lips, keeping them there with his eyes closed, kissing her deeply, passionately yet still gentle as ever.
As she already knew, Min-Hyuk was so had with words. He knew if he tried to say anything he would fail at any way he possibly could.


Val gasped softly in surprise at the sudden kiss but nonetheless leaned into it, returning the kiss with just as much desire and love. Her hands came to rest on his chest, not to push him away like under the lake but to tug him closer to her by the collar. No words now or ever would be able to describe how she felt towards Min.
“Love,” she murmured softly, stroking his cheek gently and resting her head on his chest, listening to his strong and steady heartbeat

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He let out a deep sigh when the word came out of her mouth, his hand on the back of her head now, running through her soft hair.
Kissing the top of her head as he let her lean on his chest. "Is that what this is?" he whispered. He knew he loved her. But….how could someone love him? No, he wasnt about to throw a pity party or be the angsty emo teen he was.
Instead he whispered the words "thank you" to her.


She nodded “yeah it is.” She leaned into his hand and smiled “Min, I’ve told you before, you don’t have to thank me for anything.” He reached up and pressed a hand to his cheek. She pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth and smiled, glad to be in his arms.
“So, when am I going to meet this sister of yours, hm?” She asked, tilting her head to look at him with a bright smile. She had heard so much about Min's little sister but has never gotten the chance to formally meet her outside of school or passing in the hall. She wasn't sure if it really was a good idea to meet Min's sister, now that she knew more background about her from Min. Would she really want to know a wolf? would she even be allowed to tell her what she was without scaring her? For some reason she felt guilty for her attack and slightly responsible. For all the defending and high praise she had for her pack, Val knew their were those out there that wouldn't follow any kind of direction and would always give wolves a bad reputation. "she still doesn't know, does she?" she asked softly, gazing up at Min with slight worry

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He nelted once again when she kissed him, but was soon taken aback by her question. He thought about it for a second too long before she spoke again. Min-Hyuk shook his head. "N-No…I dont tell her about anything really. The only way she knows about you is from what's shes seen and your name obviously. Ryuu….he knows. But hes sworn not to tell anyone. Hes fine with it, just…." he paused, biting his lip for a split second "concerned."
"My sister though, you should meet her. Shes over there with Ryuu." He says gesturing to the table of snacks with the big bowl of red punch. It was incredibly easy to tell both of them apart from everyone else. Ryuus red curly hair and tallnees, and Seo Hyeons white hair.
"If you'd like I can introduce you to them now"


She looked over at the table Min had pointed at and spotted the two, both unmistakable. The girl with white hair who looked incredibly beautiful next to the boy with red hair. She had seen Ryuu in school a few times and has heard of him from Min but Val never really spoke to him. If Ryuu knew about Seo Hyeons attack and what Val was, would he even let Val get close to her? she would never hurt anyone without reason nor would she hurt anyone remotely close to her.
Suddenly getting nervous about meeting Min's sister, Val pressed closer to Min. She'd have to meet her some time soon, putting it off would only cause a weird tension between them all. She looked up at Min when he offered to introduce her to Seo and Ryuu and nodded "yeah, can we?" she took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He clearly noticed her nervousness and held her in a tight hug. "Hey, it's alright. They're both really nice. They'll like you a lot" he says kissing the top of her head before pulling out of the hug, which he didnt want to do in all honesty. He could just lay down and hold her forever in his arms. Protect her, even though he knew better than anyone that she could protect herself.
Min-Hyuk laced his fingers with hers and led her over to them, a small wave to the couple when they stopped.
Turning their attention from eachother to Min and Val, Seo Hyeon lifted her mask, white of course. A pastel pink dress fitted her curves perfectly. She goes to all sorts of dances, but she always treats all of them as something special. Which Min admired.
Ryuu offered a small smile, his bright blue eyes standing out from the dark navy blue mask and suit he wore. He was a good bit taller than Min-Hyuk, something Min was always jealous of. He was half American half Japanese, so it obvious Ryuu would have been taller than him anyway. Since Min-Hyuk was fully Korean. But he never voiced it.
Clearing his throat, he gave her hand a small squeeze before he spoke to the two.
"Ryuu, CC….This is Valerie. I thought itd be best if you met her." He says calmly.
Ryuu stayed where he was, not showing it but he was definitely cautious. Ready to protect Seo Hyeon. He knew everything about this family. And anyway, he was there when the attack happened.
Seo Hyeon on the other hand, she was bouncy and clueless. So, a big smile was plastered on her face and she held out a hand to her. "Hiya!! I'm Seo Hyeon as you probably already know! But call me CC."