forum Rp with soft boyo?
Started by @imJUSTasillylittleguy group

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Laura huffed a little in amusement, dropping what she was holding into the laundry basket. "Well, you were. Do you need anything from me? Food?" She asked lightly, approaching him.


"Right." Laura nodded, sighing softly. "Well, do you want to sit in here, or would you rather be out there?" She asked, resting a hand loosely on her hip.


"Right." Laura sighed softly, nodding. "Well, I'm going to make myself some dinner." She stated simply, starting for the door. She wasn't going to repeatedly ask him, assuming he meant what he said.


Laura had gone and crashed on the couch the night before, giving Nikko her room for the evening. It was more work to move him than it was worth. So when she got up the following morning, she definitely seemed unhappy. Her back hurt, and she was exhausted. Sleep just hadn't come to her the night before. Now she was chugging down a cup of coffee, heading down the hall. She knocked on her door, pushing it open to look over to Nikko. "You up?"

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Nikkō reached up to rub his eyes rolling over and squinting at her. "hm?.." he didn't have much recollection of the day before and not being able to see didn't help either but stayed quiet. He reached out to see how close she was, or who it was.


When his hand hit her stomach, she flinched some. Physical touch wasn't really her thing, especially when it was unannounced. But she didn't mention it, and only took a step back. "Time to get up. We've got to get a move on."

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He reached away from her as soon as he touched her stomach. He realized who it was as soon as she spoke. He heard her step back, quiet as it was.
"Right, t-thanks for waking me up." He mustered up a soft smile at her. "w-whats the plan?"


"I've got none. I know nothing about these people, besides the fact they're ruthless." Laura shrugged a little, leaning back against the wall. "You're gonna have to tell me all you know, before I try to make any plans."

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

"R-right." he cleared his throat and sat up in the bed turning to face her basing her direction off her voice. "Well…" he started to think back to when he had encountered him and there recent encounter surfaced.
"They…" he tried to dig for a solid piece of evidence or something describing them, he dug deeper and deeper. He came up with nothing, his brows furrowed.
He couldn't even remember their villain name. he felt like crying however he kept the tears from spilling over. What use was he if couldn't even remember who they were facing? His voice trembled a little.
"T-They…" Something. Anything he begged his brain for just a sliver of something to show for and he got nothing. He covered his face with his hands.


((Aww, cute!))

"Well?" Laura tried to lead him on, waiting for him to say something of use. "They what? Come on," She insisted, waiting for something worth-while. But when he kept stammering, and then broke down into tears, she figured he didn't know what to say, or had nothing to say.
"You don't remember a thing, do you?" She asked weakly, pinching the bridge of her nose. She should have figured it wouldn't be that easy.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

"I-im s-s-sorry…" He mumbled out, staying in his position trying to keep the tremble out of his voice. He felt awful, he had asked her for help and only become a burden with nothing of use for her.


"Stop apologizing." Laura muttered some, trying her best not to let the annoyance through. He'd only cry more, and she didn't want that. "It's fine. Just stop crying. I'll figure something else out."

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

"ah- sorry- I mean sorry- I mean-" he just stopped but he uncovered his face wipping away his tears at the very least. "okay…well If I can help let me know, I don't wanna just have you do everything and sit here being useless." He mumbled.


Laura nodded, sighing weakly. She rubbed down her face before draining off the last little bit of coffee. "You seriously don't remember anything? How you got away?" She asked simply, setting the mug aside.


Laura nodded, sighing weakly. She rubbed down her face before draining off the last little bit of coffee. "You seriously don't remember anything? How you got away?" She asked simply, setting the mug aside.