forum rp, open to anyone, 7/♾️ spots filled
Started by @saor_illust school

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Ethyn smirked. "Certainly weird shadow dude." He hit Kye with a swift rabbit punch to the face then turned away, shaking his hand. He turned back, "Kye, snap out of it, we gotta go."

@Echo_6 group

"My name is Gelion, and I would be careful who you call dude." The figure moved around the small group as If inspecting them. Kye was rubbing his jaw.
"Ow! What the hell Ethyn?" He snapped as if he didn't even remember what was going on.


"I call almost everyone dude. Also he told me to do it!" Ethyn said, looking to Kye and pointing at Gelion. He seemed a little too happy, as though it was a facade to hide his actual feelings.

@Echo_6 group

Kye looked at Gelion and everything seemed to return to him. He looked around and then back to Gelion. "What are you doing?!" he snapped.
"I'm being the only one who knows how to get you out of here," Gelion responded.
"We are on Earth, you cannot just show up like this," Kye looked outraged. "People on earth don't take to kindly to demons materializing out of nowhere." He turned to the others. "We're gonna skip around the edge of town. Maybe… maybe Hosea will find us."

@Echo_6 group

Kye turned to look at Ethyn, and motioned for them all to start moving. Gelion disappeared again, as if he'd never been there. "Probably the first thing noticeable about him is the fact that he only has one eye. He has choppy yellow blond hair, and his one good eye is blue. He's usually wearing his royal purple hoodie, and tan cargo pants. I would highly advise against possibly attacking him, you would not likely win."

@Echo_6 group

"Yeah, before that cop over there decides he wants to come say hi," Kye nodded. He started moving slowly away from the area, making sure the others were following.
You okay now?
Only outwardly.

@Echo_6 group

"In a sense," Kye replied. "I'm reminded why I'm glad I ended up with a group of kids that are not easily shocked by things. Most regular people would be gawking and screaming."

@V01DtheFae group

Kain knew a lot about spirits for a kid his age but he never thought he would meet a demon seeing as they were usually secluded when he tried to find them "How old is Gelion?"

@Echo_6 group

"He… has been around since the universe was created," Kye replied glancing back at Kain. "And before anyone asks, yes he does reside within me. It's super complicated and obnoxious."

@Echo_6 group

(To be fair she met him earlier that day.)
"Yeah, and that also means that I can hear him talking in my head while the rest of you can't. The conversations can be… repetitive," Kye nodded.
Well you know, I would probably talk less if you weren't so bent on almost getting us killed 24/7.
I don't do that so, purposefully, so you can stop getting on my case about it.
Oh, suuuure, let's jump off a cliff, we'll be fine.
I only did that once and I knew we would be fine.
Oh no yeah I believe you. I believe you one hundred percent.
Work on your sarcasm, it's not as sharp as it use to be.
I'll work on it as soon as you go a full day without almost getting us killed.
Not possible.

@Echo_6 group

"Please do not let anyone exorcise Gelion from me," Kye gave a laugh. Though inwardly he felt a bit more than uneasy.
If you let someone exorcise me I swear I will kill you.
You won't have to. By the time they finish we'll both be dead.
Pleasant thoughts.
I know right?

@saor_illust school

"Why would we be exorcising him from you? As long as he isn't doing much harm, he should be fine," Ava pointed out. As she saw it, there really was no point in performing an exorcism unless necessary.

@Echo_6 group

"Good," Kye glanced back at them and then continued. They were just outside of town by this point. "If we keep just outside of town, but closeish to the house we have a chance of running int-" He was cut off as someone sailed into him and laid the barrel of a gun on his forehead.
"Kye, how many times do I have to remind you to watch your six?" The man said calmly looking down at Kye. Who he was on top of.
"Hosea!" Kye snapped. "Get off of me."

@Echo_6 group

Hosea stood up holstered his gun ,and helped Kye back to his feet. He turned to look at the group with Kye. "I see you found yourself a little group of misfits," he smiled. Then he turned and looked at Kye again. "So are you responsible for my house being burned down?"

@saor_illust school

Ava's eyes narrowed, holding Kain close to her as she backed away from Hosea, her wings flaring slightly. Her muscles itched to fight; Ava felt uneasy around Hosea.