(That's the most likely reason he'd go back uninvited honestly lol. His personality is just chaotic neutral and he's like, what if I got like five frogs and then stripped naked and sat in hot water with the king of hell)
(That's the most likely reason he'd go back uninvited honestly lol. His personality is just chaotic neutral and he's like, what if I got like five frogs and then stripped naked and sat in hot water with the king of hell)
(That's the most likely reason he'd go back uninvited honestly lol. His personality is just chaotic neutral and he's like, what if I got like five frogs and then stripped naked and sat in hot water with the king of hell)
(Alright, then, okay, if that's true let's do it.)
(Nice you want to start by just existing and Scipio yeets into the room?)
It was a few days later after the kiss and Lucifer was in his springs again. He was holding a particularly small frog in the palm of his hand, listening to it chirp and whistle to him. He hummed in laughter and let it hop up his arm quickly and burrow itself into his hair. He would remove it later.
Scipio watched his toad and frog interact before getting bored. It gets dull with just two of them… hmm… He tossed a couple flowers in there for them to eat before heading off to the hot springs and walking in. "Hey, Lucy. You really are in here a lot."
They became friends yet they just avoided each other. Like toads and frogs do. Lucifer glanced up when the other entered, frowning a little, with the frog peering out at Scipio. "I didn't ask you to come back. Why are you here?"
"I'm getting more frogs. Got bored with just the two. That toad does nothing but scream and glare at everyone." Scipio said simply, looking around for frogs. "This is the only place I know they are, so I came here."
"They're outside, too," Lucifer said with a slight frown at him. "If you just looked around your guys' springs you'd find a lot." He gently took the frog from his hair and set it down.
"We have our own springs? I thought this was the only one…" Scipio shrugged and picked up a random frog he found. "What have you been doing the last couple days?"
"Yes, they're in another room in their bathrooms. They probably didn't show you." He shrugged. The frog he picked up was small and it squeaked at him.
"Mm…" Scipio was quiet for a moment, looking down at the frog in his hands. "Mind if I join you?"
Lucifer glanced at him during the moment of silence, then shrugged. "I guess you can. Dunno why you'd wanna though."
Scipio shrugged as well and stripped, getting into the hot spring with the frog still in his hands. He let it go once he was in so it could swim.
It swam around, chirruping and floating to Lucifer again, who accepted it gently into his hands. It crawled up his arm and back into his hair.
"So… a few days ago… what was that all about, if you don't mind my asking?" Scipio looked up at Lucifer, picking up another frog.
Lucifer shrugged and relaxed into the side of the springs. "I dunno." The frog that was lifted up made a weird rumbling noise.
"I mean, I'm not like, upset… just a bit surprised, you know?" Scipio looked down at the frog in his hands.
"Yeah, I caught on to that. Otherwise I think you would have tried to kill me or something," Lucifer commented.
"I make bad decisions, but I'm not stupid. I don't think attempted murder of the king of hell would end in my favor." Scipio watched the frogs swimming.
"It wouldn't, thanks for noticing." He chuckled softly, shaking his head slowly. "You seem to like these frogs a lot, huh?"
"They're interesting… since I was challenged to keep one alive, I became intrigued with them as I tried to figure out how to keep the damn things from dying."
"Mmm. It seems you enjoy challenges," Lucifer observed, smiling a little as he listened to Scipio's rantings about frogs.
"Yeah, I'm not a coward." Scipio grinned. "If someone challenges me to keep a frog alive, I will find a way to keep that damn frog from croaking." He was quiet for a moment. "I also like puns."
"Not a coward for wanting to take more frogs?" Lucifer asked with a slight snort. "I understand other challenges you might accept, but frogs for the sake of puns sounds absurd."
"Not just because of the frog thing. I'm generally just not a coward when it comes to challenges. Also, frogs are perfectly worthy of puns. They're just not worth decent humor." Scipio picked up another frog and examined it.
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