(No problem)
Scipio sighed and allowed Lucifer to lead him up the stairs. "Are you able to take souls out of people and put them back in without killing them?"
(No problem)
Scipio sighed and allowed Lucifer to lead him up the stairs. "Are you able to take souls out of people and put them back in without killing them?"
"Nope, not quite how souls work, Mr. Man." Lucifer took his arm from around Scipio and locked the basement again. "And it doesn't matter to you."
"But I wanna know what my soul looks like now…" Scipio said softly.
"Nope. I can guarantee it's maybe the size of your fist, and maybe a dull dray color." He smiled.
"But isn't my heart the size of my fist? And that seems shockingly light for a mass murderer…"
"I guess. But mass murder isn't what they called you. They basically called you a serial killer, because you killed, eh, a good amount of people, but not all at once."
"Do you have any records of how many people I actually killed? I'm kinda curious now."
"No, I just know it was enough to annoy The Sanctions that they wanted to keep you with me," Lucifer said in a deadpan voice.
"Mm… Honestly the fact that I was able to annoy people as high up as the Sanctions makes me feel pretty good about myself."
"Yeah, good, cus they were just mildly annoyed and wanted to keep an eye on you." He laughed and shook his head. "Honestly, I've never met a human who is proud of himself for doing something like that."
Scipio grinned. "Well, they're important! Considering they noticed my existence means I've gotten their attention, and I do love attention."
"I bet you do. Now don't you have anything to do?" He asked, looking down at him. He didn't want to stop him from doing important servant things.
"Not that I'm aware of, unless there's something you're wanting me to do." Scipio shrugged, tilting his head up so he could see Lucifer better.
Lucifer turned his head down to meet his gaze, shrugging back. "Nope. I was just curious if you had things to do, is all."
Scipio shook his head. "Why? Wanting to do something?"
"No man, I was just asking, goodness." He said exasperatedly.
"Alright. I suppose I'll just go off to my room then. Ta-ta~" Scipio waved and wandered off.
Lucifer nodded and walked into his own room. That human was very strange.
(Yep. To when?)
(Dunno lmao. A few days later?)
Scipio left his room after watching his frogs, which there were around ten of now, and started cleaning some random thing he'd found.
Lucifer passed by the human with another terrarium full of frogs whistling and chirruping in protest. There were at least thirty. Lucifer was in a robe and soaked head to toe.
"Scipio! SciiiipiooooO!!!!" He called out.
Scipio looked up, confused. "Uh… yeah, Lucy? That's, uh… that's a lot of frogs you got there." He glanced down at the terrarium.
He turned around to glare at Scipio. "I want you to take these. The terrarium's big enough for all of them, I just don't want them in my stupid pool anymore."
"Er, alright." Scipio took the terrarium in his arms, trembling a bit under its weight. "I'll take them, I guess."
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