forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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V shook his head again "no, it's not. You shouldn't blame yourself for his death. He chose to risk his life to save yours. He does knowing you were able to live." He said, stroking his back soothingly


"I-I should have helped him… I was just completely frozen in terror. I was only about eight, and I wasn't ready to be out there yet…"


"you would have only been putting yourself in more danger." V reasoned "tell me more about Lloyde, what was he like?"


"He was… h-he was really smart, and he pretended like things were always just business to him, but h-he was really protective of me because I was so young… He was only about fifteen when he d-died…"


V nodded, listening to what Nathaniel told him, saddened that the young man he described died so young. " I'm sorry,"


"M-My parents always liked him better than me, and they were perfectly happy to blame me for his d-death…" Nathaniel hiccuped, shaking. "They… t-they don't love me anymore…"


"they do, they're just having a hard time coping. They lost both their sons." He said, stroking his hair "none of this is you're fault. Just give it time."


Nathaniel hugged V tightly, hiding his tear streaked face. He didn't really believe V, but he didn't know what else to say. His parents definitely didn't seem to care about him anymore.


(thats knew)
V sighed, knowing his words would bring no comfort. "Oh beautiful creature, what am I going to do with you." he muttered, nuzzling his hair and kissing his head


(Oh I haven't introduced you to part two, electric boogaloo memes lol)
"I wanna cuddle…" Nathaniel said quietly, his voice a bit muffled. He wrapped his legs around V's waist again.


(I'm on a whole new level of confused)
He blushed slightly "then we will cuddle." he said glancing down at him and brushing aside hair


(It's a meme XD)
"I'm sorry I'm being so whiny… m-my life's probably not even that bad compared to most people." Nathaniel winced a bit as he disturbed his injuries again.


"It's ok, I don't mind. Gives me a chance to know you on a level I otherwise wouldn't have known of." he said gently


Nathaniel evaluated the position he was sitting in on V, feeling rather small. "Yeah, I guess… you probably could've asked and I'd have told you without breaking down, though…"


V shook his head "Nah, doesn't make the situation genuine if they're aren't tears." He kissed the other's cheek, tasting the salt from the dried tears


He smiled "thats because you're 5'4, ontop of a guy who almost 6'0. you're gonna feel a bit short," he teased


"They deserved it though… they were pissing me off." Nathaniel closed his eyes when V kissed his nose. "And being short as fuck won't stop me from whooping their asses."


He laughed softly "remind me never to piss you off, or at least be 5 feet away from you when I do." He said


He laced they had a together and glanced over at a clock on the nightstand "8:30" he said, glancing down at Nathaniel