He sighed softly and kissed the top of his head "sleep my angel," he muttered softly
He sighed softly and kissed the top of his head "sleep my angel," he muttered softly
Nathaniel closed his eyes and eventually drifted off, still clinging tightly to V.
V started humming softly and stroking g Nathaniel's wings until he too, drifted off to sleep. He shifted throughout the night, careful not to hurt the other while trying to get comfy
(Nathaniel's just screaming in the forest in pm lol)
Nathaniel woke up in the morning and carefully untangled himself from V so he could make breakfast.
(ah shoot, I'm on it)
He murmured a protest but stayed asleep for the most part until later in the morning
"V! Breakfast!" Nathaniel called out loudly once he'd finished making fried eggs and bacon.
V jerked awake in surprise at the sudden call. He stood up and headed to the kitchen, leaning in the doorframe "you cooked? You have the physical ability to cook and never told me? Wow angel." He teased
"Hey, I made grilled cheese the other day! That's cooking, technically speaking. Now get your ass in here and just eat the damn food." Nathaniel held out a plate of eggs to V.
He laughed and sat down at the kitchen table, taking the plate. "Thank you and I'd get it if you made the bread and cheese from scratct But toasting some sliced bread and putting Cheese on top does not count as cooking dear."
Nathaniel stuck out his tongue and sat down. "Well, you did say you'd eat literally anything, so I think that's on you." He pouted a bit and took a bite of his eggs. "I don't even fuckin' know how to make bread from scratch. Like, what the hell does that even mean?"
V tilted his head and laughed "how do you not know how to make bread? It's literally water, flower, eggs, yeast and milk (I think)" he took a bite out of the eggs "they're really good."
"Well, they were made from scratch." Nathaniel grinned sarcastically and took another bite of his eggs.
"wow so now you're a chicken?" He retorted back playfully "thats new."
Nathaniel stuck out his tongue again and looked away, a faint blush on his cheeks. He's really trying to piss me off today, ain't he?
V laughed softly and went back to eating "so where are we going today?" He asked
Nathaniel shrugged. "Dunno. I don't really know the area as well as you do."
He tilted his head in thought "they have a bookstore near here.” He suggested
"What kind of books are you wanting to get?" Nathaniel had been to libraries in heaven, so he figured bookstores were rather like that.
"some old classics. " He said, getting excited at the chance of going "I've had my eyes set on some French literature for a bit now."
"Alright." Nathaniel finished eating and put his plate in the sink. "Are you wanting to go now?"
V shrugged "sure, if you want." He stood and set his plate in the sink to wash later when they came back
Nathaniel nodded and took V's hand in his own. "How are we getting there?"
He kissed the back of Nathaniel's hand "it's not far. A few blocks away from the bakery. We can walk if you'd like."
"Okay. I'll follow you." Nathaniel glanced around as they walked so he could get to know the area, allowing V to lead him.
He nodded, making sure not to rush to the bookstore in order to give Nathaniel a chance to look around town
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