Nathaniel nodded, stretching his wings a bit to confirm they still hurt. Then he placed himself under V's arm and leaned more against him, fidgeting nervously with his hands.
Nathaniel nodded, stretching his wings a bit to confirm they still hurt. Then he placed himself under V's arm and leaned more against him, fidgeting nervously with his hands.
He glanced down at Nathaniel and grinned, "beautiful creature." He muttered, gently pulling him into his lap and wrapping him in his wings
"Mm…" Nathaniel smiled softly, his dimples returning. He closed his eyes and lay his head against V's chest. This is nice…
He clicked on the TV and found a movie that had already been playing. He took a sip of his tea from the bedside table and closed his eyes, lightly stroking Nathaniel's hair
Nathaniel looked up at the movie, his hands folded neatly in his lap. He seemed distracted.
('subtly' pushes fluff lol)
(I got you)
V moved his hand so it rested over Nathaniel's, lacing their fingers together. He turned on his side, bringing the other with him and spooning him. He burried his face in his neck, pressing light kisses to his skin
Nathaniel squeaked again and of course tried to hide it, his face flushing bright red. What is he doing? Oh god. That tickles. Shit. He couldn't stop himself from giggling a bit, though it was a bit muffled from him covering his mouth with one hand.
"you're turning red, angel." He muttered, lightly brushing his lips against the other's neck "am I making you nervous again?"
"T-That tickles…" Nathaniel giggled again, trying to stop himself. Oh my god please kill me. "And to answer your question, yeah…"
He breathed a laughed and pressed a kiss to the base of Nathaniel's neck "nervous in a good way or in an uncomfortable way?" He asked
"A good way, I think…" Nathaniel bit his lip, trembling. He still had his mouth covered, but his soft, muffled giggles were still audible.
"I think you're laughter is a sign that it's a good thing." He smiled nuzzled his neck "cold?"
"Kinda, I guess…" Nathaniel's heart felt like it would pound right out of his chest. V's arms around him felt nice, but the small anxiety from being surprised and startled was still there.
"I promise I won't go any farther than this, if that's what you're scared of." He said, trying to offer some relief
"I mean, it's… it's alright if you do…" Nathaniel said very quietly, pressing himself closer to V for warmth.
He pulled the covers over them both and stroked the other's cheek "maybe, not yet though."
Nathaniel blushed more at V's touch, but leaned into the other's hand contentedly. It was like being pet, and he kinda liked it.
V started to hum lightly, closing his eyes in content as he lied there with Nathaniel in his arms
Nathaniel flipped himself around so he could be facing V, hugging the other gently so he wouldn't hurt himself. He hesitantly entwined his legs with V's and smiled, starting to get over how much he hated his dimples because V liked them.
he smiled and kissed the corners of nathanials mouth, "Can you get any cuter?" he asked, tucking the other under his chin and wrapping his arms protectively around his waist.
"Dunno… I was a pretty cute kid. I never did show you that picture, did I?" Nathaniel said softly, enjoying the contact. He'd never really cuddled with anyone before so he didn't know how much he liked it.
"No you havn't showed me any but I bet you were a cute." he laughed softly and kissed his brow
Nathaniel nodded and pulled V down so he could kiss him. Damn being short as hell…
He gasped in surprise but kissed him back, tilting his head slightly to deepen it
"Why you gotta be so fuckin tall?" Nathaniel mumbled, his arms around V's neck.
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