He laughed lightly and kissed his nose "I'm only teasing. I would never intentionally hurt you."
He laughed lightly and kissed his nose "I'm only teasing. I would never intentionally hurt you."
Nathaniel started shaking, his eyes still closed. "I-I'm not cute…"
"no, you're right. Cute doesn't cut it, adorable?" He asked softly, lips brushing over Nathaniel's
Nathaniel gave a small squeak in surprise and quickly covered his mouth, his eyes widening. Oh fuck.
V backed away slowly, afraid that he had gone too far "I..I'm sorry…I…"
"N-No, it's fine… You're not the problem, trust me. You just… surprised me, and that noise…" Nathaniel stammered. He's going to think that's cute too, dammit. "I'm sorry, I-I just feel stupid…" He giggled a bit and covered his mouth again. "Oh my goooood… I hate everything about myself… please kill me…" He whined dramatically, his face just as red as ever.
V sat up and pulled Nathaniel into hug, holding him tight against his chest "first, no, no one's going to kill you, secondly, that little squeak was really cute, and lastly, your a mess of adorableness right now." He nuzzled his hair and curled up comfortably with him in his arms on the couch
Hhhhhhh… Nathaniel buried his face in V's chest, still trembling. He wrapped his legs around the other's waist and held onto him tightly.
"it's ok, I'm not going anywhere.you hold onto me like I might disappear or something." He kissed his head, keeping his lips in place "I swear i'm not leaving you."
"Mm…" Nathaniel was quiet for a moment. "I… I'm more afraid of something happening to you than you leaving me…"
He glanced down at Nathaniel, touched by his concern "nothing's going to happen to me, to either of us."
Nathaniel pulled back and looked up at V for a moment. He bit his own lip nervously before kissing V.
(accidently just yelled YUUUUSSS)
V's eyes widened in surprise before fluttering shut in content. His hand weaved its way into Nathaniels hair as they kissed
Nathaniel decided he would let V decide when to pull away and continued holding onto him so he wouldn't fall over.
(So here's this funny head canon I have
Nathaniel to random tall guy: Fuck you!
The guy: Oh yeah? Why don't you say that to my face!
Nathaniel: V!
V: lifts Nathaniel under his arms so he's face to face with the guy
Nathaniel @ the tall guy again: Fuck you!)
V finally pulled away but I lying far enough so they could breath a bit. "Beautiful creature," he muttered lovingly "what was that for?"
"B-Because I… I'm really sorry if this is too soon, but… I-I think I love you…" Nathaniel said softly, looking away.
He laughed softly and tilted the others head so he was forced to look him in the eyes "don't ever be sorry, my dear. Especially about that." He kissed him again and smiled
Nathaniel sighed contentedly, his dimples slowly returning. "As… as nice as this is, I don't think we can just cuddle all day. We need food."
He sighed softly and nodded "way to kill the mood, but yes, you are right." Bakery down the street again?" He asked
Nathaniel nodded a bit as well, carefully untangling himself from V. He grimaced and froze for a few moments, forgetting that he was still injured.
"you ok?" V asked, glancing over at Nathaniel, seeing that he had gone stiff
"I… I-I forgot that I'm injured." Nathaniel crossed his arms tightly over his stomach, breathing heavily.
He looked nathiel over in worry, "come.here," he pulled nathiel to him and closed his eyes " relax." He said
"It hurts…" He whispered, holding gently to V since holding him tightly would hurt his already screaming muscles.
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