"you heard me, we're flying." He crossed his arms over his chest "pull off the hood, it's no fun if you can't feel the wind through your feathers."
"you heard me, we're flying." He crossed his arms over his chest "pull off the hood, it's no fun if you can't feel the wind through your feathers."
Nathaniel hesitantly pulled off his hoodie, folding his wings tightly behind his back and looking down at the ground. It made him pretty nervous for them to be exposed like this.
He looked him over before scooping the other up in his arms and launching into the sky, waiting until they were above the clouds line to float steadily
Nathaniel's breathing hitched and he clung tightly to V. Ever since he crippled his wings, he'd honestly been pretty afraid to be in the air because he knew he'd fall. His wings quivered as he glanced down at the land so far below them.
"it's ok, I'm not letting you fall." He muttered softly "spread your wings, it'll feel good."
"I'm… I'm scared…" Nathaniel whispered, eventually letting his wings relax a little more.
"I know, but you're not going anywhere." He held Nathaniel tighter to his chest
"I-I feel like I'm just gonna fall to my death." Nathaniel held his breath, extending his wings slightly.
He laughed softly and shook his head "you're not. I wouldn't let you." He said sincerely "if I do, you can personally send me to hell, deal?"
"I don't have the authority to do that, V…" Nathaniel finally extended his wings, but winced a bit. It hurt to have them in this position simply because of how they were broken.
"I think they'll allow it, for that one acception." He glanced down at Nathaniel "you doing ok?"
"I… it hurts…" Nathaniel tried to extend his wings further and grimaced, holding tighter to V.
He glanced at Nathaniel's wings and caressed them softly "it's ok, don't extend them so far."
Nathaniel kept his eyes closed and held his breath, his heart pounding. He didn't plan on admitting it, but he was terrified. He trembled slightly and had to fold his wings more so they wouldn't hurt.
"want to go back down?" He asked, worried that he had scared Nathaniel. "Or at least a bit lower,"
"…K-Kinda." Stop stuttering… you're worrying him. Nathaniel hesitantly opened his eyes and looked down, his heart just beating faster when he saw how far up they were.
He nodded and slowly decended back towards the cliffs "don't look," he said gently, holding him even after they had landed. He sat down in the grass and held him close
Nathaniel leaned his head against V's chest, still shaking a bit. He thought that he might've developed a fear of heights after the accident, which wasn't a good thing for an angel to have. He wasn't necessarily afraid of the height itself, but more of how helpless he'd be if he fell. Honestly, his wings were crippling his mind just as much as his body.
V sighed softly and leaned his head ontop of Nathaniel's. "I'm sorry if that scared you, I just wanted you to experience flying again. Guess it didn't work…." He trained off feeling guilty
"It's… it's not your fault… I-I'm just a coward…" Nathaniel said shakily, avoiding eye contact with V.
"says the one who wants to pick fights with demons." V said with a smile "I don't think you're a coward. You've been through so much. I think it's ok to dear something now and then, kinda reminds you you're not invinceable." He smiled softly and sighed
"I-I just… even with you carrying me, I can't help but be terrified of falling. I'm completely helpless in the air without my wings. I don't even think I could slow my descent or glide or anything…" Nathaniel blinked away tears and avoided eye contact. Don't cry oh my god.
V glanced down at Nathaniel "hey, don't think like that." He pulled Nathaniel against him and tucked him under his chin "you're not going to fall, I won't let it happen." He promised
A tear rolled down his cheek and he held his breath. Dammit. "I know you won't, b-but I'm still scared… I also don't do well around guns, especially hunting rifles, because of how I hurt my wings…"
V nodded in understanding "I was never fond if guns, never understood why the human race had to kill in such a brutal way." He muttered, "did you ever try to see someone for your wings?"
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