forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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(I'm gonna make Nathaniel triggered)
Once they got to the bookstore, the lady behind the desk waved to V. "Hello, V! I didn't know you had a little brother." Nathaniel's face flushed and he opened his mouth to say something, but ended up staying quiet. "What's his name?"


(aaaaawwwww that's just sad)
V laughed softly and shook his head "ha- he's not my brother Zina," he showed her their linked hands and grinned "Zina this is Nathaniel. Nathaniel this is a good friend of mine, Zina."


(Rip smol bean)
"Oh! I'm so sorry." Nathaniel smiled weakly. "It's fine. I get that a lot…" "Alright… Well, let me know if you boys need help with anything!"


"It's alright, yeah. I did a lot of reading when I hurt my wings." Nathaniel entwined his fingers with V's.


"Um… well, since I was only nine, I couldn't read anything too advanced. Mostly just fairy tales or other fantasy stuff." Nathaniel leaned his head against V's shoulder.


He kissed his head and pulled out a book, looking at the inside of it and reading the description "have any favorites?" he asked


"When I was really little I liked Peter Pan and stuff. Now I kinda like reading stuff about humans and human history." Nathaniel tried to kiss V, but he couldn't reach when V was still looking at the books. "Get fuckin' down here, I'm short."


he glanced away from the book and looked down at him with a smile, leaning down a bit "better?" he breathed against his lips before pulling him into a gentle kiss


"Yeah…" Nathaniel leaned against V again, glancing up at the books. He tried to reach something on a shelf that was just a little too high for him and huffed in frustration as he failed.


Nathaniel's face flushed in embarrassment and he looked away, holding the book close to his chest. "T-Thanks, I guess…"


"you're embarrassed about that but not when I kissed you a few moments ago?" V laughed softly and sat down with the book he had pulled out


"Well I asked you to come down… I-I dunno… it just does…" Nathaniel mumbled, reading the back of the book.


V glanced up and gently pulled into his lap "I get it love." He kissed his cheek and read the book over his shoulder


Nathaniel flushed more, but kept quiet, his hands trembling a bit and giving away how flustered he was.


Nathaniel shivered and crossed his arms tightly over his stomach to hide their shaking, although that just made his entire body tremble. His face was very red by now.