V's brow creased in concern and he closed his book "alright, what's wrong? You're usually fine with me holding you."
V's brow creased in concern and he closed his book "alright, what's wrong? You're usually fine with me holding you."
"I-I dunno… it's… I'm just… I think it's making me very nervous and I'm not exactly sure why other than I like you. I'm incredibly sensitive to touch, as you've probably noticed, and you being up against my wings like that… w-well, let's just say my wings are probably the most sensitive." Nathaniel kept his eyes fixated on the floor. "I'm… I'm getting lightheaded from it again…"
V nuzzled Into his neck "I would never hurt you. I know your wings are sensitive, more than most angel wings. I don't want to make you feel like you have to be nervous for your safety around me."
"I'm not scared for my safety or anything… I know you wouldn't hurt me. It's just, when my wings are touched, it makes me feel all hot and tingly. I'm… not used to that feeling, and I guess that could be why it makes me nervous." Nathaniel shivered again when V touched his neck.
(Basically he gets low-key turned on and is confused lol)
(ahahaw )
"Maybe that's not such a bad feeling," he said, kissing behind his ear.
Nathaniel was still trembling, but he couldn't help a small grin from growing onto his face. "How… h-how do you mean, love?"
V shrugged "the nervousness you're feeling might not be nervousness." he said "might be something else." he gently bit down on his skin
"W-What else could it be?" Nathaniel bit his lip and closed his eyes. "Does it… does it feel hot in here to you?"
"a bit," he said softly, pulling away a bit and smiling "don't worry, that's normal."
"What's normal…?" Nathaniel kept his eyes on the books, panting slightly.
He laughed softly "being triggered by my closeness and touch," he explained, lightly brushing his lips against the nape of Nathaniel's neck
"Nnnn…" Chills went down Nathaniel's spine again, and his knees felt weak. He closed his eyes, still biting his lip to keep quiet.
V flicjed his gaze up at the sound "you alright?" he asked softly, his hot breath carressing Nathaniles skin
"Y-Yeah…" Nathaniel held onto V's arms as his knees started buckling, breathless.
"you're a garbage liar, angel." he muttered, voice dropping low "you're breath is ragged and you're stuttering again," he noted, kissing his neck again
"No, I-I'm serious… I feel… good, I think." He let V support his weight, since his jelly legs weren't holding him up.
"you think?" he teased, drawing his lips slowly over and dover again over his neck
Nathaniel let out a quiet whine, not confident enough to moan yet. "I'm… I'm not used to this feeling, b-but I think it's a good one…"
"it's called lust, angel. A desire for someone or something that's so strong that it overpowers your other senses. One of the seven deadly sons. You probably haven't heard of it since you're an angel." He explained
"Mmm… am I… am I sinning?" Nathaniel asked quietly, melting into V's touch.
"I don't think so, and if you are, I don't think it matters much. We're technically.not angels anymore."
Nathaniel nodded and turned around, wrapping his arms around V so he wouldn't collapse.
He held him against him, lightly tracing the curves of the other's wings "you might not be their definition of an angel but you fit right in with mine." He muttered softly
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