"K-Kinda, yeah…" Nathaniel murmured, keeping his eyes closed.
"K-Kinda, yeah…" Nathaniel murmured, keeping his eyes closed.
"alright, hold on then," he said, shifting on the couch so he sat up with Nathaniel in his lap
"What're you doing?" Nathaniel subconsciously curled up a bit, slightly nervous about being naked despite literally any logic.
"hm? Just heading to the bedroom." He muttered softly, standing and walking to their room.
"Okay…" Nathaniel wrapped his free wing around himself to hide his body.
He set him down gently on the bed and climbed in next to him, throwing a cover over them. He pulled the other close, wrapping his arms around his waist
Nathaniel blushed a bit more at the contact, but soon wrapped his arms around V's shoulders to cuddle.
"hm, beautiful angel." He kissed his brow "you're cute when you blush."
Nathaniel hid his face again. "I'm not cute…"
"yes you are," he muttered, "comfy?"
"…Yeah.." Nathaniel entwined his legs with V's and held tighter to him.
He groaned softly at the sensation and bit his lip "mmm, angel,"
"W-What? Did I do something wrong?" Nathaniel looked up at V nervously.
He shook his head "no dear, nothing at all." He nuzzled him gently "sleep my dear."
"Okay…" Nathaniel eventually managed to fall asleep, huddling close to V for warmth.
V watched himself sleep for a bit before drifting off
Nathaniel woke up in the morning and wasn't sure if V was awake or not. He debated going to get his clothes, but ended up deciding to just stay here for now. Besides, his clothes were in the living room, and they were in V's bedroom right now.
V sighed softly and tightened his grip around Nathaniel "morning," he muttered softly
"M-Morning…" Nathaniel nestled his head into the crook of V's neck, his wings quivering again.
"you're shaking again." He noted, lightly resting his hand on his wings.
Nathaniel nodded, his shivers traveling through the rest of his body when V touched his wings.
"hm, I'm guessing I have something to do that?" He teased, brushing his lips against his
"S-Stop making fun of me…" Nathaniel let V kiss him, closing his eyes.
"no chance, I love watching you blush." He muttered softly, tilting the others chin and tracing his lower lip with his thumb
"Well, I blush easy, so I guess you'll be seeing it a lot…" Nathaniel's cheeks were flushed, proving his point.
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