Nathaniel went into the closet and came back out a few minutes later in a hoodie that was massive for him and jeans, which he had to roll up several times so they wouldn't fall down. The hoodie came down almost to his knees and his face was flushed again. "This is humiliating…"
V laughed aloud and tried to hide the smile that crept along his face "I'm sorry, I don't meant to laugh, it's just that you look so small and adorable." He sighed and stood, coving himself with the blanket "pull that off while I try to find you something that might actually fit. He said, heading to the closet
Nathaniel huffed and pulled off the hoodie, carefully folding it in his arms before sitting on the bed to wait for V.
He found a smaller black hood and some sweatpants "try these." He called, tossing him the clothes. He pulled out a shirt and some pants for himself, tossing aside the sheet and pulling them on
Nathaniel changed into the new clothes. They were still massive, of course, but more managably so. Now, the hoodie just went to his mid thighs.
V stepped out and smiled "any better? That's the smallest hood I have in there." He said with a laugh, sitting next to him and tugging him close
"Mm…" Nathaniel pulled himself into V's lap, nestling his head into the crook of his neck.
He laughed softly and kissed his brow "my angel. Even with clothes you still cuddle close to my warmth."
"…I get cold." Nathaniel murmured. "I'm tiny and I have no body fat to keep me warm. Now lemme fuckin' cuddle."
"oh you adorable thing. Of course." He hugged him tight and kissed his neck
Nathaniel huffed, but didn't let go of V. He enjoyed the other's warmth far more than n he'd ever admit, but either way, he was content.
He nuzzled into Nathaniel and stroked his hair "my beautiful creature. Warmer?"
"A little…" Nathaniel wrapped his legs around V's waist, clinging to him tightly.
"hm, you have an odd tendency of straddling me." He teased, tilting his head back and gazing at him
"I don't really know what that means, but sure… you're cozy…" Nathaniel smiled softly.
"oh geeze, you're adorable," he kissed him softly and leaned back,
Nathaniel stuck out his tongue, tired of arguing that he wasn't. He couldn't reach V's lips from this new position, so he kissed his jaw gently.
He sighed softly and groaned "what are you doing my beautiful creature?"
"Just kissing you, but you're too fuckin' tall." Nathaniel said simply, kissing V's neck this time.
He laughed softly and tilted his head out of the way
"I mean, you could help me out here." Nathaniel huffed, looking up at V.
"and if I like you kissing my neck?" He laughed and leaned down towards him "better?"
"Why would you like that better than your lips?" Nathaniel kissed him, flexing his wings a bit.
"mmmm no clue." He laughed and kissed Nathaniel back, letting him lead this time
Nathaniel didn't really know how to kiss other than how they were doing now, but he still lingered, his arms around V's neck.