forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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"To make hot chocolate. It'll help the chocolate melt a bit faster if it's preheated. He reached into a cabinet and pulled out a thick Mexican chocolate bar. He opened a drawer and pulled out a knife, chopping of bits of chocolate. He popped a chunk into his mouth and offer Nathaniel one "try it."


Nathaniel tentatively put the chocolate in his mouth. "It's… it's good! What is it again?" He took another bite of his bagel.


He smiled and nodded, handing him some more before pulling a chilli peppers from the fridge "Mexican hot chocolate."


Nathaniel accepted the piece and ate it, his legs still swinging from the edge of the countertop. He finished his bagel, watching V make the hot chocolate.


He pulled out the milk after 2 minutes and poured in the chopped chocolate and and little bit of the chili. He put back in the microwave and punched in 2 more minutes


"Why'd you put the red stuff in?" Nathaniel watched curiously, glancing between V and the ground.


"chili? It brings out the chocolate taste." He explained, taking the hot chocolate out and storing it until the chocolate melted "he stopped in a bit a d closed his eyes in content "want to try?" He asked with a smile, passing him the cup, "careful, it's hot."


Nathaniel clearly didn't listen well enough, because he just sipped it and immediately burned his tongue. He quickly handed the cup back to V so he wouldn't drop it and stuck out his tongue a bit. "It hurt me…"


V shook his head and smiled, taking the cup and setting down, quickly getting a cup and filling it with water. He handed it to him "drink," he instructed " I told you it was hot love,"


"well…yeah. that's how you get the chocolate to melt. Plus it's better scolding hot." He laughed and tilted his head up to kiss him softly "want to try it again without burning yourself this time?"


Nathaniel just pulled V back and kissed him again, temporarily ignoring the question. "Hey, look. I'm taller than you." He grinned a bit, sitting up taller on the counter.


He wrapped his arms around Nathaniel's lower waist "yes, for once you are. Like it up there?" He asked with a laugh, leaning in and kissing him again


Nathaniel nodded with a grin. "It's a little intimidating, though… the floor looks so far away." He said between kisses.


"yeah, that's a downside, floor to the face is not forgiving." He laughed softly, pulling back and handing him the cup "try."


Nathaniel hesitated before taking a tentative sip, managing to not burn himself. "It's nice, but is it supposed to be that… spicy?" He drank a bit more of his water.


He tilted his head in slight confusion and tilted the cup to take a sip "ah, no sorry. The chili was probably was a little too ready to use. I normally go for milder ones."


"Mm… I like you better, anyways." Nathaniel pulled V close and kissed him again, his wings quivering.


"where did this new confidence come from, angel? From you're new hight change? Now you're making meblush." He muttered, kissing him back, moving to stand in between his legs to pull him close


"I do have confidence, you know. When you're not around. You make me nervous…" Nathaniel murmured,, wrapping his arms around V.


"in a good way I hope," he smiled softly and nuzzled his neck, not being able to reach his lips without having the other lean down


Nathaniel nodded. "Now, you're gonna have to help me down from here…" He glanced down at the ground.


He kissed his neck gently and nodded "hold on tight." He hooked his around the other's waist and picked him up, turning his around and setting him down on the ground