He sighed softly and leaned into Nathaniel, grateful for his presence and love
He sighed softly and leaned into Nathaniel, grateful for his presence and love
Nathaniel pulled away and lay his head on V's chest again, sighing softly.
V tucked him under his chin and kissed his head. "Do you think we would have met if we were still up there?"
"I dunno… maybe. I was a soldier, so, if you joined the army then probably." Nathaniel yawned quietly.
"hm, if we didn't die first." He muttered, lightly stroking his wings
Nathaniel nodded, his wings trembling at V's touch.
"you love that don't you, angel?" He asked, feeling the twitching beneath her hand.
"Y-Yeah… they're… they're really sensitive." Nathaniel murmured.
"They're a part of you, you talk as if they have a life of their own, as if they're still not a part of you." He noted, lightly tracing the place beneath his wings where they budded from his upper back
Nathaniel shivered a bit. "I know they're a part of me, I-I'm just saying they're more sensitive to touch than other parts of my body…"
He smiled and gently traced his spine "good new for me then isn't it?"
Chills ran up Nathaniel's spine and he shivered again, gripping the fabric of V's shirt.
V hummed softly and took one of Nathaniel's hands, lacing their fingers together
Nathaniel relaxed and sighed softly, a small smile on his face. His hair kept falling into his eyes, which he ignored.
"my dearest angel." He smiled down at him and laughed "you need a haircut."
"Nooo… I probably just need to comb it more often. It gets especially fluffy when I shower." Nathaniel tucked a bit of hair behind his ear.
"oh dear love, your absolutely precious." He snuggled into his hair and kissed his head "never ever ever cut your hair."
"But you just said I need a haircut… I probably need to shower too, honestly. Should I do that?" Nathaniel looked up at V.
"I was kidding love. And yes, go shower." He kissed him softly and loosened his hold on him
"Okay… I'll be back soon." Nathaniel went to shower and came back about ten minutes later. He was wearing another one of V's hoodies, which was massive on him, and was finishing up drying his hair with a towel.
V sat up and smiled at him "hey beautiful took you.long enough." He teased standing and kissing his temple before heading to shower
Nathaniel blushed a bit and sat on the couch. He finished drying his hair, which was incredibly fluffy, as promised. He ran his fingers through it so it was a little less of a mess.
V came out a half an hour later in a normal looking shirt and pj pants. He sat next to Nathaniel and shook his wet hair out, intentionally trying to get the other wet
"Hey!" Nathaniel laughed a bit and pushed V away playfully. His extra fluffy hair fell into his eyes, and it looked even softer than usual.
He laughed and pulled Nathaniel to him as he lied back on the couch. "You're right, your hair is so fluffy!" He laughed ran a gentle hand through Nathaniels hair
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