forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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"Do have scars showing the abuse? or do you constantly fear what consequences you might receive for you're actions? thats trauma Nath, don't try to justfy it." he sighed and glanced away


Nathaniel fell silent, unable to find anything else to argue back with. He looked down at the bed guiltily. "I'm… I'm sorry…"


He glanced back up at nathaniel and shook his head "you have nothing to be sorry for, love." he scooted closer and pulled the other into his embrace. "I know you hate it when I fuss over you. I just hate it when people try to justify the wrong done by others." he kissed his head softly


"It's… what he did is wrong?" Nathaniel asked, genuinely confused. "I mean, obviously it's not okay in a romantic relationship or anything, but I thought that was just normal discipline…"


"Did he hit you or yell at you out of a wanting for understandment or to teach you something? or was it out of anger, were you confused as to why you were being diciplined?" he asked gently


"W-Well, a bit of both, but mostly the second one I guess… he blamed me for Lloyd's death and got mad…" Nathaniel replied softly.


"Then thats not dicipline, thats acting out of rage." he explained in the same gently tone. he lightly stroked the others hair,


"Oh… so… s-so he wasn't doing it because he loved me and wanted me to be the best I could be…?" Nathaniel glanced up at V.
(Oof he's like a six year old finding out Santa isn't real quq)


(oh dang…)
V sighed, his heart breaking at the look in Nathaniels eyes "no, love. I don't think it was. I…I hope i'm wrong..i really do..but from what you're telling me, it seems that he just hit you out of anger and rage."


Nathaniel looked away, his eyes shining with tears. Don't cry. Do not fucking cry. He hugged V tightly and drew in a wavering breath, a couple tears rolling down his cheeks. Fuck.


V hugged him back tightly, wanting to protecting Nathaniel from anythig else that might cause him harm. "I'm sorry you had to hear it from me." he offered, knowing he sounded pathetic. he silently vowed to protect nathaniel from anything else that may come in their future


"It's… it's not your fault…" Nathaniel whispered. "It's mine for being too naive to know that what he was doing wasn't loving…" His wings quivered uncontrollably.


V shook his head "love, you were too young to know, the only love you've experienced at that age was from your parents. It's understandable that thats what you thought they meant."


"I'm old enough to know now, and I… I guess I just never thought about it enough to realize how bad it was…" Nathaniel didn't bother trying to stop his wings from quaking as he stayed in V's lap.


"well now you did, granted that realization came from biting me." he teased lightly "still, now you know. you can't change whats happened before. only move fowards and learn."


Nathaniel nodded and sat back, rubbing at his eyes with a shaky sigh. "I guess that explains why I apologize so much…"


V glanced down at him and kissed his brow "because you can't change the past?" v shrugged "then that means everyone should apologies more often. we've all been blind at one point or another in our lives, that doesn't mean we're at fault."


He hummed softly and allowed Nathaniel to pull him towards him " forgive me my love for being rash about the topic, I just can't imagine anyone daring to hurt you." He muttered against his lips.


"and those people are gonna get hurt." He said with a small smile, kissing him again and hugging him