"Mhmm… I dunno why it does that, but it gets super fluffed up when I shower." V's fingers were lost in the cloud that was Nathaniel's hair.
"Mhmm… I dunno why it does that, but it gets super fluffed up when I shower." V's fingers were lost in the cloud that was Nathaniel's hair.
He shrugged and tugged him closer "whatever the reason, I love it. It so soft." He laughed and lightly massaged his scalp
Nathaniel closed his eyes, his blush returning. Being pet like this felt really really good.
V glanced down at him and smiled "does that feel good dear?" He asked, pushing the stray hairs back from Nathaniel's face
Nathaniel nodded, pushing his head into V's hand a bit rather like a cat or dog would.
He chuckled and petted his head "yes you do,"
Nathaniel smiled softly, enjoying V's touch. His hair seemed to puff up even more as it was played with.
V smiled "it's like a cloud," he patted Nathaniel's head gently and kissed his brow "my beautiful, fluffy baby." He cooed
"I'm not a baby…" Nathaniel whined softly, but still didn't move away from V's hand.
"Fine, not a baby. but you're still adorable and cute" he nuzzled Into his hair
Nathaniel sighed, shaking his head slightly. He huddled against V and got himself comfortable. "I love you…"
"I love you too angel." He kissed his head repeatedly before hugging him tight and burrying his head in the other's neck
Nathaniel grinned, his wings extending on their own. They really did seem to have a mind of their own sometimes, though they usually just reacted to his emotions.
He smiled softly and lightly traced Nathaniel's wings "my beautiful angel."
Nathaniel shivered a bit, chills going up his spine. "Mm… d-don't stop, please…" He said softly.
"I wouldt dream of it," he muttered softly against Nathaniels ear.
Nathaniel wrapped his arms around V's neck and bit his own wrist to keep quiet, his wings quaking against the other's fingers.
He glanced over at Nathaniel "what is it love, sensitive?" He laughed softly and traced the curves of the other's neck and spine
"Nnnn…" Nathaniel melted into V's touch, whimpering softly. His blush started steadily returning.
"that's a yes," he kissed the corner of Nathaniel's mouth and closed his eyes
"Don't tease me, you dick." Nathaniel kissed V back, trembling. His face was very red at this point.
He laughed aloud "I'm not love, I'm taking it slow. I after what we did last night I thought we might take it slow a bit."
"I don't mean we have to do that again right now, I mean kiss me properly." Nathaniel kissed V again.
He laughed and tilted his head so their lips met. V kissed him tenderly "there, is that what you wanted love?"
Nathaniel nodded slightly and kissed V's cheek before laying his head on the other's shoulder contentedly.
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