forum "Musical Predictions" | OxO | Male/Male Romance | Closed!
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Deleted user

"Oh my God, I'm so stupid! Why did I prod at his thoughts again?" Avon exclaimed, mad at himself for his mistake. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said what I did. He wrote in apology. Should I find a way to make it up to you?


(gtg soon, sorry. Will be back in about two hours)

dude, it's FINE. seriously. im just saying that i would rather not talk about it, that's all. nothing for you to apologize for. He sent back. there's nothing to make up, don't worry about it.

Deleted user

(I'll be returning in like, two days, so a warning from me, too.)

If you say so. You deserve better, though. Avon replied. He grasped the front of his shirt and growled at himself. Nik surely was a mystery.



I'm doing better than i used to, so. really, don't worry about it. there's a reason i said i didn't want to talk about it, and that was to stop the conversation from going in that direction. that's all. He sighed softly.

Deleted user

( yoo, back! going through a lot rn, how are you? )

Avon looked a little shocked. He actually drove the other to sort of demand something, and it made him extremely happy. Though, his words were sour. I apologize. Was the first thing he sent. How long have you had Smoke? He asked, after that. It was a great change-of-subject.


(yay! I'm doing good. Feeling kinda sick but I'm fine (there's also ppl with Coronavirus like…ten minutes from my house RIP))

He chuckled softly at the subject change. oh...about six months, i think. he's not quite a year old yet. He replied with a soft smile, reaching over to pet his kitten. Smoke stirred, opening his yellow eyes and opening his jaws wide in a yawn.

Deleted user

( Are you in the USA? Been trying to keep up with our situation and I dunno how we're doing- Also pls feel better- )

Youngsters, you gotta love them. Avon giggled as he sent that one. He could be thought of as young, but acted kind of old. He felt amused at the kitten's age, and thought of how youthful it was. Smoke was a lucky cat.


(yes. I'm in Omaha, and we're housing some of the worst American Coronavirus cases (: it's real exciting. My friends will cough and then say "welp looks like I've got Corona")

Nik smiled, and snapped a picture of Smoke's yawn, sending the picture to Avon. I think we woke him. he joked, chuckling softly to himself. He ran a hand through his hair.

Deleted user

( I felt like that yesterday lol. Flu-like symptoms and all! )

Oh my, babyyy. Good morning! Avon said, even though it was still night. He yawned, softly. "Dang, I'll fall asleep on him, I need to keep myself awake!" He mumbled, with frustration. He saved the adorable photo of Smoke, and smiled at it.


(yeah. that sucks, man!)

it's like...not morning yet. it is the OPPOSITE of morning. He sent back, laughing softly, then yawning. i gotta crash soon or im gonna be a bitch tomorrow. He got up from the couch, heading into his room to change into his pajamas.

Deleted user

Avon yawned again before he sent his last message for the night. Makes sense, I was praying I wouldn't fall asleep, dang classes drain my energy. Sweet dreams, Nik. He sent those words, before tossing his phone into the floor. He rolled over, and pulled a blanket over his nose. "He's awesome," He whispered.


Alright. Good night, Avon. He send back with a faint smile. He turned his phone off, and plugged it in, then finished getting ready for bed. He curled up on his bed to go to sleep, mind still turning over the events of the day.

Deleted user

( Good morning..! How are you..? )

Avon closed his eyes, and attempted to fall asleep. He had no further reason to remain awake, and sleeping would recharge his drained energy vaults. He eventually drifted off, and lost track of the night.

Deleted user

( everything but okay, still, but I'm trying. )

( also, kind of time limited. Should we time skip to morning? )

Deleted user

( I'll start off! And thanks, feeling a small bit better now. )

Avon yawned, rather loudly, as his eyes opened to the light of dawn. His thin curtains did no good for the darkness of the room. He went into his bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. "Another day, another me." He mumbled to himself.


(alright! Np. Also, is this the day of the concert, or nah?)

Nik woke up after a while, and padded out of his room. He ate breakfast, then went to the couch, getting his computer and beginning to work on his work. He hummed softly, turning on Pandora to listen to music as he worked.

Deleted user

( Sounds like a good idea. Sure! It'll have to be later at night so that Nik doesn't screw up at his job- )

Avon brushed his hair, gently combing it. He could have someone do it for him, but preferred doing things by himself. He smiled a little as it took shape, it looked much better when it was correct. He slowly broke into a montage of dancing, using the comb as a false mic. He loved that, it was always fun to him.


(alright cool)

Nik kept working. Smoke eventually padded over, curling up in Nik's lap with a soft meow. Nik reached down and petted Smoke gently, then went back to his work.

Deleted user

Dancing around the bathroom, Avon proceeded to reenter his room. Oh well, his appearance could be redone, but fun was limited to have. It was going to be a great day, and he was astounded about it. He took a few more playful bounds, and then rested on a small couch. "What a great, glorious day."


Nik continued working, lower lip catching between his teeth. He hummed softly to the music, left foot tapping lightly against the floor. Smoke stretched, curling into a ball and starting to fall asleep, curled in his owner's lap contentedly. Nik ran a hand through his hair, debating on whether or not to text Avon…he didn't think he should. He was working, after all, and Avon could be busy.

Deleted user

Avon thought of the day before, as he opened his mini-fridge. Dancing, and just waking up, made him tired again. He pulled out a little blueberry energy drink, and a muffin that corresponded to the flavor. He grinned at the items before opening the drink, taking in a huge swig of it. "I'm gonna be so busy this afternoon," He groaned.


Nik hummed softly still as he worked, head lightly moving to the beat, even as his foot tapped the floor in a steady, even rhythm. He sighed softly.

Deleted user

Avon dug into his muffin as his mind hit an idea. If he spoke to Nik now, he wouldn't have to be sad later. Niiik, my kitten friend, how are you? Did you sleep well underneath the stars? He typed out. He sent it, biting his lip as he hoped for a reply.