forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Logan has gotten more comfortable with Jackson and was talking with him happily, heads close together as they chatted about their professions and regular activities, while Raz glanced over at Jay “my love, are you okay? You’ve been quiet?” He asked softly, taking his hand beneath the table and rubbing small circles on his palm.


He tensed up a little before relaxing. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just not feeling very well." He really wasn't. He was panicking and nervous, he felt dizzy and like he was about to throw up from nerves.


Raz looked at him In genuine concern “do you want to go outside for a bit for fresh air? I’m sure these two wouldn’t mind a little time to themselves.” He offered, leaning against his shoulder and pressing a kiss to his hand


Jackson shot Jay a look. Don't. You. Dare. It's now or never. Jay gulped and took a deep breath. "No, I'll be okay. Actually, I wanted to tell you something…" Please God let this go well I'll do anything just let me have him.


Logan was now looking at them with concern but remained quiet
Raz tilted his head slightly “Alright, as long as you’re sure you’re alright. What’s your question?”


He gripped the box that held the ring in his pocket, feeling his heart pound as he turned to look at his love. Jackson fell silent, turning to watching them with a smile. You've got this. He smiled a little as he began. "Raz, I have had the absolute honor of loving you for the past 7 years. While I spend most of that time in places far away from you, I still loved and cared about you. And when I got back, you were still waiting for me. And the day I returned I said that I never wanted to let you go again. And I don't. It will kill me to have to walk away from you again. You're the love of my life, my prince, and the only person I could ever and will ever love. But every day is a toss up. One day I'm here the next I could be gone. And I couldn't go through that again. I want you stay to by my side for as long as we both shall live. So while I'm still here, I beg of you, answer me one question." He got down on one knee and opened the box, revealing a gorgeous ring. "Will you marry me?" Everything went silent, time itself seemed to stop as he waited for his answer.


Raz glanced up at Logan and Jackson as they turned to listen. Raz focused on Jay a small he started talking he covered his mouth as a small sob escaped him at the beautiful speech. He couldn’t even register the silence as he cried happily. After calming down a bit and looked up “oh! Sorry! Yes. Yes! I’ll marry you! He got off his chair and hugged Jay. He leaned into his ear to whisper only to him “for all of our lives and beyond my love.”


The restaurant cheered as Jay smiled in relief and hugged him back tightly. "I was so scared…" He was on the verge of tears. "I thought for sure you'd say no." He didn't want to let go, he just wanted to hold him in this moment of pure happiness and relief.


He nuzzled Into Jay’s shoulder and shook his head “why my love? What reason would I have to say no?” He asked, pressed a kiss to his cheek and hugging him tightly


"I don't know, it's too soon, I just got back, there's a couple reasons." He shrugged. "But we can talk about that later, I need to give you your ring. Jackson helped me pick it out." "Because he was about to consult some mall jeweler who would scam him rather than his actual jeweler friend who he's done nothing but gush to about his boyfriend. I had to step in." Jackson laughed.


Raz gave Jackson and grateful nod with a laugh. “Thank you Jackson.” He watched jay as he put the beautifully crafted band on his hand. He admired it with a smile and hugged jay again, giving him a long kiss


He gladly kissed him back, forcing his tears away. When he pulled back, he smiled. "Now then, we have an evening to finish." He let Raz get back into his chair before getting into his own. "See? Was that so bad?" Jackson smiled innocently at him. "Yes, it was agonizing."


Raz and Logan laughed. Raz took Jay’s hand and laced them back together. “You did great, darling.” He reassured, pressing a kiss to his cheek


"The waiting! The waiting for an answer! Oh it was torture!" He sighed heavily. "Can't say I'm not glad that I don't have to go through that again."


“I’m sorry, I couldn’t answer through all of the sudden emotion.” Raz laughed and leaned his head on Jay’s shoulder “you poor thing, I’m glad you went through with this, despite the cute embarrassing moment.”


"I kind of had to or else Jackson would've slapped me." "You've gushed to me about this boy for 7 years. If you backed out, I was going to start flipping tables."


Raz blushed and laughed when Jackson mentioned how Jay had talked about him.
Logan laughed "Good thing that won't happen, I don't think they'd allow us back in if that happened."
Raz nodded and took a sip of his water


"I hope you like the ring, I designed it myself." Jackson smiled at his handiwork. "Yeah, that jeweler friend he mentioned? That's him. Jackson's a jeweler. So he helped me with the ring choice."


He glanced up and nodded "it's beautiful, I've never seen anything like it. Thank you for both covincing him to propose and for the ring." raz said gratefully.
logan bounced over, now hyped up on soda instead of coffee and gushed over the ring, kneeling next to Raz as he looked the ring over, asking jackson about it. Raz smiled down at his friend, glad that he liked Jackson so much already.


Jackson gladly answered any questions he asked, a light pink dusting his cheeks. Jay definitely noticed and smiled a little. "I told you they'd get along."


Raz glanced over and smiled "defiantly. I think they'll need another wedding ring made soon." he winked and nudged against jay. "they look so cute." he whispered, watching as Logan rambled off questions while Jackson calmly answered


He laughed and nodded. "Definitely." He kissed his cheek softly. "Jackson's blushing. They're adorable." He whispered, his eyes going back and forth between them.


He nodded "how far do you think they'd get if we left them alone after we got home?" he smiled softly "I'd say possible cuddling. Aw, imagine that, two marshmallows cuddling."


"Yeah I can agree with you on that, that's an adorable image. But I know something he's going to pull. By the end of the night, Logan will have the flower that's in Jackson's hair. And I need to get that on film because that is going to be so cute."