forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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“Aw that’s gonna be adorable!” Raz squealed “He’s gonna be blushing like a crazy adorable mess!”


Raz kisses him back and nodded “I know, sorry. But they’re so cute!” He sighed softly and squeezed Jay hand “thank you. For everything.”


"Love, I'm just doing my job." He kissed the top of his head gently as they started getting ready to go. As they stepped out of the restaurant, Jackson paused. "Actually, I have something for you." He pulled the rose out of his hair and stuck it behind Logan's ear. "There. Now it's perfect."


Logan blushed beat red and tried to look anywhere but at Jackson “ah! u-uhm. T-tha-nk Y-ou….” he touched the rise by his ear and offered a smile “I’ll have to get you something next time we meet.” He said softly, blushing even more “that is if you want to meet! We don’t have to if you don’t want to!”
Raz practically bounced in place as they watched Jackson and Logan “oh. My. Freaking. God. They’re. So. CUTE!!!!”


Jackson laughed. "Of course I want to meet again! Why wouldn't I?" He offered a gentle smile, taking one of his hands.
Jay just smiled. "I told you so. Jackson is such a sucker for classic cliches."


“Something you two seem to have in common, huh?” Raz teased, pressing a kiss to Jay’s cheek and smiling as they watched
It took everything in Logan not to love feeling in his body as Jackson took his hand “ no reason… when would be a good time to meet?”


"Hey, don't judge the cheesiness, you're marrying it." He pouted and pecked his lips.
"Hmm, same time next week?" He picked his head up gently so he had to look him in the eyes. "Don't hide your face, your eyes are gorgeous."


“And happily as well.” Raz cupped Jay’s cheek and pulled him in for a longer kiss.
Logan peeking up Jackson when his hand was lifted and almost fainted “thanks…you too….” yes Logan…you too…cuz that makes sense….


He gladly kissed him back, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him close.
Jackson chuckled softly. "You don't think straight when you're flustered, do you?" He paused for a second. "Well, considering we're here, I don't think you think straight at all."


Logan shook his head and laughed awkwardly “no, not usually. Most of my thoughts aren’t straight… or make a lot of sense…” he scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment “and yeah, I can be here next week…not like a creepy stalker be here, more like a yeah casual be here…ya know?”


He smiled a little more. "You're cute when you're flustered." Jackson may be a marshmallow sweetheart but he was still a demon with all the powers of hell. He knew what he was doing.


Logan glanced down at the ground and shook his head “it’s night time and lights make everything look like a movie. I probably look like a blotchy mess if it were daytime.”


"Maybe so but you're still adorable." He pecked his cheek. "You're a movie star to me." He let go of him and bounded over to the other two.
Jay pulled back when he felt Jackson getting closer. "Oh, you two are finally done? I thought we'd have a bit more time."


Logan just stood there frozen in place after the kiss. Was he going too fast? Was he not going fast enough? He would be lying if he told himself he didn’t like the feeling of Jackson being so close.
Raz glanced up “don’t worry love, we’ll have more time later.” He kissed his cheek and walked over to Logan “you poor thing, come on, let’s get you some coffee.” He said, guiding Logan forward
“Razzy he kissed my cheek…and held my hand….”
“We saw, Lo. You were an adorable flustered mess.”


Jay shook his head with a smile. "You're like poison ivy someone snuck into a flower arrangement." "Hey! It's not my fault I'm good at my job!" "I'm not saying it is! But I am saying that Logan looks like he's about to fall over. You really don't hesitate with going for it, do you?" "It's now or never. Plus, he really is cute." "But remember what I said." "I know I know, I'll stay away from it."


Raz settles Logan down on a nearby bench and ordered two small mocha lattes from a Starbucks across the street. He brought one over to Logan and watched as he drank it with a smile. Logan rested his head on Raz’ shoulder “is this how you felt when you met Jay?” He asked softly
Raz glanced down and smiled “more or less. we had a few bumps in the road but we made it through.”


"But tell me something." "Fire away Jackson." "Is this how you felt when you met Raz?" Jay smiled a little. "Something like that. A little more rocky but we got past it. Why? Do you have a crush?" He teased. Jackson flushed red. "…maybe." "You do!" "I didn't say that!" "You basically said that."


Logan finished off the drink “we should probably be heading back home, huh?” Raz nodded “unless you want to go somewhere else, yeah.
Logan thought for a moment “I would offer late night laser tag but I’m not sure the other two can take us on.” Raz laughed already living the challenge. “Maybe.”


"Did someone say laser tag?" Jay looked up at the other two. "Don't challenge us, that's a recipe for disaster." He smirked at Raz slightly. You don't challenge a demon to laser tag, they'll beat you so bad that even getting one point off them is a victory.


Raz and Logan walked over, arm in arm to keep mostly Logan from toppling over. Raz smirked with a casual shrug “yeah, but ignore its too much of a challenge for you two then I guess we can just go home.”


"Oh no no no, you brought it up, now you'll have to deal with it." Jackson simply smiled when the two walked over. "Raz, you don't challenge us to laser tag unless you want your ass kicked so hard you can't walk."


Raz smiled innocently “care to prove it?” He asked with a quirked eyebrow, glancing over at Logan, who was still blushing but managed to nod


“Deal.” Raz and Logan got into the car, Raz in the driver seat because he knew the way to the nearest late night laser tag area and Logan curled up in Thebes back, jittery from the coffee and the excitement