forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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He huffed slightly and leaned into Jay Before taking his hand and dragging him where Logan was waiting on the street corner “come on you two! We’re gonna be late!”


Logan pulled open the door to building and led them inside. Once on the second floor, he set his things down and went into the back room to set up for his appointments. Raz went over to a little corner where Logan usually did his office work and looked at the pictures he had put up recently, to his embarrassment, a few were of Raz reading at home with barely anything on save for a thin shirt and very short shorts


He rested his head on Raz's shoulder, looking at the screen and let out a low whistle. "Damn, you wore something like that? And didn't show me? I'm offended."


He blushed deeply “it was a hot day. We just moved into the apartment so we didn’t really have a an air conditioning unit installed yet so we just hung around the apartment with as little clothing as possible.” He glanced up at Jay and shook his head with a softly smile “well now you can see them here.” He kissed his cheek and started walking to the elevator


He rolled his eyes playfully and shook his head “maybe, maybe not~” he teased, pushing the button to go up.


He rolled his eyes with a smile. What he wouldn't give to pin him to the elevator wall and show him what for. But he simply straightened his flannel and started on his way home.


Raz jogged over and gave Jay a quick, sweet kiss. “I’ll see you in a few hours, try not to get into trouble.” He bounced out of reach before slipping into the elevator and disappearing behind closed doors


Raz Andy Logan has been at work for a two hours now. Logan has met with 3 clients so far and had booked a few appointments for next week while Raz had poured over book after book, editing them and revising the stories slightly for new up and coming authors. They both agreed to take a break in Logan’s studio since he needed Raz’s help picking out new pictures for a photo shoot he was going’s to do in the next month


Jay stayed at home, cleaning up and doing a bit of reorganizing like a good housemate demon. He tried to relax but anytime he tried to just chill for more than five minutes, he started to feel guilty, like he was being useless. His workaholic state was returning to him.


Raz decided to call Jay while Raz went across the street to but coffee and donuts.
"hey love, whatcha doing? if you're bored, me and Lo are having a break. You can come over..oh no…Lo we talked about this! No XL coffees!"


He smiled a little when he heard Raz's difficulty. He knew what was going on. In fact, he was watching it. He was in that coffee shop, deciding he needed to get out of the house and wanted to see his love again. "Oh hey, I'm not doing much. Just watching these two guys in this shop who really seem to be at ends with each other. One trying to keep the other in line like an exasperated mother, it's kinda funny."


"Really?…..sounds familiar! Logan J masters, I swear to god all mighty if you drink hat whole thing I will wake you up with frying pans and a spatula and a fire siren at four in the morning! don't you dare drink that whole thing! Hey!" raz was cut off, replaced by Logan who was giggling
"Hey Jay! tell your boyfriend to calm down, I'm fine. I have an XL every week without him knowing at it hasn't killed me yet so there's really nothing he should be worried about. ah-!" raz had caught Logan and pinned him to the ground, taking the phone back as well as the coffee. He took a taunting sip "Come quick love, I may need your help finishing this off..ack, tastes like burnt sugar." Logan could be heard in the background begging for his coffee and to be let up, "Razzy! no!!!! coffee~"


He tried not to crack up laughing, knowing Raz would see him if he did. "Okay, now they're on the floor. This is going somewhere." He couldn't help but chuckle. "Love, look up." If he did, he'd see Jay in the back, just waving with a giant amused grin on his face.


Raz, confused while also trying to keep the coffee away from Logan, peeked up out the window, only to see Jay waving with a huge smile on his face "oh….hi love….how long were you there for?" yelping aloud as Lo managed to get ahold of the coffee and flip raz onto his back "ow but the way!"


"About 15 minutes. Aka, long enough to watch this entire thing go down. I was wondering if you'd ever notice me." He walked over from his corner, taking a bite of the muffin he'd gotten. He paused and snatched the coffee from Logan's hand. "You let my boyfriend up, I'll let you have it back." He chuckled.


Logan paused, staying onto of Raz like a puppy and thought over his options. "Only if he promises not to wake me up at four with frying pans and a spatula…and sirens." he said, pouting adorably and reaching for his coffee


He pulled it out of his reach and looked at Raz. "The ball's in your court, babe. This is up to you now." His grin had never faded, finding this highly amusing.


raz had managed to prop himself up on his elbows "fine…I won't wake you up at four with any of those things. Just please don't drink that all in one go." he looked at Logan and tilted his head
"Deal, i usually save this for days anyways so oki!" Logan got up and reached for his coffee again, his eyes large and round.
Raz nodded and jay and found the donuts they had bought and offered him one


He couldn't help but laugh. "If it was legal here, I'd let you marry this coffee but I guess I'll just settle for letting you drink it." He handed the coffee to Logan and took the donut Raz offered, repaying him with a sweet kiss. "Thank you, my love."


"Oh honey, me and coffee, we're far past the marriage stage." he winked and took a long sip, using the straw to eat some of the whip cream.
Raz laughed and shook his head with a smile, leaning into jay as he kissed him "no problem, hope you like pumpkin spice."


"Oh! I've been meaning to say this. I called Jackson this morning to see if he'd be willing to come meet Sir Caffeine over there and turns out he's actually going to be in town this afternoon for a business trip and can swing by to say hello. Who knows? Maybe it's the spark of something new?" He shrugged with a hopeful smile.