forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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He slid his hands down to Jay's abdomen, never going lower than the waistline. His tongue flicked out to tease at Jay's as the kiss deepened


He smirked against his lips, taking the opportunity given to slip into his mouth, exploring the space. He had a feeling it was going to end quickly since Raz himself said he wasn't ready for it yet and he would be perfectly fine with that.


He hummed softly before gently pulling away with a smile and sliding his hands up over to his chest. He pressed their heads together “I love you Jay.”


"I love you too Raz." He squeezed his hips softly, smiling to himself. What the hell had he done to deserve someone like Raz who would treat him so well despite what he was?


He pressed a sweet final kiss to his lips before fully standing from his lap and going back to his bedroom to find a backpack. He came back and wrapped his arms around Jay’s neck. “What are you going to do while we’re at work?” He asked, nuzzling into his neck


“You’re not completely useless love.” He kissed his cheek and found his black jacket in the living room. He slipped in on and tidied up the kitchen before sitting back down at the table to wait for Logan


Raz smiled adoringly and settled comfortably on top of Jay, his legs hook around his side and his head resting on his shoulder, his hood pulled on over his hair. “Meh, I’ll give you a 9 out Of 10 on the comfort level


Raz laughed “I didn’t know we were going off of decimals love!” He argued lightly stretching out against Jay before relaxing


Raz looked up with a grin and tapped at Jay’s lips. “Now you’re just making me feel bad, love” he reached up a kissed his lips before pushing himself up and running a hand through his hair “I wish I could stay with you love but I’ve already called out yesterday.”


“Neither will I darling, but it must me done if we wish to eat.” He leaned down and kissed him once more before Logan came back in skin tight jeans and a crop top. “Alright, I’m ready! You coming with us Jay?”


“I work as an editor, Lo works as a photographer on the 2nd story of the publishing building.” Raz explained, shouldering his backpack and handing Logan his camera and bag.
Logan nodded “yeah, just thought you might want to walk with us instead of staying here.”


“Yay! Now you can see all the embarrassing photos I took of Razzy!”Logan bounced ahead while Raz shook his head with a deep flush as he pooped his arm with Jay’s “yeah…I’m thinking of confiscating the camera if he keeps doing that.” He threatened teasingly


(Erm…read that again but slower)
"Maybe that coffee was a bad idea." He laughed. "Come on love, don't be such a buzzkill. Besides, I'm quite interested in these images he's collected."


(….le sigh…..i meant looped… phone meant that..excuse me while I throw my phone across the room…)
He sighed softly and shook his head "He takes way too many…and they're all cringy." he chuckled softly . "The coffee will wear off in an hour, he'll be fine."


"No! Lo's great at taking pictures but I just suck at being a subject, all of them make me look like a brooding, teenager!" He whined, leaning into Jay.


Raz glared at Jay and narrowed his eyes slightly before a small blush appeared on his cheeks "I do not….and even i do, I have my reasons."